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Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev.

lB86, 25, 627-630 627

On an equimolar basis, ZDTPs exhibit lower an- Also, the degree of oxidative degradation of used oils
tioxidant capabilities than MPH. during service or laboratory testing can be monitored.
Antioxidant capabilities of equimolar mixtures of Registry No. MPH, 128-37-0;n-C8ZDTP, 7059-16-7;i-
ZDTPs and MPH are determined by capabilities of CSZDTP, 2929-95-5.
MPH and are not improved by the presence of
ZDTPs despite a significant decrease of hydroper- Literature Cited
oxide concentration due to ZDTP-induced decom- ASTM Spectral Technical Publication, 315H, Part 2, "Multlcyllnder Test Se-
quences for Evaluating Automotive Englne Oils"; American Society for
position. This behavior of ZDTPs could be explained Testing and Materials: Philadelphia, PA, 1980.
by free radical formation from ZDTP-induced de- Hsu, S. M.; Ku, C. S.;Becker, D. A. SA€ Tech. Pap. Ser. 1082, No.
composition of hydroperoxides and by depletion of 821240.
Jensen, R. K.; Korcek, S.;Mahoney, L. R.; Zinbo, M. J . Am. Chem. SOC.
ZDTP before MPH capabilities are exhausted. 1870, 101 7574-7584.

Antioxidant capabilities of MPH can be improved Johnson, M. D.; Korcek, S.; Zinbo, M. SA€ Tech. Pap. Ser. 1083, No.
83 1 684.
by addition of i-C,ZDTP in an amount greater than Johnson, M. D.; Korcek. S.; Zinbo, M. ASLE Trans. 1986, 2 9 , 136-140.
the amount of MPH. It was not determined what Korcek, S.; Mahoney, L. R.; Johnson, M. D.; Hoffman, S. SA€ Trans. 1070,
this limiting amount must be; however, when the 8 7 , 3568-3596.
Korcek, S.;Mahoney. L. R.; Johnson, M. D.; Siegl, W. 0. SA€ Tech. Pap.
amount of i-C3ZDTP was greater by a factor of 2 (on Ser. 1081, No. 810014.
a molar basis), significant improvement of anti- Mahoney, L. R.; Korcek, S.;Hoffman, S.; Willermet, P. A. Ind. €ng. Chem.
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oxidant capabilities was observed. Mahoney. L. R.; Otto, K.; Korcek, S.;Johnson, M. D. Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod.
Similarly, the method can be used to characterize the Res. Dev. 1080, 19, 11-15.
antioxidant capabilities of base oils, to assess consistency Murray, D. W.; Clarke, C. T.; MacAlpine, G. A.; Wright, P. G. SA€ Tech. Pap.
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of engine oil formulation, and to determine oxidation Wlllermet, P. A. ASLE Trans. 1070, 2 2 , 301-306.
properties of engine oils. The effects of base oil-additive
package interactions and formulation changes on high- Received for review March 28, 1986
temperature antioxidant capability can be investigated. Accepted July 31, 1986

Corrosivity of Diethanolamine Solutions and Their Degradation


Amitabha Chakma and Axel Meisen"

Department of Chemical €ngineering, The University of Britlsh Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1 W5, Canada

Weight loss and potentiodynamic tests were performed to determine the corrosivity of AISI-ASE 1020 carbon
steel in aqueous solutions containing diethanolamine (DEA) and/or its principal degradation products. The solutions
were either free from or saturated with CO,. The amine solutions were found to be corrosive in the presence
of CO,, and corrosion rates at 100 O C and atmospheric pressure r a n w from approximately 1.6 to 2.1 mm/year
for DEA concentrations of 30-60 wt %, respectively. 3-(Hydroxyethyl)-2-oxazolidone, which is a major degradation
compound of DEA, was found to be most corrosive. The corrosivity of DEA solutions in the presence of C02 is
explained qualitatlvely in terms of the reduction in solution pH and the enlargement of the corrosion region in the
Pourbaix diagram due to metal complexing.

