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Test Anxiety and Associated Factors Among

First-Year Health Science Students of University of
Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Advances in Medical Education and Practice

Sisay Hanfesa Background: The experience of extreme worry and self-doubt before taking a test can
Tsinat Tilahun drastically hinder an individual’s ability to perform well and may lead to miserable. Studies
Nigussie Dessie about test anxiety and associated factors among first-year health science students in Ethiopia
Shegaye Shumet are limited. Therefore, this study is meant to provide essential data for future interventions.
Objective: To assess test anxiety and associated factors among first-year regular under­
Endalamaw Salelew
graduate health science students of the University of Gondar, northwest Ethiopia, 2019.
Department of Psychiatry, College of Methods: An institutional-based cross-sectional study with a stratified random sampling
Medicine and Health Sciences, University
of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia technique. Test anxiety was assessed using the Test Anxiety Questionnaire. Data were
analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. Bivariate and
multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. A P-value of less than 0.05 was
considered statistically significant in the multivariate analysis, and the strength of association
was measured using adjusted odds ratio at a 95% confidence interval.
Results: In this study, the prevalence of test anxiety was 54.7% (95% CI=49.40–60.20). The
result revealed that fathers’ education of grade 9–12 (AOR=0.31, 95% CI=0.14–0.69),
mothers’ education of grade 9–12 (AOR=2.43, 95% CI=1.07–5.47), psychological distress
(AOR=8.37, 95% CI=4.29–16.39), the field of studies; midwifery (AOR=3.56, 95%
CI=1.07–11.76), and medicine (AOR=6.79, 95% CI=1.64–28.22) were significantly asso­
ciated with test anxiety at a P-value<0.05.
Conclusion: The study found that test anxiety is a major problem of first-year under­
graduate health science students. Mothers’ education of grades 9–12, psychological distress,
midwifery, and medical field of studies were risk factors of test anxiety, whereas fathers’
education of grade 9–12 was protective for test anxiety. This showed that an increment in the
education of father and mother has a controversial effect on test anxiety. It can be reduced by
providing suitable trainings for first-year health science students in dealing with factors
causing test anxiety.
Keywords: test anxiety, undergraduate first-year, health science students, test anxiety
questionnaire, Ethiopia

Correspondence: Endalamaw Salelew

Department of Psychiatry, College of
Medicine and Health Sciences,
University of Gondar, P.O. Box: 196, Anxiety is considered when the worry is excessive or disproportionate to the
Gondar, Ethiopia underlying threat, involves the expectation of future threat, and it is often consid­
Tel +251910004711
Email ered as a disease when associated with personal distress, abnormal behavior,

