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A 31-Day Journal of GOD’s Promises

for Teens

"This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Write in a

book all the words I have spoken to you.’” ~
Jeremiah 30:2


Copyright © 2012 Author Name
Copyright © 2010 Andrea C. Collins
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

ISBN: 10:1483967271
ISBN-13: 978-1483967271

I DEDICATE THIS BOOK TO … My children, Aaron and

Jordan. The two of you are my greatest sources of
encouragement, support, and inspiration. It’s because of
you I have experienced accomplishments beyond my natural
abilities, victories beyond my physical strength, and love
beyond my wildest dreams.
I love you and I am forever grateful to GOD for allowing me
to be the vessel HE used to birth you into this world. Go
forth and fulfill your destiny.

As I reflect on my teenage years, I remember experiencing a

feeling of loneliness. Was I really alone? No, but it was a
trick of the Devil to make me feel as though I were.
Thankfully, I was reared in a Christian home, with Godly
principles instilled in me at an early age. Had it not been for
the Lord on my side, and the strong family foundation I was
reared in, I don’t know where I would be today. I hate to
think of the lies I may have allowed the Devil to plant and
remain in my mind, heart, and spirit.
Many times, the Lord was speaking to me, but I was
unaware of His still, soft voice. Were the things I was feeling
in my heart just feelings? Were the ideas and things I was
seeing for my future just a young dreamer, a young
imagination, or was it the Spirit of the Lord showing me a
glimpse of His divine plan for my life?
I very often wish that I had taken the time to write down all
of the dreams and visions I had as a young girl. I wish I had
a way to look back into those days to refresh my memory of
all of God’s precious promises He spoke to me during my
quiet times.
It is my prayer that you will use this journal as a daily tool to
keep a record of God’s spoken and revealed Words to you,
your dreams, visions, goals, hopes, and answered prayers
As you spend quality devotional time with the Lord, allow
the words on each page of this journal to minister to you.

Refer back often to the pages you have written and be

mindful to share your testimonies of victory and faith to
other youth!


Minister Andrea
“God's loy al love couldn't have run out, His merciful love couldn't have dried up. They 're
created new every morning. How great y our faithfulness! I'm sticking with God (I say it over
and over). He's all I've got left.”
~ Lamentations 3:22-24 (The Message Bible)
Waking up to a new day is such a wonderful blessing! The Word of GOD
tells us that we awaken, each and every morning, to brand new mercies!
Regardless of how smooth or how bad yesterday may have been, today I
am granted mercies that I’ve never had before! As I open my eyes and give
Him thanks, His love greets me with open arms. I have another day to
make my relationship with Him better. I have another day to share His
Word and His wonderful plan of salvation to my family, my friends, my
classmates, and my neighbors. Start each day with an attitude of praise
and worship. Welcome the Holy Spirit to be with you as you go forth in
Dear God,
“So be content with who y ou are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is
on y ou; he'll promote y ou at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is
most careful with y ou.” ~ I Peter 5:6-7 (The Message Bible)
With the media (television, magazines, internet) pushing constant images
of stick-thin, straight long-haired, muscular, designer-wearing models to
the forefront; it is very easy to pinpoint all of our own personal flaws. It
is not unheard of to wish to have the looks or the fame and fortune of
those we read about or see on our favorite television stations. But, GOD
has the final say! At His appointed time, He will provide the promotion.
He has made us in His image and in His likeness. Therefore, we are not to
try to be anything or anyone that GOD has not shaped or made us to be.
Everything that GOD made, He called ‘good’!

Dear God,
“A gentle answer will calm a person's anger, but an unkind answer will cause more anger ” ~
Proverbs 15:1 (New Century Version)
Because we are all human, it is not uncommon for us to have
disagreements and arguments with others. However, participating in
verbal disputes is not the way to handle these situations. Staying calm
while dealing with frustrating conversations is always the best way to
react. Keeping an attitude and voice of calming peace is always better
than word-for-word battle. Think of how you want people to talk to you.
How would you respond if every time you disagreed with someone, they
yelled and screamed at you? Would you keep your peace or would you
respond in loud anger? What steps could you take to settle down someone
who is being verbally confrontational?