Introduction corrosivity of degradation products is a matter of consid-

Corrosion is a major problem for alkanolamine-based erable controversy and practical importance.
gas-sweetening planta since it may Tesult in metal failure In 1956 Polderman and Steele reported simple experi-
(especially in heat-exchanger tubes and absorber/regen- ments which indicated that the products corrode steel.
erator trays), equipment fouling, and foaming. Di- Moore (1960) subsequently published some industrial data
ethanolamine (DEA) plants generally experience less and showed that the corrosion rate increases with the
corrosion than mqmoethanolamine plants (Kohl and concentration of degradation products. Values as high as
Riesenfeld, 1979), but corrosion is also a concern for DEA 1 mm/year (40 mpy) were found for carbon steel. The
planta (Polderman and Steele, 1956; Moore, 1960; Fitzerald corrosivityof degradation products has also been reported
and Richardson, 1966; Smith and Younger, 1972; Hall and by others (Smith and Younger, 1972; Nonhebel, 1972).
Barron, 1981). It is now well established (McMin and However, Blanc et al. (1982) recently published data in
Farmer, 1969; Maddox, 1977) that the corrosion rate in- support of their claim that DEA degradation products are
creases with temperature and "acid gas loading", i.e., the not corrosive under conditions typically encountered in
concentration of C02 and H2Sin solution. Industrial so- gas-treating plants. Their main argument was that the pH
lutions usually contain, apart from DEA, water, and ab- of a DEA solution of 30%-all percentages used in this
sorbed acid gases, significant quantities of amine degra- paper are weight percent-(or 3 mol/L) lies between 11.5
dation products. The latter are formed by irreversible and 10 for temperatures ranging from 20 to 100 "C; the
reactions which DEA undergoes mainly with C02. The precise pH value depends on the concentration of the
0196-4321/06/ 1225-0627$01.50/0 0 1986 American Chemical Society
828 Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 25, No. 4, 1986


