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Big and juicy tomatoes all the year around

It was these smaller fruited plants that were then later domesticated in Mesoamerica
(around 7,000 years ago) into our modern tomato. In the 16th and 17th centuries, early

Unfortunately, the pace of modern life obliges us to give up spending time in nature, dedicated to both
recreation and cultivation of organic products on our own plots. However, at the same time, the fashion
for a healthy diet and all related products is only on the rise, and we understand that it would be good to
combine healthy foods with work. Many landowners in this regard have made a rather non-trivial
decision: to start growing vegetables in a greenhouse, for themselves. In this article, we will talk about the
difficulties that will have to be faced.

Which way is more productive

In a greenhouse shelter, these plants bring a crop: about 2-3 weeks earlier than in the open field; 2.5 times
the standard yield. So, from the moment of planting this crop, it will take an average of 120 days to ripen
the crop, while one square meter of area gives about 15-20 kilograms of tomatoes.
seafaring explorers brought the domesticated tomato back to European populations, where
it was received with mixed emotions.

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