Dear God,
“The person who rests in the shadow of the Most High God will be kept safe by the Mighty One.”
~ Psalms 91:1 (New International Reader’s Version)
During my childhood days, I remember going outside and seeing my shadow. It
was fun to run around as if I was attempting to get away from it. My friends and
I would chase each other and try to step on each other’s shadow. The object of
the game we played was to avoid allowing your shadow to be stepped on. Just
as it is seemingly impossible to escape our own shadow, the shadow of the
Most High God is always there. He has promised us in His Word to protect us
in times of trouble. We are to put our total trust in Him and have the assurance
that He will always deliver us from the hands of the enemy. With this
knowledge, it is important that we always walk in courage, without fear or
doubt. We must believe that GOD will be with us, even when we face difficult
trials and tests. By putting our trust in GOD, He will keep us safe in His strong
and loving arms of protection and peace.

Dear God,
“You know the old say ing, ‘First y ou eat to live, and then y ou live to eat?’ Well, it may be true that
the body is only a temporary thing, but that's no excuse for stuffing y our body with food, or
indulging it with sex. Since the Master honors y ou with a body, honor him with y our body !” ~ I
Cor. 6:13 (The Message Bible)
In today’s society, we are constantly faced with images of sexual misconduct. It
is not uncommon to turn on the television and see shows and commercials use
sexually over-the-top images to gain our attention. These constant images often
cause us to have battles within our flesh. We sometimes desire to act out what
we see on television and in movies. But, we must also remember that our
bodies are not our own. Our bodies is where the Spirit of the Lord dwells, or
lives. Just as you would tidy up your home or bedroom for a visitor, you must
ALWAYS keep your body tidy for GOD. He desires to dwell within us at all
times. But, in order for Him to do so, we must keep anything that would offend
or dishonor GOD from entering into our minds, our hearts, and our bodies. You
were taught at an early age, that no one was to EVER touch you in
inappropriate (or secret) places. Just because you have reached your teenaged
years, does not cancel this teaching. You are to remain sexually pure until
Even if you have already violated this requirement from GOD, vow to never
allow the enemy to trick you again. Sincerely ask GOD to forgive you of your
sin(s) and develop a daily lifestyle of prayer and devotion. Ask the Lord to help
you in the area of maintaining purity in your body until HE blesses you with
your husband/wife.

Dear God,
“Even y oung people get tired, then stumble and fall. But those who trust the LORD will find new
strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without
getting tired.” ~ Isaiah 40:30-31 (Contemporary English Version)
I really like the lyrics from one of Pastor Donnie McClurkin’s hit songs. The
chorus of the song is “ We fall down, but we get up”. These words are so true!
Sometimes in life, we face circumstances that may cause us to stumble and,
unfortunately, fall. GOD with His unlimited grace and unmerited favor, always
causes us to bounce back from every slip-up. He is standing patiently by,
waiting for us to call out to Him for help and direction. Yes, none of us are
perfect, but we should strive daily to reach perfection. We must always have a
heart of prayer and thanks so that our balance will be steady and firm.
Dear God,
“My God will meet all your needs. He will meet them in keeping with his wonderful riches that
come to you because you belong to Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:19 (New International
Reader's Version)
If you have ever been a pet owner, you know the responsibilities that come
along with it. You have to remember to feed it, to bathe and groom it, to walk
it, to change its litter box/cage, to make sure all shots and medical check-ups
are up to date. You are responsible for making sure all of your beloved pet’s
needs are taken care of. The same is true with us. We belong to Jesus, and along
with this comes His responsibility to take care of and provide our every need.
What a wonderful thought that is! Whatever I am in need of, my GOD will take
care of. All I have to do is remain one of His children. If I live a life that is
pleasing and devoted to Him, He promises to grant my every need. We do not
depend on our after school or weekend jobs to meet our needs. We do not
depend on our best friend to supply our needs. We depend on GOD. No, He is
not some genie in a bottle. He is GOD, the Creator of the universe. So the next
time you have a need, turn to the ONLY TRUE SOURCE of supply!
Dear God,
“So, what do y ou think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to
put every thing on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by
sending his own Son, is there any thing else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who
would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point
a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at
this very moment sticking up for us. Do y ou think any one is going to be able to drive a wedge
between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way ! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not
hunger, not homelessness, not bully ing threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in
Scripture…None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—
nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or
unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus
our Master has embraced us.” ~ Romans 8:38-39 (The Message Bible)
Being determined takes great courage and motivation. Many high profile
athletes and performers work countless hours and days to work on being the
best. They refuse to let anything or anyone come between them and the goal
they have set for themselves. As children of GOD, we must also have this firm
determination. We must be determined that nothing will ever come between our
relationship with GOD. We must always keep Him first in our lives. Regardless
of what we encounter or face. Regardless of how our day is going or how we
may feel, it is mandatory that we stand firm on our commitment to Him. Keep
that determined spirit. Face obstacles head-on and watch your victory unfold.
Dear God,
“God didn't give us a spirit that makes us weak and fearful. He gave us a spirit that gives us
power and love. It helps us control ourselves.” ~ 2 Timothy 1:7 (New International Reader's
In the movie, The Wizard of Oz, the cowardly lion would jump in fear at even
the slightest opponent. He lacked the strength and courage to walk into his
authority. He allowed situations around him to cause him to forget that he was
actually the King of the Jungle. GOD does not want us to forsake our God-given
authority. We have the power to speak to, and command demons and devils to
flee at the name of JESUS. Does that mean that we are to intentionally walk in
the presence of danger? Of course not, but, if you encounter danger, you have
been equipped with power. Walk in that authority and power today. Refuse to
run scared. Face the adversity and come out on the side of victory.