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impaired concentration, or avoidance.1 Test-anxiety is a information about test anxiety and associated factors
physiological condition in which people experience among the study participants.
extreme stress, anxiety, and discomfort during or before
taking a test.2 In a test-oriented community, students’ life­ Methods and Materials
styles are considerably affected by their test performance.
Study Setting
Possibly due to the pressure to perform well, among other
An institutional-based cross-sectional study was carried
factors, students often experience heightened stress and
out on first-year regular undergraduate health science stu­
anxiety during tests; thus, test anxiety is one of the factors
dents at the University of Gondar, College of Medicine
which are responsible for students’ underachievement and
and Health Sciences from May and June 2019. It is one of
low performance.3 The major factors causing examination
the oldest Universities in the country, established in 1954,
anxiety were excessive course load, fear of failure during
located in Gondar town northwest, Ethiopia. It has both
exam, and studying all night before exams.4 Studies
postgraduate and undergraduate fields of study. The health
revealed that undergraduate students reported significantly
science college currently offers about 12 undergraduate
higher levels of test anxiety compared to graduate
and 44 postgraduate degree programs. It has a total of
students.5 Test anxiety is increasing in college students at
5,994 undergraduate students, and 813 first-year regular
a concerning rate, as their responsibilities to get anoptimal
undergraduates, with 352 female and 461 male students.
result increase, with family and personal pressure pushing
them to the edge, and is a common problem among first
year University students.6
All first-year undergraduate health science students at the
Approximately 25–40% of US students suffer from test
University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health
anxiety.7 Many college students experience academic-
Sciences were the source population. Those students included
related anxiety during their collegiate careers. Previous
in the sample during the study period and from whom infor­
research suggests 10–35% of college students experience
mation was collected were the study participants after exclud­
functionally impairing levels of test anxiety,8 which are
ing those who were ill (unable to attend the class), or post-
negatively associated with the academic performance.9,10
basic first-year health science students at the movement.
Test anxiety can drastically hinder an individual’s abil­
ity to perform well, and negatively affects their social,
emotional, and behavioral development and feelings Sample Size Determination and Technique
about themselves and school.2,3 In the higher level, test The sample size was determined using a single population
anxiety results in lower test scores, and there is an proportion formula by assuming the prevalence of test anxi­
increased relation of test anxiety, and test performance, ety was 71%, taken from a study conducted in Addis Ababa
although adverse exam stress can also result in metabolic University among Technology students,23 with 95% of con­
syndrome, hypertension, and infertility.9 Students suffer fidence level, and a 5% margin of error; by adding a 10%
from low self-esteem, constantly looking at the time non-response rate, a total sample of 349 was obtained. A
clock, pencil tapping, and giving worrying gestures.9,11 stratified random sampling technique was used to recruit
Previous works revealed that the prevalence of test anxiety participants. First, proportional allocation of the study parti­
ranged from 13.3−71% among undergraduate students,12– cipants based on the number of students in a class was done,
and factors associated with test anxiety were; sex, and the sampling interval was calculated by dividing the
excessive course load, low self-efficacy, negative family number of students in a class with the proportionally allo­
environment, and over protection, lack of self-confidence, cated number, which is equivalent with the total number of
no educated at home, maladaptive perfectionism, and lack first year students divided by the sample (813/349 ≈ 2). Then,
of time for preparation.5,–24–29 the first participant was selected by lottery method.
Despite the severity of the problems, studies on the Therefore, at every two regular interval, participants were
prevalence and determinants of test anxiety among first- invited to participate in the study.
year undergraduate health science students in Ethiopia are
limited. For the academic staff, knowing about test anxiety Measurement
and associated factors will help them to intervene in the The questionnaire had six sections. The first section con­
future. Therefore, this study will provide the necessary sists of the sociodemographic characteristics of the study

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participants. The second, test anxiety, was measured using Ethical Considerations
the Test Anxiety Questionnaire (TAQ). The tool has 10- Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional
items, and each item is scored 1–5 according to specific Review Board (IRB) of College of Medicine and Health
criteria; “How often each statement describes them?” Science (CMHS) of the University of Gondar (UoG) with
which is rated as 1 “never”, 2 “rarely”, 3 “half-time”, 4 the approval number of UoG-CMHS-187/19 and adminis­
“often”, and 5 “always”. The sum up scores ranges from tered to the study subjects before the data collection. The
10–50. A score of 10–19 indicates do not suffer from test participants were informed that the participation was
anxiety, 20–35 indicates a moderate level of test anxiety, voluntary and received informed written consent from
and over 35 indicates severe test anxiety.30 Third, social study participants. Confidentiality was maintained by
support: The Oslo 3-items social support questionnaire omitting personal identifiers. A letter of permission was
was used to assess social support. The scores range from obtained from the College of medicine and Health
3–14, and scores of 3–8 show poor social support, 9–11 Sciences University of Gondar.
shows moderate social support, and 12–14 shows strong
social support.31 Fourth, self-esteem: was measured using Results
the 10-item scale of Rosenberg’s self-esteem. The scale Socio-Demographic Characteristics
measures global self-worth by measuring both positive and A total of 349 participants were invited, and there was a
negative feelings about the self. The scale consists of four response rate of 92.3%. Few participants (27, 7.7%)
points of Likert scale (“0” strongly disagree, “1” disagree, agreed to participate but failed to complete, so were not
“2” agree, and “3” strongly agree). The scores range from included. Around three-fifths (190, 59.0%), of the partici­
0–30. Scores from 0–15 shows low self-esteem, 15–25 pants were males. The majority of the participants (236,
shows normal self-esteem, and 25–30 shows high self- 73.3%) were below the age of 21, 301 (93.5%) were
esteem. Items 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are reverse scored.32 single, and 236 (73.3%) were orthodox by religion, 217
Fifth, psychological distress: The Kessler Psychological (67.4%) of the participants resided in urban areas. Some of
Distress Scale is a 10-item scale. The scores range from the participants (136, 42.2%, and 99, 30.7%) had father’s
10–50. Scores from 10–19 show wellness, 20–24 shows and mother’s education certificate and above (Table 1).
mild disorder, 25−29 shows a moderate disorder, and
30–50 shows a severe disorder.33 Sixth, academic related: Magnitude of Self-Esteem and Social
variables were assessed with a semi-structured question­
naire developed by the investigators after reviewing dif­
Of the participants, 86 (26.7%), 214 (66.5%), and 22 (6.8%)
ferent literature.
had low level, normal level, and high levels of self-esteem,
respectively. More than half of the participants (174, 54.0%)
Data Collection and Analysis had poor social support, 137 (42.5%) had moderate social
Data were collected using a self-administered English support, and 11 (3.4%) had strong social support.
version of the questionnaire by trained psychiatric nurses.
The collected data were checked for completeness and Psychological Distress
consistency, and pre-coded, entered into EPI info version Regarding psychological distress, 163 (50.6%) participants
7.0, and exported to SPSS version 20 for further analysis. had normal, 59 (18.3%) participants had mild psychologi­
In a binary logistic regression analysis; variables found to cal distress, 47 (14.6%) participants had moderate psycho­
have a P-value of less than 0.25 were candidates for logical distress, and 53 (16.5%) participants had severe
multivariable logistic regression analysis. Variables psychological distress.
P-value<0.05 was considered as statistically significant in
the multivariate logistic regression analysis. The strength Magnitude of Test Anxiety
of association was explained with an Odds ratio at 95% The magnitude of test anxiety defined by TAQ with a total
confidence interval. The final compiled results were pre­ cutoff point of 20 and above was 54.7% with a 95% CI of
sented in the form of text, tables, pie charts, and graphs. 49.40–60.20. In the other three categories, 146 (45.3%)
The Test Anxiety Questionnaires’ reliability was checked participants were found to not suffer from test anxiety, 155
in this research with Cronbach’s alpha (α=0.874). (48.1%) participants had a moderate level of test anxiety,

