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Case Study Analysis

MARCH 25, 2023

STUDENT ID: 21044304
Case Study Home Activity

Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3

Assumptions........................................................................................................................... 3

Visual Representation............................................................................................................ 3

Descriptive Statistics..............................................................................................................4

Total number of guests stayed at the hotel during the holiday season...................................4

Suit with the highest sales and more in demand....................................................................5

The average number of bronze suites booked in the holiday season.....................................5

Recommendations................................................................................................................. 5

Case Study Home Activity


Descriptive analysis is a statistical method that involves describing and summarizing the

data through various statistical measures. In this case, we will use visual graphics and

descriptive analysis to understand the behaviour of hotel tourists in different seasons based

on the data provided.

First, we can compute some descriptive statistics like the mean, median, mode, range, and

standard deviation of the data for each of the Gold, Silver, and Bronze suits. These statistics

help us understand the data's central tendency, variability, and distribution.


Since no sales data is given in the data, we will assume that the profit from each sale is

negligible to compare the three suits efficiently.

Visual Representation

One possible way to visualize the data is by using a line graph to show the trend of each

category (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) over the date.

5 Star Hotel Guest Count Gold

Guest Count

ec ec ec ec ec ec ec ec ec ec ec Ja
1-D 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-D 6-D 7-D 8-D 9-D 0-D 1-D 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3

Case Study Home Activity

Fig. Line graph 5 Star Hotel Guest Count

Descriptive Statistics

Further, we can calculate descriptive statistics to analyze the Hotel Tourist data. Below are

the main descriptive statistics for the data

Gold  Silver  Bronze  Overall

Mean 35.56 44.56 60.06 46.7
Standard Error 1.57 1.84 1.13
Median 36 43 60
Mode 35 37 63
Standard Deviation 6.31 7.39 4.52
Sample Variance 39.86 54.66 20.46
Minimum 23 36 52 23
Maximum 46 58 68 68
Sum 569 713 961 2243
Count 16 16 16
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

From the table, we can see that based on the mean, Bronze suits sales are the highest

occupancy rate for the hotel, followed by Silver and Gold.

We can also observe that the Bronze category has the least seasonal variation, as indicated

by its low standard deviation. On the other hand, the Gold category has the highest seasonal

variation, as indicated by its higher standard deviation.

Also, from the table, it is evident that in the past, on a single day, the minimum number of

tourists was 23, and the maximum number of tourists was 68.

Total number of guests stayed at the hotel during the holiday season

From the values calculated in table 1, the total number of guests who stayed in the hotel

room during the holiday season is 2243, with 569 guests in Gold, 713 in Silver, and 961 in

Bronze suits.

Case Study Home Activity

Suit with the highest sales and more in demand

From the values calculated in table 1, the Bronze suit is the most demanding suit, with 961

guests in the holiday season and thus has the highest sales.

The average number of bronze suites booked in the holiday season

On average, 60.06 bronze suites were booked during the holiday season.


Based on the above insights, the management can opt for the following improvements to

prepare for staff and other resources:

Since the average sales of the Bronze and Silver suites are higher than the mean Gold suit,

it may be more efficient for the management to allocate more staff and resources towards

increasing the availability of Bronze and Silver suites for customers. This could include

training staff to highlight the features and benefits of Bronze and Silver suites. The staff can

keep more resources in stock to meet exceptional demand for these suites and dedicate

more marketing resources towards promoting these suites.

As the standard deviation of Silver suite sales is higher than that of Gold and Bronze suites,

it is essential to prepare for additional resources to handle the potential variance in sales.

This could include having extra staff available during peak sales or developing a strategy for

using unused resources in cased suite sales is lower than expected.

As the premium Gold suite sales are lower than other suites, it may be worth exploring ways

to encourage customers to upgrade to higher-tier suites. This could include offering

incentives to customers who purchase higher tier suites and training staff better to highlight

the benefits of these suites to potential customers.

Overall, the insights gained from this data could be used to decide staffing needs, employee

training decisions, and efficient resource management.

Case Study Home Activity

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