Dear God,
“Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving
thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:6-7 (New Century Version)
Worry is a major cause of health problems today. Our bodies negatively react to
the stress and physical turmoil that worry causes. The Word of God tells us that
we are not to worry about anything at all. GOD promises to take care of us. We
only need to pray to Him and ask for everything we are in need of. Rest is
promised to the children of GOD. We should take advantage of all that He has
for us. Rest in Him today.

Dear God,
“Let us tell God about our wrong way s. God can be trusted. He does what is right. He will forgive
us for the wrong things we have done. He will make us clean from all that was wrong.” ~ I John
1:9 (Worldwide English Version)
Do you have a best friend or someone who you feel you could trust with your
most personal secrets and inner thoughts? Has it ever crossed your mind that
quite possibly this person also has a friend whom he/she has the same type of
relationship with? Perhaps, unintentionally, they may share your secrets with
someone they believe will keep your words guarded. Unfortunately, this happens
all too often and before you know it, you’re the talk of the school! It’s natural to
want to share your thoughts and feelings with others. We want to get things “ off
of our chest” in order to feel better about certain situations. We have to always
remember that our friends are only human, have human faults, and make human
mistakes. But, we can ALWAYS go to GOD with every secret, every personal
thought, and every wrongdoing. He won’t tell a soul. We can put all of our faith
and trust in HIM. But, there’s more… He will also forgive us for everything we
may do, say, or think that goes against His truth. People may forgive, but they
sometimes have a hard time forgetting. God not only forgives, but His Word
says that He also throws our sins far out into the sea of forgetfulness. Who
wouldn’t want to have a best friend like that?!
Dear God,
“Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Set an example for the believers in
what you say and in how you live. Also set an example in how you love and in what you believe.
Show the believers how to be pure.” ~ I Timothy
4:12 (New International Reader’s Version)
Have you ever felt intimidated or fearful to complete a certain task because you
were young? You were afraid that someone would question your knowledge or
ability simply because of your age. Maybe you wanted to witness to another
student in your school or a child in your neighborhood, but you hesitated
because you felt that was something an adult should do. Well, it is not God’s
desire that you sit quietly on the sidelines and miss all of the wonderful
opportunities He makes for you to share your faith in and love for Christ. Yes,
you are fully capable of drawing other youth to salvation in Christ. You have a
mighty Word in your mouth that needs to be heard. Regardless of your age,
your size, or whether you are male or female, He wants you to exercise your
gifts. Be bold and confident in whom you believe. Trust yourself and the God
that is within you. Share of His goodness and be a soul winner for Christ.

