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Emily Cart

EDS 327

Professor Hall


Philosophy of Education

I believe the purpose of education is to provide students with the necessary knowledge

and life skills to be functioning adults who will, hopefully, excel at life. Part of this is providing

students with a well-rounded education where students are put first. Teaching to students’

strengths and interests is far more important than teaching to any test. Teachers should provide a

nurturing space for students to learn and grow during the crucial years of high school before they

are released out into the real world. Students should know your room is safe for them to express

themselves, but also a place where rudeness, disrespect, or laziness will not be tolerated. In the

mindset of the ideals of republican motherhood, a movement started in 1700’s Puritan colonies,

education serves to create well informed citizens.

The teacher must meet all of the required standards of their content, that is a simple fact.

However, in the teaching of these standards teachers need to be aware of students interests and

strengths so that lessons are planned accordingly. If a teacher does this, their students will be

more engaged and will get more out of the lesson. The teacher is a bridge between the content

and the student. We must lead them to the knowledge so that they can make meaningful

connections and opinions later in life. To do this we must make personal connections with our

students. Knowing them on a personal level will also help them feel more comfortable in your

class and will help them be more engaged.

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Students are expected to put their best effort into their learning in all subjects. If they

show difficulty the teacher should approach them to provide assistance, or when they start to

slide, the student should have the initiative to come to the teacher to seek additional help.

Remedial periods help in this process. Students should follow the rules provided by the teacher

and strive to meet classroom goals. Learning is a team effort; both the teachers and students must

actively work together towards common goals for the students to succeed.

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