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Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2020:11 819
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Table 1 Sociodemographic Profiles of the Study Participants

Variables Variable Frequency Percentage

Age <21 (18–20) 236 73.3

≥21 86 26.7

Sex Male 190 59.0

Female 132 41.0

Marital status Single 301 93.5

Married 18 5.6 Figure 1 The magnitude of test anxiety of among first-year undergraduate health
Separated 3 0.9 science students of the University of Gondar, 2019 (n=322).

Religion Orthodox 236 73.3

Protestant 45 14.0 with mother’s educational status of grade 9–12 were 2.43-
Muslim 36 11.2 times more likely to develop test anxiety as compared to
Catholic/ 5 1.5
mother’s educational status of certificate and above
(AOR=2.43, 95% CI=1.07–5.47), those with psychologi­
Father’s education Non-educated 42 13.0 cal distress were 8.37-times more likely to develop test
status Grade 1–4 44 13.7
anxiety as compared to having no psychological distress
Grade 5–8 48 14.9
Grade 9–12 52 16.1
(AOR=8.37, 95% CI=4.29–16.39), those in the midwifery
Certificate and 136 42.2 field of study were 3.56-times more likely to develop test
above anxiety, and those in the medicine field of study were 6.79-
Mothers’ Non-educated 77 23.9
times more likely to develop test anxiety compared to
education status Grade 1–4 39 12.1 nursing department students (AOR=3.56, 95% CI=1.07–
Grade 5–8 46 14.3 11.76; and AOR=6.79, 95% CI=1.64–28.22, respectively)
Grade 9–12 61 18.9 (Table 2).
Certificate and 99 30.7

Family’s residency Urban 217 67.4

Rural 105 32.6 In this study, the prevalence of test anxiety and its possible
associated factors were assessed. The study revealed that
significant proportions of first-year undergraduate health
and 21 (6.5%) participants had severe test anxiety science students had test anxiety. The prevalence of test
(Figure 1). anxiety among study participants was found to be 54.7%.
This result is consistent with the magnitude of test anxiety
Factors Associated with Test Anxiety reported in studies carried out in Ethiopia (52.3%),12 Iran
In a bivariate logistic regression analysis; sex, age, field of (52.25%),15 and Turkey (48%).13 However, this finding is
study, father’s education, mother’s education, self-esteem, lower than those of studies carried out in India (83%),34 and
marital status, family residency, psychological distress, (62.7%),20 in two different settings, the United Arab
alcohol ever use, and Grade Point Average (GPA) were Emirates (89.4%),16 Malaysia (61.6%),21 and Saudi Arabia
candidates for multivariate logistic regression analysis at a (65.3%).22 The possible reasons for the discrepancies might
P-value<0.25. In the final model; father’s education, be variations in study populations. For instance, this study
mother’s education, psychological distress, midwifery, was carried out on first-year health science students in 12
and medicine department students were significantly asso­ fields of study, while only medical students who had chances
ciated with test anxiety at a P-value<0.05. In multivariate of an excessive course load were sampled in India20 and the
logistic regression analysis, those with fathers’ educational United Arab Emirates.16 Furthermore, nursing students were
status of grade 9–12 were 70% more likely to develop test dealt with in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Besides, differences
anxiety as compared to fathers’ educational status of cer­ in findings also relate to the tools used. For example, the Test
tificate and above (AOR=0.31, 95% CI=0.14–0.69), those Anxiety Inventory scale was put to use in the United Arab

