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Questioner for Accountant

1. Could you explain your experience in managing accounts payable and accounts
receivable, and how do you guarantee that all transactions are accurately recorded and
2. What procedures do you follow to maintain accurate and complete financial records,
including keeping transaction records and preparing financial statements?
3. Can you describe your experience in completing month-end an year-end closing
procedures, and what measures do you take to ensure that all transactions are accurately
recorded and reconciled before finalizing financial statements?
4. What steps do you take to ensure payment requests are processed accurately and on time,
including verifying supporting documents and obtaining necessary approvals?
5. Have you ever encountered an error or discrepancy in financial records? Can you
describe how you resolved it and what steps you took to avoid it from recurring?
6. Can you explain your methodology for ensuring compliance with pertinent accounting
standards and regulations, which includes regular checks on changes and updates, as well
as notifying stakeholders when necessary?
7. What kinds of accounting software programs have you used before? Can you describe
your experience utilizing them to manage financial records and create reports?
8. In your work, how do you handle conflicting demands and deadlines? Please describe
your approach to prioritizing payment requests and guaranteeing that end-of-month and
end-of-year operations are completed within the time frame
9. What measures do you take to ensure the safety and confidentiality of financial records,
such as limiting access and implementing suitable controls to deter fraud and
unauthorized access?
10. Have you ever had to communicate financial data to individuals who aren’t financially
proficient? If so, can you walk me through your approach to presenting the information
and what was the result of it?

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