Dear God,
“Show them what they should do in all matters by the good things y ou do. Do not mix y our
teaching with things that are not true. Teach in such a way that people will respect y ou. ” ~ Titus
2:7 (Worldwide English Version)
‘Practice what you preach!’ I’m sure you’ve heard that old saying before. But
have you ever really taken the time to actually think about those words?
Practice what you preach, simply put, just means to do what you say and say
what you do. Regardless of what other youth may choose to do or say, YOU
have a responsibility to walk right, to live right, and to talk right. Many of the
people you come in contact with will not own a Bible. They will not attend
church services at any time. They will not know the wonderful stories of Jesus
performing miracles. Keeping this in mind, it is important that you live the life
of an “ open Bible”. Show others through your life, the way to Heaven. Let your
words always be true and pleasing to God.

Dear God,
“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise y e the LORD.” ~ Psalms 150:6 ~
(King James Version)
Praise is defined as the act of expressing approval or admiration; to glorify or
express a favorable judgment of. We all love to receive praise for a job well
done. When you earn a grade of “ A” on your Report Card, you eagerly await
the praise of your parents and teachers. You can’t wait to get home, with the
hopes of a trip to the mall as a reward for your hard work and effort. Just like
you love to receive praise, the Lord loves to receive praise. It is so important to
Him, that He instructs every single thing that breathes to give Him praise. It
doesn’t matter what your relationship is with Him. It doesn’t matter how
unworthy you feel or even if you feel anything at all. He requires you to give
Him all the praise. Jesus and Jesus alone is worthy to be praised. Make it a
habit to give Him what He wants. Praise is always welcomed by Him. Begin to
give Jesus the praise He wants and deserves.

Dear God,
“Do not steal. Do not deceive or cheat one another.” ~ Leviticus 19:11
(New Living Translation)
Taking something without permission that does not belong to you is stealing.
Of course this is not a new piece of information to you. You were probably
taught this as early as your toddler days. Sometimes as teens, you may come in
contact with those who feel it is ok to take things from teachers, stores, or other
people. This is wrong. God commands us to never steal. If there is something
that you really desire, you should try working to earn it. Why not try starting
your own business by babysitting or mowing lawns. There are several creative
ways for you to earn money. Never steal. You would not want to ruin your good
name with an arrest record, or more importantly, ruin your witness of being a
Child of God.
Dear God,
“So God created humans to be like himself; he made men and women.” ~ Genesis 1:27
(Contemporary English Version)
Have you ever given thought to the fact that presenting yourself as something
that you are not, or not being totally honest with others is wrong? Many people
may present themselves as someone or something that they are not in order to
get what they want. They selfishly behave or act in ways that are totally out of
character, in order to gain the attention or approval of others. This is not the
way you should ever want to live your life. Be happy being the person that God
made you to be. You were made in His image. You were made to be just like
Him. Always live your life in a way so that those around you will want to be a
part of your life, simply because of who you are.
Dear God,
“Wisdom is best. So get wisdom. No matter what it costs, get understanding.” ~Proverbs 4:7
(New International Reader’s Version)
Classes, classes, classes…English/Language Arts, Math, Social Studies,
Science, Health/PE, Technology, World Languages, etc. These are just some of
the many courses that occupy our time throughout the school day. Although
you may sometimes dread getting up early and going to school, it is critical
that you do so. Getting an education is probably one of the most beneficial
things (in the natural), that you can do. It is pretty much impossible to even get
a job at a fast food restaurant without it. School is not just someplace to hold
you hostage for seven hours, five days a week. School is a place where you can
not only learn more about the world and yourself, but you are able to share your
knowledge, gifts, and talents as well. Make the best out of your schooling.
Always strive for your best. Work hard and good results are sure to follow.