2 .o

I .6

I .2
4 0.4
w 0.0
a -0.4


-I I
- I .6

-2 0 2

4 6

IO 12 14 16
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Figure 1. Pourbaix potential-pH diagram for the iron-water system T I M E (Hours)
at 25 "C (Pourbaix, 1974).
Figure 2. Typical pH change of a DEA solution degrading in a
heat-transfer loop (Chakma, 1984). (Conditions: initial DEA con-
degradation products. They concluded that, under these centration 30%; inlet temperature 60 OC, outlet temperature 195 "C,
conditions, iron and carbon steel are either noncorrosive heating fluid temperature 250 "C; flow rate 0.011 L/s.)
or passive according to the Pourbaix potential-pH diagram
(see Figure 1;Pourbaix, 1974). However, Pourbaix dia- iment have already been reported (Chakma, 1984). The
grams do not provide absolute proof of the feasibility of final degraded solution contained about 8.7% of degra-
corrosion. A better understanding of corrosion is obtained dation products; its composition was 2.13 mol/L of DEA,
from kinetic studies, such as plotting potentiodynamic 0.58 mol/L of HEOD, 0.10 mol/L of THEED and 0.02
polarization curves (Pourbaix, 1974). Furthermore, the mol/L of BHEP.
Pourbaix diagram that Blanc et al. (1982) used was only As the degradation progressed, the pH of the solution
representative of the iron-water system at 25 OC. In- decreased substantially as shown in Figure 2.
dustrial DEA systems are more complicated because they 2. Potentiodynamic Tests. Polished coupons of
consist of iron, water, DEA, carbon dioxide, hydrogen AISI-ASE 1020 carbon steel with a surface area of 6.44 cm2
sulfide, degradation products, and heat-stable salts. The were immersed in corrosion cells containing either unde-
heat-stable salts as well as the degradation products may graded or partially degraded DEA solutions. The corrosion
form metal complexes which impair the use of Pourbaix cells were then connected to a corrosion measurement
diagrams. In addition, the Pourbaix diagrams are tem- system (Model 350A, Princeton Applied Research,
perature dependent. As the temperature increases, the Princeton, NJ). A calomel electrode containing saturated
regions of corrosion widen and the region of passivity KC1 solution was used as the reference electrode. The
narrows for the iron-water system. electrode was equipped with a heat-shrink Teflon bridge
Blanc et al. (1982) also performed corrosion experiments tube having a 4-mm-diameter Vycor disk at the tip (Model
by immersing SI 1018 carbon steel coupons in 30% K65, Princeton Applied Research) in order to minimize
aqueous DEA solutions at 80 OC and a Ha partial pressure diffusion of chloride ions to the specimen while a low
of 2000 kPa (290 psi). After 500 h, the weight-loss mea- electrical resistance was maintained. Potentiodynamic
surements implied a corrosion rate of 0.05 mm/year (2 polarization curves were obtained at 1 mV/s scanning
mpy). In another similar test, Blanc et al. (1982) used a rates, and the free corrosion currents were determined by
mixture of DEA and the degradation compound N,N- the built-in microcomputer via Tafel slope extrapolation
bis(hydroxyethy1)piperazine (BHEP) and obtained a (Uhlig, 1965). The experiments were conducted at 25 "C.
corrosion rate of 0.02 mm/year (0.8 mpy). 3. Weight-Loss Tests. Weight-loss tests were carried
Recent extensive work on DEA degradation by Kennard out in accordance with procedures specified by the Na-
and Meisen (1985) revealed that, in addition to BHEP, tional Association of Corrosion Engineers (1969). All but
3-(hydroxyethyl)-2-oxazolidone(HEOD) and N,N,N'- the high-pressure experiments were performed by using
tris(hydroxyethy1)ethylenediamine (THEED) are major a Pyrex flask. The high-pressure corrosion experiments
DEA degradation products. Therefore, the statement by were conducted using a 600-mL stainless steel autoclave
Blanc et al. (1982) that degradation products of amines, containing a Pyrex liner (Model 4563, Parr Instrument Co.,
DEA and MDEA, have no practical effect upon the cor- IL). The solutions for the atmospheric pressure tests were
rosion rate of carbon steel cannot be regarded as proven either free of or saturated with COz at room temperature
since some major products were excluded from their tests. by bubbling COz through an extra-coarse fritted glass gas
The basic objective of this paper is therefore to report dispersion tube (8-mm diameter, 20 nim long) placed inside
results of corrosion studies undertaken with DEA solutions the Pyrex flask. The solutions for the high-pressure ex-
and their degradation products. periments were saturated with C 0 2 by introducing CO,
into the autoclave containing the solutions.
Experimental Procedures
1. Preparation of Partially Degraded DEA Solu- Results and Discussion
tion. A solution containing initially 30% DEA in water 1. Corrosion Rates in Undegraded DEA Solution.
was degraded in a heat-transfer loop under a CO, partial The corrosion rate of carbon steel in an undegraded
pressure of 4.13 MPa. Details of the degradation exper- C0,-free DEA solution was determined via Tafel slope
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 25, No. 4, 1986 629

> >
-E E


CURRENT D E N S I T Y ( n A / c m 2 ) CURRENT D E N S I T Y ( n A / c m 2 )