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Table 2 Bivariate and Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis of the Associated Factors (n=322)
Variables Category Test Anxiety COR (95% CI) AOR (95% CI)

Yes (%) No (%)

Age ≤20 (18–20) 112 (47.5) 124 (52.5) 0.72 (0.44–1.19) 0.94 (0.49–1.78)
>20 34 (39.5) 52 (59.5) 1 1

Marital status Single 140 (46.5) 161 (53.5) 0.46 (0.17–1.22) 0.35 (0.11–1.06)
Married/separated 6 (28.6) 15 (71.4) 1 1

Fathers’ education status Non-educated 12 (28.6) 30 (71.4) 2.28 (1.08–484) 1.24 (0.51–3.02)
Grade 1–4 17 (38.6) 27 (61.4) 1.45 (0.73–2.91) 0.82 (0.36–1.88)
Grade 5–8 19 (39.6) 29 (60.4) 1.39 (0.72–2.73) 0.63 (0.27–1.46)
Grade 9–12 33 (63.5) 19 (36.5) 0.53 (0.27–1.07) 0.31 (0.14–0.69)**
Certificate and above 65 (47.8) 71 (52.2) 1 1

Mothers’ educational status Non-educated 27 (35.1) 50 (64.9) 2.22 (1.20–4.10) 1.08 (0.32–3.63)
Grade 1–4 14 (35.9) 25 (64.1) 2.14 (0.99–4.60) 1.76 (0.52–6.03)
Grade 5–8 21 (45.7) 25 (54.3) 1.43 (0.71–2.88) 2.13 (0.74–6.06)
Grade 9–12 30 (49.7) 31 (50.8) 1.24 (0.65–2.35) 2.43 (1.07–5.47*)
Certificate and above 54 (48.4) 45 (45.5) 1 1

Family residency Urban 105 (54.5) 112 (51.6) 1 1

Rural 41 (39.0) 64 (61.0) 0.68 (0.43–1.11) 0.93 (0.42–2.15)

Self-esteem Low 25 (29.1) 61 (70.9) 6.51 (2.28–8.55) 2.37 (0.70–8.03)

Normal 105 (49.1) 109 (50.9) 2.77 (1.04–7.35) 2.04 (0.69–6.02)
High 16 (72.7) 6 (27.3) 1 1

Psychological distress No 130 (58.6) 92 (41.4) 1 1

Yes 16 (16.0) 84 (84.0) 0.14 (0.07–0.25) 8.37 (4.29–16.39)***

Field of study Nurse 15 (31.9) 32 (68.1) 1 1

Midwifery 14 (53.8) 12 (46.2) 1.95 (0.70–5.44) 3.56 (1.07–11.76)*
Psychiatry 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6) 0.78 (0.26–2.42) 1.95 (0.51–7.42)
Physiotherapy 8 (44.4) 10 (55.6) 1.01 (0.30–3.44) 1.59 (0.37–6.83)
Public health 12 (50) 12 (50) 1.15 (0.33–3.95) 2.99 (0.67–13.43)
Laboratory 6 (24.0) 19 (76.0) 0.92 (0.29–2.88) 1.63 (0.42–6.32)
Medicine 44 (63.8) 25 (36.2) 2.90 (0.85–9.93) 6.79 (1.64, 8.22)**
Anesthesia 7 (38.9) 11 (61.1) 0.52 (0.20–1.35) 0.95 (0.29–3.04)
Health informatics 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6) 1.44 (0.41–5.04) 2.01 (0.47–8.51)
Optometry 6 (42.9) 8 (57.1) 1.02 (0.30–3.44) 1.29 (0.32–5.27)
Environmental 5 (25.0) 15 (75.0) 1.22 (0.32–4.66) 3.18 (0.67–15.11)
Pharmacy 11 (47.8) 12 (52.2) 2.75 (0.75–10.11) 3.49 (0.76–16.10)

Grade point average <3.00 31 (43.1) 41 (56.9) 1.54 (0.85–2.76) 0.99 (0.46–2.16)
3.00–3.50 50 (38.8) 79 (61.2) 1.83 (1.11–3.03) 1.56 (0.81–2.99)
>3.50 65 (53.7) 56 (46.3) 1
Notes: *P-value<0.05, **P-value<0.01, ***P-value<0.001.
Abbreviation: NB, significance.

