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Name: Janset Alpay Mahmud 11D

,,The perfect school”

The perfect school should be well organized. The lessons should be distributed so that be
comfortable for the teachers and for the students. The subjects should be selected for
students according to their interests, because everyone has different dreams about
professional realization in society.
The building should also be big enough to arrange the classes and should include all
facilities that a good school needs to give the students for better education. There should be
sports grounds and gardens where the students can refresh their mind during the breaks and
also a canteen with fresh and healthy food and everyone can afford it.
The teachers should be able to prepare the lessons as interesting as possible and must be
concerned about the students. They should help the students solve not only for learning
problems but also for all the social problems and be capable enough to motivate the
students to study effectively. The students should understand each other and there should be
no bullying between them. The uniforms are both good for schools and for the students. The
wearing uniforms will help improve student individuality and can make students feel equal.

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