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Lintas Talang
Mekar Jaya
Muaro Jambi
January 26,2023

Subject: Job Application Letter

Bintang TV

Dear Sir/Madam,

I applied for a job in this position as a Public Relations Officer, I found out about the
vacancy from Instragram Bintang TV on January 24, 2023. I am an expert in the TV
industry and I am able to work individually or in a team.

I graduated from SMK Negeri 2 Jambi City majoring in Software Engineering, I am

an expert in coding, I have a BNSP certificate.

I like working in the television industry and I have experience working at SCTV for
2.5 years, I have presentation skills in English both orally and in writing.

I hope we can have a good teamwork, if you need me, feel free to call me at +62
89512372825 or email me Thank you for your time, I
look forward to your answer.

Sincerely your,

Dwi Endah Ayu Prawesti

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