Figure 3. Potentiodynamic polarization curve of a 30% undegraded Figure 4. Potentiodynamic polarization curve of a partially de-
DEA solution (corrosion potential = -0.897 V SCE, corrosion current graded aqueous DEA solution containing 22.5% DEA, 4.65% HEO-
= 5.751 X lo3nA/cm2, corrosion rate 2.654 mpy, temperature 25 "C). D, 2.49% THEED, and 0.37% BHEP (corrosionpotential = -0.832
V SCE, corrosion current = 3.49 X lo4 nA/cm2, corrosion rate =
Table I. Corrosivity of DEA Solutions" at 100 "C (Boiling 16.10 mpy, temperature = 25 "C).
Condition) Using Weight-Loss Tests
Table 111. Effect of Degradation Compounds on Corrosion
corrosion rates Rates at 100 "C (Boiling Condition) Using Weight-Loss
solution mm/year mPY Tests"
30% DEA 0.0025 0.098 corrosion rates
40% DEA 0.003 0.12
sample mm/year mpy
60% DEA 0.0035 0.137
30% DEA + Cop 1.60 63.10 15% DEA + COP 0.13 5.1
40% DEA + COB 1.84 72.32 15% BHEP + COS 0.16 6.3
60% DEA + COS 2.070 81.60 15% HEOD + COz 1.95 76.6
30% DEA + COZ 1.60 63.1
a The DEA solutions were either free from or initially saturated 30% DEA + 5% BHEP + Cop 1.57 62.0
with C o pat room temperature and atmospheric pressure. 30% DEA + 5% HEOD + COZ 1.91 75.0
"The solutions were initially saturated with COz at room tem-
Table 11. Effect of C 0 2 Partial Pressure at 100 "C on perature and atmospheric pressure.
Corrosion Rate of 30% DEA Solutions" Using Weight-Loss
Tests 2. Corrosion Rates in Solutions Containing DEA
total pressure, C O partial
~ pressure, corrosion 'at's and/or Its Degradation Products. The partially de-
MPa MPa mm/year mpy graded DEA solution yielded a corrosion rate of 0.4
1.48 1.38 0.61 24.0 mm/year (16.1 mpy) at 25 "C according to the poten-
2.88 2.78 0.65 25.6 tiodynamic method (see Figure 4). This value is about
4.23 4.13 0.8 31.5 6.1 times higher than that obtained for an undegraded
"The solutions were saturated with COPinside the autoclave at solution and proves that degraded DEA solutions con-
various partial pressures. taining HEOD, THEED, and BHEP are, in fact, corrosive
toward carbon steel. The earlier claims by Blanc et al.
extrapolation of the polarization curve obtained at 25 "C (1982) are thereby contradicted.
at the free current potential. The rate was found to be Table I11 summarizes the results of weight-loss tests with
0.067 mm/year or 2.65 mpy (see Figure 3). This value is DEA and various degradation compounds. The corrosion
very similar to that reported by Blanc et al. (1982) for one rate in a solution containing DEA and BHEP is about the
of their tests using the Fe-H2S-DEA system. same as when BHEP is absent. This confirms the non-
When the solutions were saturated with COz at room corrosive nature of BHEP and agrees with the findings of
temperature and atmospheric pressure before they were Blanc et al. (1982). However, the corrosion rates in solu-
heated to 100 "C, they became far more corrosive. This tions containing HEOD were significantly higher than
can be concluded from results summarized in Table I. those in other solutions.
The corrosion rates increase with the DEA concentration, 3. Passivity. Amines are known to be fair corrosion
which is probably due to the fact that the COz concen- inhibitors. For example, Ballard (1966) claims that DEA
tration in the solution increases as the DEA concentration used in gas-sweetening plants forms good, but not tena-
is raised. cious, films on metal surfaces. He therefore recommends
The corrosion rates obtained in the presence of C 0 2are low fluid velocities to avoid destroying the protective films.
very high. The probable reason is that all experiments An examination of the polarization curves for both the
were carried out at 100 "C and atmospheric pressure so undegraded and the degraded samples (Figures 3 and 4)
that the solutions were nearly boiling. The presence of indicates that, although regions of passivity do exist, the
vapor bubbles disturbed the layer of protective corrosion films are not quite stable. Particularly in the case of un-
products on the steel surfaces and therefore enhanced the degraded DEA solutions, the films seem to be very un-
corrosion rates. When the tests were conducted at elevated stable. Furthermore, the passive films seem to offer very
pressures, boiling was prevented and the corrosion rates little protection since the corrosion current in the passive
were significantly reduced (see Table 11). Table I1 also region is very close to the critical corrosion current.
shows that the corrosion rates increase with COz partial 4. Pitting. Unlike undegraded DEA solutions, the
pressure. pitting potential of degraded DEA solutions is clearly
630 I d . Eng. Chem. Rod. Res. Dev.. Vol. 25. No. 4. 1986