Dear God,
“Respect y our father and mother, and y ou will live a long and successful life in the land I am
giving y ou.” ~ Deuteronomy 5:16 (Contemporary
English Version)
They provide for you. They support you. They protect you. They make
personal sacrifices for you. They pray for you. They love you... They are your
parents. Never allow anyone or anything to persuade you to disrespect or
dishonor your father or mother. The devil wants you to constantly be in
disagreement with your parents. He desires so desperately to divide and separate
families. But, God’s desire is that you love, honor, and respect your parents. He
promises that you will live a long life and will be very successful IF you respect
your parents. Take the time today to tell your parents how much you love them.

Dear God,
“I also saw something else here on earth: The fastest runner does not alway s win the race, the
strongest soldier does not alway s win the battle, the wisest does not alway s have food, the
smartest does not alway s become wealthy, and the talented one does not alway s receive praise.
Time and chance happen to every one.” ~ Ecclesiastes 9:11 (New Century Version)
Hard work in any thing y ou do usually pay s off. If y ou are an athlete y ou practice, train, and eat
properly in order to perform at peak performance. If y ou are a musician, y ou spend countless
hours learning music and perfecting y our skill. Dedicating time and energy are necessary if y ou
desire to be good at what y ou do. But, this is not alway s the case. God certainly honors y our hard
work and dedication. However, simply standing firmly on His Word until the end brings Him
pleasure. Trust God to give y ou the strength and ability to live a full and fruitful life for Him. This
is possible if y ou read y our Bible daily, pray to God in Jesus’ Name daily, and stay away from
things that do not please God. In the end, y ou will reach a joy ous reward.

Dear God,
“I know this. Death, life, angels, rulers, things happening now, things that will happen, high things,
low things; nothing else in all the world can come between us and God's love in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” ~ Romans 8:38, 39 (Worldwide English Version)
LOVE... What a wonderful word to say, to think about, and to feel. There are many people in our
lives that we love. We love them because they are alway s there for us. We love them because
they provide for us when we are unable to provide for ourselves. We love them simply because
they love us in return. Regardless of how we feel, how we think, or what we do, God has a love
for us that never dies. It doesn’t matter what comes or what goes in our lives, He will alway s be
there with loving arms. God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins! There
is most definitely no greater love than that. Don’t take His love for granted. Thank Him for all He
has done and will continue to do in y our life. Devote time and effort into serving Him. Say loving
words of praise and worship to Him. Remember… when the praises go up, the blessings come

Dear God,
“When I was a child, I talked like a child. I understood like a child. I thought like a child. But
when I became a man, I stopped doing things like a child.” ~ I Corinthians 13:11 (Worldwide
English Version)
Growing up, I couldn’t wait to turn 21 years old!! To me, becoming an adult
would be the most fascinating thing in my life. I only looked at what I thought
to be the “ fun” parts of reaching adulthood. I never took into consideration, all
of the fun pleasures of childhood that I would be losing. I would lose the fun of
hopscotch, double-dutch, playing with dolls, and simply being a care-free kid.
Yes, being an adult has tremendous advantages, but enjoying your years of
childhood now will be the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. Have fun
and enjoy your lives now. Yes, you may make a few childish mistakes, but
grow from them. Learn from them. One day, when you reach adulthood, you
will be able to teach another youngster from them.

Dear God,
“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my
church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it ” ~ Matthew 16:18 (New Living
Translation Version)

