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Paz Márquez-Benítez (March 3, 1894 – November 10, 1983) was a Filipino short-story writer, educator
and editor. Her career as a woman educator as well as her contributions as a writer are seen as an
important step within the advancement of women in professional careers as well as in the development
of Philippine literature. She was also a former beauty queen. During her career as a writer, Marquez-
Benitez wrote short stories critical of American Imperialism. She is most known by her short story Dead
Stars (1925) in which the two main characters are displayed as allegories to American imperialism in
order to portray the slow decay of Philippine heritage.


The short story revolves around one man, Alfredo Salazar and the affairs of his heart. He is a man who
believes in true love and hopes to find bliss in its wake. The first woman he falls in love with is
Esperanza. Their families are acquainted with each other and they thus they begin a passionate
relationship. But soon it fades away when Alfredo comes across another woman, Julia, who becomes
the object of his desire.


The story is all about a dream that would wish come true ,but in reality we must have to follow our
heart to choose the right person for us and not just to depend in just a one symbol. Because we are the
one who made our destiny and not by just a dream or guess. To follow our heart is a great effort that we
can give to the person we love. It convey the same idea of love and regret of not being able to tell one’s
feeling like dead star that shines explicitly and seen through naked eye but is light year far away.

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