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Assessment of Data Privacy of Student’s Outputs on Blackboard

1. The data privacy features of black board

According to the data we gathered respondents agree/believe that blackboard provides strong
security and uses several methods to protect the students data output which include data
encryption, firewalls and tracking personal information on the outputs of students, teachers, and

2 security of data privacy of students out puts in black board

Data proves that respondents agree that blackboard always consider Users encounter consent forms
before proceeding in filling out forms and Blackboard run regular update to enhance recent security
feature enhancements and always ready for potential security problems that may occur

3 School policy on data privacy in blackboard

According to the data we gathered most of the respondents disagree on school policy data
privacy in blackboard to prevent Taking pictures or screenshots without permission of the
professors during online discussion and Submitting outputs or data in social media.


This study found out that the respondent agree that the data privacy features of blackboard is tough
and Blackboard is committed to providing secure applications. What more is that Blackboard is
dedicated to quickly and carefully resolving security flaws. Blackboard ask that vulnerabilities be
appropriately and securely reported so they can investigate and respond in order to protect their
student and their data.

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