“ The Three Little Pigs”. This cute childhood story still rings in my memory.
For decades, teachers and parents tell and re-tell this story to youngsters as they
sit and listen to the words of this tale. If you remember, it goes a little like
this… There were three little pigs that traveled from their parents’ home in order
to start their own lives. Of course one of the first things they needed to do was
to either find or make shelter for themselves. The first pig decided to build a
house. But, he used straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second
pig used sticks. Yes, the sticks were a bit stronger than the straw, but still
required very little effort to build. The third pig decided to use stone or rock.
This was the strongest material he could find to build his house. It also required
more effort on his part to build a house out of rock than it did with sticks or
straw. Along comes the big, bad wolf who wants nothing more than to eat each
of the three little pigs for dinner. He knocks on the door of the first house built
of straw and shouts, “ Little pig, little pig let me in!” The scared little pig
replied, “ Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.” The hungry wolf then
responded with, “ Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.”
And, guess what? He actually did! He blew down the house and ate the first
little pig. The same situation and words repeated themselves for the second
house built out of sticks. Just as the first little pig was defeated, so was the
second little pig. When the big bad wolf approached the third house, the house
that required the most effort and was made more strongly than the others; he
repeated his angry words of, “ Little pig, little pig let me in!” As did the two
previous deceased pigs, the third little pig responded, “ Not by the hair of my
chinny chin chin.” Well, mean old Mr. Big Bad Wolf did as he had done before
and he huffed, and he puffed… but absolutely nothing happened! As the story
goes on,
the big bad wolf doesn’t stop at that. He still tries to destroy the house build of
stone/rock, to conquer and defeat the little pig. But, in the end, it is the big bad
wolf who loses his life! Jesus gives us the security that HIS church, the one
built on a strong foundation, is just like the house of little pig number three.
The devil may huff, and he may puff, but he will NEVER defeat us. Never settle
for less than your absolute best. Put forth your best effort in all that you do for
Christ. Make sure you are confident in the spiritual house you have built. Never
allow the big bad wolf (Satan) to huff and puff and blow your house down.

Dear God,
Day Twenty-Three Day 23
“When people's steps follow the LO RD, God is pleased with their ways.”
~ Psalms 37:23 (New Century Version)
Have you ever played the game ‘Follow the Leader’? In that game, you simply
follow whoever the leader is. If the leader walks left, then you walk left. If the
leader sits down, then you sit down. You go where the leader goes and you do
exactly what the leader does. You want to please the leader by following the
directions of the game. The same is true with our lives in GOD. He wants us to
walk the way HE walks. HE wants us to do the things HE says we are to do.
HE wants us to go only where HE would want HIS Holy Spirit to go. As we
pattern our lives after GOD, and as we follow HIS will and HIS way, HE will be
pleased with us.

Dear God,
Day Twenty-Four Day Twenty-Four
“But Jesus said to them, "If you have faith and don't doubt, I promise that you can do what I
did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and
jump into the sea, and it will.”
~ Matthew 21:21 (Contemporary English Version)
It doesn’t matter how big or how difficult situations may appear to you. With
GOD, we are able to overcome anything. Yes, with our natural eyes, the
problems in our lives may seem as large as mountains. But, with GOD and
with faith, the Bible tells us that we can speak to any mountain-like situation in
our life and tell it to move! Can you imagine that?! Actually seeing a gigantic
mountain throwing itself into the sea! Wow, what a mighty GOD we serve! Put
the Word of GOD and your faith into action and move those mountains!

Dear God,
“The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right
for him.”
~ Genesis 2:18 (New International Reader’s Version)
When Adam was created in the Garden of Eden, he had the friendly company of
lions, tigers, bears, dogs, giraffes, turtles, snakes, sharks, and every animal
imaginable. Yet, Adam was still lonely. He saw that all of the animals had a
mate. All of the animals had something that was made exactly like it was.
Adam, however, had nothing that was made like him. Because GOD is such a
compassionate Father, HE put Adam to sleep and removed a rib from his side.
From that rib, GOD created Eve. Eve was created to help Adam. She was
created to be a companion and friend to Adam. Movies, magazines, and even
our current government would have you believe that intimate companionship
between two men or two women is okay. Please, do not allow the devil to
make this lie acceptable to you. GOD made the woman for the man. To receive
anything other than this biblical truth goes against the truth of GOD and His
Word which is always the same and will never change. Even though we are
discussing GOD’s view of relationships, I must say this… all sexual
relationships are for husband and wife. Unless you have joined yourself in
holy matrimony (legal marriage) with someone of the opposite sex, you are not
to engage in any form of sexual relations. It is very important that you
understand this fact first, and foremost. Regardless of laws passed, petitions
signed, or movies made, homosexuality/lesbianism is wrong! Follow GOD’s
plan and watch HIM in HIS perfect timing bless you with the mate HE has
designed just for you.

