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Ascended Master Answers

Birth trauma and your approach to earth

 Question: I have been on the path for a long time, and I fully understand and
accept the concept of free will and separate selves that react. But I still feel to-
tally vulnerable to the energies and aggression of people. Even if I do not accept
what they say and do to me, I still can’t escape their attacks. It is like I am
standing in front of them, completely naked, and I cannot stand up to an attack,
I cannot defend myself. Despite a fairly developed consciousness, this does not
help me. I still feel a lot of pain from almost every interaction with the world. I
interact very actively and try to express my Christhood, expressing myself in
love, light and dedication. I still cannot get used to the fact that people react
and act aggressively and reject me, reject my love. Although I understand this,
it is always a certain shock and sharp pain. Please show me what I may not see,
what selves it may be, and what I can do to free myself from this excessive sen-
sitivity and vulnerability.

Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer
was given during the 2021 Webinar – Ending the Era of Ideology.

Well, my beloved, what you are describing is the experience that most avatars that
have come to earth have had. You come here with the intention to help people. You
are doing this out of love and wanting to set them free. And then, when you attempt
to show them, or explain to them how they can be free, they either ignore you, but in
many cases, they aggressively reject you, want to put you down, want to silence you,
want to make you wrong, or they even attack you physically.

This is an experience that all of us who have come as avatars have had. That at some
point, we faced this shock that, even though we are here to help people, they do not
want our help and they reject us and they aggressively try to silence us. This is what,
for most people, was the experience that caused what we have called the cosmic
birth trauma—the first major trauma you received after coming to earth. It may
have taken various different forms for various people. But there was always that
sense of shock of the fact that you are coming, and you are being non-aggressive, but
you are being met with an aggressive reaction.
What you really need to do is use the tools and teachings we have given to try to un-
cover the birth trauma. Not in the sense that you just understand it intellectually, but
that you actually experience it. And go through the process of seeing the self that
was created as a result of birth trauma, and letting that self die. And even seeing
what other selves were created, in order to defend yourself, or to avoid having the
same experience ever again.

These are important tools. But you also need to do what this messenger has been do-
ing since he got in contact with his original birth trauma, and let go of it. And that is
he has been actually realizing that the reason why he experienced that trauma was
that he came to earth with a certain attitude, certain expectations, a certain mindset.
And this was what he needed to look at and free himself from, in order to be free of

What I recommend is that you use the tools, you especially use my visualization for
going through different layers, getting back to that theater where you are on the
stage and you see these separate selves. But you also ask for my help and you con-
template in your own mind also, what is my basic attitude to earth? What do I think
I am here for, what do I think I should accomplish, what do I think should happen on
earth? What is my basic attitude to people? What do I think they should or should
not be doing? How do I think they should respond to me?

And then you need to recognize here that it is not that an avatar is not here to make
a positive change on earth. But an avatar is also here to learn something from being
on earth. And what you need to learn from earth is what you had not learned on a
natural planet, what you had not seen in yourself on a natural planet, especially re-
lating to free will. Many avatars have the attitude that you think you actually respect
free will because you would not force somebody else, and you are not being aggres-
sive towards them. And therefore, you feel that other people should not be aggres-
sive towards you.

But first of all, you need to recognize here, that on a planet like earth, there is no
guarantee of this. It is very true that Jesus said: “Do unto others what you want them
to do to you.” But he did not say that if you do not do certain things to others, they
will not do the same things to you. He never said that. And that is because of free
will, and a lower level of consciousness on earth, no guarantee that if you do not
treat other people aggressively, they will not treat you aggressively. You need to rec-
ognize this.

And you need to come to accept that that is not only a matter of free will, but the
state of the collective consciousness on this planet. If you have this expectation in
yourself, that you should not be treated aggressively when you are not aggressive, it
is an unrealistic expectation. It was very realistic on a natural planet, but it is not re-
alistic on an unnatural planet.

You need to look at: Why do you have this belief? Where does it come from? What
does it say about your actual attitude to free will, and that you do not fully accept
free will? Because, if you fully accepted free will, you would not have the expecta-
tion that people should not treat you a certain way. You cannot have that if you fully
accept free will.

This messenger has gone through a process, a gradual process of realizing that he
did not fully accept free will when he came. He was not aggressive, and he would not
force others. But he did not fully accept free will. And therefore, he had certain ex-
pectations. And those expectations caused him to react a certain way, when he was
met with rejection and aggressiveness on earth. And in order to be free of that reac-
tionary pattern, he needed to look at the expectation, the attitude to the planet, to
people, to people in duality, to fallen beings, and investigate this entire mindset that
actually brought him to earth, that caused him to decide to descend to a planet like

And this is what you all need to do, who are avatars, in order to be free of this
planet, and rise above the mindset that brought you here. Because the mindset that
brought you here cannot take you away from here, it can only keep you here, until
you have transcended it, because that is what you really wanted to accomplish by
coming here.

Yes, you wanted to have a positive impact on the planet. But, how do you have a pos-
itive impact on the planet? Not by changing other people, but by changing yourself.
You have a positive impact on the planet by overcoming any pattern in your own
psychology. Thereby, you pull up on the collective. Thereby, you make it possible that
some people will also be able to transcend their own psychology.

There will also be some that will not, and they are the ones who are aggressive. But
you cannot let them dominate your experience on earth. And therefore, you need to
free yourself from these patterns, so that you can stand in front of their aggression.
You can stand naked, in front of them. But it does not paralyze you, it does not pain

This messenger has since early childhood in this lifetime, and certainly in other life-
times as well, had that same experience, that he felt an inner prompting to approach
people, to be active, to be outgoing, to do something positive. But almost every inter-
action with other people caused him a certain pain in his heart. And he has not got-
ten over it until he started looking at these very deep issues that brought him here.
His attitude to what he was supposed to accomplish, what was supposed to happen
or not happen to him on earth.

And it is the same thing for all of us. We have to examine this. What brought us here,
and that will then allow us to transcend it, to let those selves die, to let those beliefs
die, and to simply feel free, feel free to leave the earth, even if you have not accom-
plished anything on earth. Even if you have not fulfilled any part of the vision you
had that caused you to want to go here, what you thought you could accomplish. You
can still leave the earth behind in peace and say: “I have had enough of the experi-
ences I can have on this planet.” It is possible.

Many of you are not nearly as far away from it as you think. Even though you may
still feel the pain, and still feel the hopelessness of why will it not go away with all
the work you have done on yourself—all the psychological work, all the spiritual
work and you still feel this pain. Why will it not go away?

But nevertheless, many of you are much closer than you think to making that, often
a very subtle shift, where you change the way you look at life on earth. And you real-
ize that nothing ultimately matters on an unnatural planet. And if nothing ultimately
matters, nothing defines you. And if nothing defines you, why should anything on
earth define how you experience being on earth?

And it is only when you can be on earth, be exposed to the aggressiveness of other
people, be exposed to the very things that gave you the cosmic birth trauma, and you
have no reaction to it, that you are truly free.

And you can all achieve it. Believe me, you can all achieve it by using the tools, not in
a mechanical way, but in a creative way, by asking for our help, by being willing to
continue to look deeper and deeper, to look behind this belief. Look behind the next
belief, and continue until you get to the very core of how you approach being on a
planet like earth. It is only when you free yourself from your approach to earth, that
you can depart earth.

Copyright © 2021 Kim Michaels

 June 18, 2021  About Avatars, Birth Trauma and Separate Selves, Healing, Psychological, Speaking
© Ascended Master Answers

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