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Unit 3


The environment (compound nouns)

1 Write the compound nouns.
1 greenhouse gases 6 climate change
2 household rubbish 7 recycling bins
3 electric cars 8 carbon footprint 4 5 6
4 solar energy 9 endangered animals
5 plastic pakaging 10 fossil fuels 1 The c h i l d m i n d e r is playing a
game with Sara.
2 Complete the sentences.
2 The p i l o t had to make a very difficult
1 We have three recycling bins in our
house: one for plastic, one for paper and card, and
3 The buildings are building a new
one for glass.
house for our family.
2 I buy fruit and vegetables from the market so that I
4 A carpenters is making a chair for my
don’t use so much plastic packaging .
3 My electric cars is quite low because
5 The plumber is fixing our sink.
I don’t drive and I have never flown to a different
6 An architech is designing a new
gym for our school.
4 When people burn , it puts
a lot of greenhouse gases into the air. 5 Complete the email with the occupations below.
5 There are a lot of endangered animals in the
chef ​dentist ​journalist  ​lawyer ​optician ​
world today – tigers are one of them. pilot ​surgeon ​vet
6 The light and heat from the sun gives
us solar energy .
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Extra: Global issues Hi Pablo,
We had a careers day at school yesterday and
3 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? I’m trying to decide what job I’d like to do in the
1 Poverty is when people do not have future so I’m emailing for some help. I’d quite
enough money. T  F like to be a 1  lawyer because they earn a
2 Pollution is when the air or the lot of money, but I think it would be a boring
environment is dirty. T F job. A 2  a pilot would be an exciting job
3 If a lot of people in one country get because you get to fly all over the world, and a
3 a journalist
a virus, it’s a pandemic. T F would be exciting too, because
4 Homelessness is when people live on you get to interview famous people. But I’d also
like to be a 4  chef because I love
the streets and not in a house. T F
5 If men and women do the same job
but get different pay, there is What do you think? I remember that you
gender equality. T F wanted to be a 5  vet to help animals.
That would be a good job, or an 6  optician
6 Racism is when we treat people of
to help people with their eyes or a 7  dentist
different races the same. T F to help them with their teeth. And to really help
7 Animal rights are when we care for people and to save lives, a 8  surgeon would
animals and give them a good life be a really good job – and they earn a lot of
without pain. T F money.
Write soon and tell me your ideas!
Occupations Mika
4 Look at the photos. Complete the occupations. REPLY Reply

1 2 3 For me, these exercises were …  easy  OK  difficult

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