Dear God,
“All you who work hard! All you who carry heavy loads! Come to me! I will give you rest.” ~
Matthew 11:28 (Worldwide English (New Testament)Version)

Did you know that worry and stress are the causes of many
of the illnesses people experience? They don’t know how to
release the burdens and cares of life and lean totally on
Jesus for strength and support. GOD knows all about the
situations you experience that may cause you unrest. He not
only knows, but He also cares. He wants you to give all of
your burdens, cares, and struggles to Him. It is not His
desire to see you worried and weighted down by the issues
of life. Trust the true and living GOD with all of your
problems, concerns, heavy burdens, and struggles. He is
willing and able to take care of you and deliver you from
them all.
Dear God,
“Then the devil led Jesus to the top of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of
the world and all their splendor. The devil said, "If y ou will bow down and worship me, I will
give y ou all these things." 10 Jesus said to the devil, "Go away from me, Satan! It is written in
the Scriptures, 'You must worship the Lord y our God and serve only him.' " So the devil left
Jesus, and angels came and took care of him.” ~ Matthew 4:8-11 (New Century Version)

In this scripture, Satan was try ing to tempt Jesus after He had been on a forty day fast.
How on earth could Satan ever think that Jesus would actually bow down and worship
him?! Satan thought that he could entice Jesus by promising Him “things”. Jesus knew
exactly what His assignment was and would never fall into any of Satan’s plots. It is
important that we as people of GOD take the same stand against Satan. We must resist
him at all cost. Regardless of how tempting the “things” may be, refuse to settle for
Satan’s lies. GOD blesses His children with good and perfect gifts. This scripture shows
us that not all of the things those around us have are from God. This scripture shows us
that Satan is able to give gifts as well. But, it is important that we know the difference
between the two. In order to receive the gifts that Satan has for us, we would need to
follow His way. And as we know, His way alway s goes against GOD’s truth and it
alway s leads to destruction. In order for us to receive the gifts that our loving Father
GOD has for us, we must serve Him, trust Him, read His Word, and live a life that is
pleasing to Him. So, don’t be fooled by the temptations of Satan. Hear and know the
voice of GOD and allow Him to lead y ou to the wonderful gifts He has for y ou.

Dear God,
“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew
their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount
up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.”
~ Isaiah 40:31 (Amplified Version)
Have you ever given thought to the fact that eagles know when a storm is
coming long before the storm actually comes? The eagle will fly to a high spot
and wait for the winds to come. When the storm hits, the eagle sets its wings
so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm
rages below, the eagle is soaring above it. The eagle does not escape the storm.
It simply uses the storm to lift it higher and higher. It rises on the winds that
bring the storm. When the storms of life come upon us, just like the eagle we
can rise above them by setting our minds and our belief toward God. We can
allow God's power to lift us above every storm. With God’s power we can ride
the winds of the storm in our lives. We can soar above each and every storm we

Dear God,
“I am not ashamed of the good news of Jesus Christ. The good news is the power God uses to
save every one who believes. The good news was for the Jews first, but also for those who are not
Jews.” ~ Romans 1:16 (Worldwide English Translation)
On April 20, 1999 America was shocked with the news of two teen gunmen
who went into their high school and began shooting many in their paths. Days
after the devastating shootings came reports of one of the female students who
was among the killed. It was reported that right before she was shot, one of the
gunmen asked her if she still believed in God. According to reports, her
response was, “ Yes, I do.” Unfortunately, this young student still lost her life,
but she lost it declaring her faith and belief in GOD. How many opportunities
do we pass up to share the good news of Jesus Christ because we are too
ashamed of how people might respond to us? How many lost and lonely people
do you encounter every day that simply need an encouraging word of faith, but
you don’t want anyone to know that you’re a “ church boy” or a “ church girl”?
Never allow anything or anyone to stop you from spreading the gospel of Jesus
Christ. The Word is for everyone. Let us never just keep it all for ourselves.
Share the good news!
Dear God,
“Remember Lot’s wife!” ~ Luke 17: 32 (Amplified Bible Version)
Have you ever watched a horror movie? I personally do not like them
and I certainly do not advocate people watching anything that would
cause them unrest or fear. In these movies, there seems to always be
someone who’s running away from some evil creature or person. For
some reason unknown to me, they always tend to turn around to look
back at whoever or whatever is chasing them. At the moment they look
back, they either stumble over something on the ground, or the enemy
is able to catch them. Why in the world do they always look back?! In
Genesis 19, we reach the climax of the story of Lot and his family
fleeing the sin-filled cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The orders given
to them were to flee and not look back. Well, just like that victim in
the horror movie, Lot’s wife looked back. And what was she looking
back to? She was looking back at all of the dirty, filthy, nasty sin she
had left behind. There was no good thing back there. She couldn’t let
it all go. She just had to take one last peek at her past. When we look
back at the things that GOD has delivered us from, we too are going
back into the dirty, filthy, nasty sin we have left behind. GOD is calling
us to move forward in Him. Whatever is behind us is behind us. Leave
the sins of your past in the past. Trust GOD and keep your focus on
His promises. Strive harder and reach higher for every promised
blessing of peace, deliverance, safety, and love.
Dear God,
“And he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, `Make use of it
till I come.'”
~ Luke 19:13 (21 Century King James Version)

