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1 Future of the Internet

2 How does the Internet cross the ocean?

3 Most of what you see on the internet, including possibly this article, travels to you from
4 underwater. In fact, 99% of all international data is transferred through a labyrinth of cables
5 stretching across the floor of the world's oceans.

6 There are 229 of them, each no thicker than a soda can.

7 It's a method that goes back more than a century. In 1886, the ship SS Great Eastern was the
8 first to lay a continually successful transatlantic cable. Cables are still the technology of choice
9 today, even over satellites, primarily because of their stability and reliability, despite the odd
10 shark bite. Ever wondered what that might look like on a map? The Oxford Internet
11 Institute has charted the world's fibre-optic connections, imagined as a metro system.


13 Though simplified (it doesn't show all of the cable networks under the Gulf of Mexico or South
14 and East China Sea, for example), the map shows a number of interesting connection hubs.
15 The United States is the most connected country on Earth, with cables that link it to most
16 other continents. The United Kingdom, Senegal and Nigeria also boast large connection hubs.
17 In another map, made by Telegeography, you can see the 278 in-service cables, along with 21
18 planned routes. You can also see an interactive version here.


20 (Fuente:

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