Emirates and Saudi Arabia, whereas the Visual Analog Scale and another study carried out among pharmacy students in
was utilized in India. Moreover, research results might also Malaysia (32.5%).19 The possible reason for the difference
vary due to the sociocultural differences of participants. might be the tools used. In Uganda, for instance, the
On the other hand, the prevalence of test anxiety is Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale was employed, while the
higher than that of a study conducted on medical students Westside Text Anxiety Scale (WTAS) was utilized in
in Uganda (13.3%),14 India (37%),18 Malaysia (18.2%),17 Malaysia, and the Test Anxiety Questionnaire was used

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Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2020:11 821
Hanfesa et al Dovepress

in the current study. As a matter of fact, sociocultural hand, the study was conducted at a single institution, and a
variations are also responsible for the differences in cross–sectional study design could not show the cause–
study results. effect relationships.
In this study, the finding showed that having a father
educated from 9–12 grade is less likely to cause test
anxiety as compared to having a father educated to certi­
In this study, the prevalence of test anxiety among study
ficate and above. On the contrary, having a mother edu­
participants was high and needs to address the underlying
cated to grade 9–12 grade is more likely to cause test
conditions that interfere with learning ability. The result
anxiety on students than having a mother educated to
revealed that mothers’ education from grade 9–12, psy­
certificate and above. This is inconsistent with previous
chological distress, midwifery and medicine field of study
studies conducted in King Saud university, which indi­
were risk factors associated with test anxiety and fathers’
cated that having a non-educational family status is a
risk factor to develop test anxiety.11,15 This means that educational status of grade 9–12 was a protective factor.
fathers educational status certificate and above are risk This showed that an increment in the education of father
factors for test anxiety, whereas mothers educated certifi­ and mother has a controversial effect on test anxiety. It can
cate and above are protective for test anxiety. In the pre­ be reduced by providing suitable training for first-year
vious works, overprotection, family pressure, and negative health science students in dealing with factors causing
home environment are risk factors for test anxiety.6,28 test anxiety.
On the contrary, this is inconsistent with a study con­
ducted in Iran, to determine level of test anxiety and con­ Consent to Publish
tributing factors among freshman students,15 and needs Not applicable.
further study. The other reason might be when the parents
educational status is certifiable and above, the pressure that
the students get from their fathers to work hard to be disliked, Abbreviations
and getting from their mothers to work hard to be like them. AOR, adjusted odd ratio; COR, crude odd ratio; SPSS,
In this study, psychological distress was significantly Statistical Package for Social Science; TAI, Test Anxiety
associated with test anxiety. This is supported by previous Inventory; TAQ, Test Anxiety Questionnaire; WTAS,
works carried out on test anxiety and psychological dis­ Westside Test Anxiety Scale.
tress. Therefore, use of effective psychological interven­
tions for test anxiety, to reduce psychological distress, and Data Sharing Statement
to enhance academic motivations are required.17,19,22 The data and materials used in this study are available
In the current study, a medical field of study was from the corresponding author.
significantly associated to develop more test anxiety than
a nursing field of study. This is in line with previous
studies which reported on test anxiety among medical
Ethics Approval and Consent
Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional
students.14,18,34 This might be due to the students’ percep­
Review Board (IRB) of the University of Gondar. Letter
tions about the department, the excessive course load, and
of permission was obtained from the College of medicine
the difference in the evaluation system. This study also
and Health Sciences University of Gondar. Informed writ­
indicates that the midwifery field of study had a higher risk
ten consent from study participants. Confidentiality was
to develop test anxiety than a nursing field of study. The
maintained by omitting personal identifiers. This study
reason may be due to the discomfort and frustration they
was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
face in the clinical attachments, in field of studies, and
their big concern on their skill practices. This area needs
further study.
Limitations The authors are indebted to the University of Gondar for
That the study used a standard tool to assess test anxiety funding this research. Our appreciation goes to the super­
and associated factors is, we feel, its strength. On the other visor, data collectors, and study participants.

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