When you have “ free time”, what do you do with it? Do you spend it
studying or reviewing the information you learned in class that day?
Do you spend it reading a chapter or two from the Bible? Do you
spend it texting your best friend about the latest gossip? Do you watch
television or listen to music? Whatever you do during your extra time,
you should be sure that it is something that will please GOD and lead
you closer to Him. Schoolwork is very important. Having friendships
is very important. However, it is more important for us to develop a
love relationship with Jesus Christ. Never forget to spend time reading
His Word and learning more about His will. Jesus is so soon to come.
Use the time and the days He has given you to gain a deeper love for
Him. Put the time He has blessed you with to good use. When He
returns, what will your relationship with Him be? Will you be ready to
return with Him to live in Heaven forever?
Dear God,
I pray this 31-day journal has been a blessing to you. I
really enjoyed writing it! Although we have reached the end
of this book, your daily devotions don’t have to end. Maintain
your daily prayers and Bible readings. Continue to write all
of the promises and answers that God reveals to you
through His Word and during your times of prayer.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Savior, there is no time like the present. Allow Him to save
you from all of your sins. He loves you so much and wants to
forgive you for every bad or sinful thing you’ve done. Please
understand that just saying these words won’t save you, you
must also believe the words you are saying. God will do the
rest… He will forever forget everything you’ve done! He’s
such an awesome God and loves you more than you know.
It doesn’t take a long, drawn-out prayer to receive His
salvation. It doesn’t even require you to be in an actual
church building to receive salvation. Right now… wherever
you are… you can accept the salvation of Jesus. All you
have to do is believe and repeat these words with me and
you’re saved!!
“Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that
you sent Your Son, Jesus, to be my Savior. I know that He
died on the cross to take the punishment for all of my sins. I
know that Jesus rose from the dead and is coming back
someday. Please forgive me of all of my sins, and come into
my life and change me right now. Please guide me in my life
and help me to follow You for the rest of my life. Thank you
for saving me and taking me to Heaven when I die. In Jesus’
Name, Amen.”
GOD has so much more in store for you. As a young
person, you have the strength and the ability to do great and
mighty things for the Kingdom of GOD. You have been
gifted to be a gift to everyone you come in contact with.
Don’t hide your gifts or allow anyone to make you feel
ashamed or intimidated. You are equipped and able to do
everything GOD has commanded you to do.
In the days, weeks, months, and years to come, I pray that
you will grow in the truth and knowledge of Christ.
Continue to keep His Word hidden in your heart so that you
will never sin against Him.

Seek Christ first and remember to always do and be your

absolute best!!



Minister Andrea C. Collins, an

Educator and licensed Minister, is a freelance writer who has
a passion for helping others to reach their fullest
potential. Minister Andrea has earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Sociology/Social Work from Elizabeth City State
University and a Master of Education degree from the
University of Delaware.
Minister Andrea has worked extensively with secondary
school-aged youth and has held leadership positions in the
Music, Youth, Singles’ and Women’s Ministries in her local
church, Church on the Rock Ministries, Inc. located in New
Castle, Delaware. A native of Plymouth, North Carolina, she
currently resides in Delaware.

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