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e220449 Edoardo Bruna 14/01/2023

Lesson #1
In my last first law lesson at university, I learned about the difference between rules
and laws and the importance of having laws in our modern society through a unique and
engaging game. The game, called “The Pencil-And-Pen Game”, began with the class being
given no rules to follow, making it impossible for us to play the game; then, the professor
provided us with a set of guidelines to abide by, which were confusing and difficult to
understand. As we progressed through the game, the rules began to change and evolve, and
it became clear that some of the rules were not being followed by the professor, who was
acting as the "lawmaker" for the game. The game concluded with the professor assigning the
victory to a random student, even though he wasn’t the one who came up with the correct

This experience helped to illustrate the importance of laws in our modern society, as
it allowed me to see firsthand the confusion and chaos that can occur when rules are not
clearly defined or are not being followed. It also highlighted the importance of having a
system to enforce laws and ensure that everyone follows them.
Furthermore, the game also taught me about the concept of corruption. The professor's not
following the rules demonstrated how individuals in positions of power could abuse their
authority and bend the rules to their advantage. This was a powerful reminder of the need
for checks and balances in any legal system to prevent corruption and ensure that laws are
applied fairly and justly.

Overall, the game was an extremely beneficial learning experience, as it helped me

understand the importance of laws in our modern society and how they can be corrupted. It
also helped me appreciate the importance of a fair and just legal system and individuals' and
institutions' role in upholding the law. The game was an interactive and memorable way to
learn about the topic, which I will remember for a long time.

In addition to the points mentioned above, the game also highlighted the complexity
of the legal system and the many different factors that must be considered when creating
and enforcing laws. We were able to see how various laws and regulations can intersect and
impact one another and how difficult it can be to create a legal system that is fair and just
for all individuals.

Furthermore, the game also helped me to appreciate the importance of legal

education and the role that lawyers and legal professionals play in our society. Through this
game, I saw how legal knowledge and skills are necessary for interpreting and applying laws
and how lawyers and other legal professionals are essential for ensuring that individuals and
organisations can navigate the legal system effectively.
The game also showed me the negative impacts of laws that are not well written, poorly
enforced or not adaptable to changing circumstances. This made me understand the
importance of having laws that are clear and easy to understand and that can adapt to
changing circumstances. This is particularly important in a rapidly changing world where
technology and society constantly evolve. Laws that can't adapt will become obsolete and

e220449 Edoardo Bruna 14/01/2023

Overall, my last first law lesson at university was a valuable and enlightening
experience. It taught me the difference between rules and laws and the importance of
having laws in our modern society; it gave me a deeper understanding of the legal system,
the role laws play in maintaining order and justice in society, and the dangers of corruption.
The game was an engaging and interactive way to learn about the topic and helped me
appreciate the complexity and importance of the legal system. I am grateful for the
opportunity to have learned in such an interactive way, and I look forward to further
exploring the topic in my future law classes.

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