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If there is something that caught my attention, something that unites the nation,

producing a competent generation, that would be English as a means of

communication. It serves as a bridge to cross the river of miscommunication. It
serves as a light in the darkness brought by confusion, and it adds fuel to the
fire, so-called Education. Being able to speak in English creates more
opportunities. It even removes our little insecurities. It also promotes
relationships among entities and helping us be aware about the huge rule of
complexities. Due to democracy, we are able to express ourselves freely. Most
especially, The Generation Z. That’s why most of the time we tend to use it
improperly. From the moment that we open our eyes in the morning, we keep on
posting, tagging, sharing, clicking, scrolling, and everything! We keep on
innovating, but the risk is not knowing that the words you may use have a different
meaning from what you are actually conveying. Just a plan that keeps on growing as
a larva keeps on transforming. English language also undergoes reforming.

Yes! It is an advantage to express our thoughts and emotions, but then let us first
check the condition before doing the action because the meaning of the words may
vary based on the situation. My fellow youth, we tend to code-switch automatically.
That’s why we must never be clumsy; we must think numerously in order to avoid
using words improperly. My fellow youth, I admire you for writing and speaking
bravely, but may I request for you to write and speak carefully. You must use your
words wisely because English language is evolving rapidly. Let us be informed that
the meaning of the words may be transformed. Let us be educated that the English
language has also been innovated. Let us be enlightened, in order for us to avoid
messages that are distorted. Let us be informed, educated, and enlightened, and as
we adjust to this new normal. Let the use of English language be formal. The use of
slang words must be minimal for better communication as dota.

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