The reduction in this equilibrium potential enlarges the

corrosion region corresponding to the left corrosion triangle
in the pH-potential diagram (see Figure 1).
Hence the pH reduction due to CO, absorption and
degradation-product formation as well as metal-complex
formation enhances the corrosivity of DEA solutions.
The following conclusions concerning the corrosivity of
DEA solutions toward AISI-ASE 1020 carbon steel may
Finure 5. Electron mieroeraohic Dhoto of AISI-ASE 1020 carbon ,.\--.
be drawn:
. ..
. .
detectable (see Figure 4). This indicates that degraded sponsible for corrosion.
DEA solutions mieht induce Dittine corrosion under certain
conditions. Eledron micrograpkc photos of mild steel
. ~Corrosion
(3) , ~~~~~~ ~ .~
in the nresence of COOand deeradation
~ ~ ~~

products can be attributed to the redugion in soiution pH

coupons revealed pitting after exposure to DEA and and to the enlargement of the corrosion region due to metal
HEOD solutions. The pitting is more severe in the case complexing.
of HEOD as shown by Figure 5 (left) and Figure 5 (right),
respectively. Acknowledgment
Qualitative Explanation The financial support of the Canadian Gas Processors
The corrosivity of DEA solutions in the presence of C02 Association and the Natural Sciences and Engineering
and degradation compounds can be explained as follows: Research Council of Canada are gratefully acknowledged.
The pH of typical industrial DEA solutions usually falls Registry No. DEA, 111-42-2; HEOD, 3356-885: AIS1 1020,
between 10 and 12. As C02 is absorbed hy the solutions, 12725-36-9; CO,, 124-38-9.
their pHs decrease. In addition, the solution pH falls as
DEA degrades because the principal degradation com- Literature Cited
Ballad. D. Hyaocarba, R-s. 1988, 45(4). 137.
pounds are less alkaline than DEA (Hakka et al., 1968). Blanc. C.; olall. M.; Demarak. 0. R o c . Gas Cond. Conf. 1982. 32.
Hall and Barron (1981) presented industrial data showing Chakma. A. M.A.Sc. TMsk. UnlvsrsHy 01 81Moh miumbla, 1984.
a gradual reduction in solution pH upon the formation of Comeaux. R. V. Roc.-Am. Pel. I n d . . Mv. Rem. 1982. 42, 4.31.
Fn2eram. K. J.; Richardson. J. A. HyhocarBon R-ss. 1988. 45(7). 125.
heat-stable salts. These fmdings are also in agreement with Hakka. L. E.: Slcgh. K. P.: Bata. 0. L.: Testart. A. 0.: AMejchyshyn. W. M.
our experimental results as shown by Figure 2. The initial Gas Proms. Can. 1988, 6 1 . 3 2 .
Hall. W. 0.;Barnon. J. G. Roc. Gas cond.Conf. 1981. 37.
sharp decrease is due to C02 absorption, and the subse- Kennard. M. L.: Me)sL)n. A. Id. Eng. Chem. Furlem. 1985. 2 4 , 129.
quent gradual decrease results from the formation of Kohl. A. L.; Rlesenleld. F. C. Gas Rriricatiar: Gult Houslon, TX. 1979.
degradation compounds. The reduction in pH gradually Maddcx. R. N. Gas and L @ M Sweetening: Campbell Petroleum: Naman.
OK, 1977.
brings the system close to the left corrosion triangle of the McMin. R. E.: Farm%. F. Conhnence on S W Rscovsry RoMsdings: Okla-
pH-potential diagram. homa state unksrsny: s1111water. M(. 196s.
W e . K. L. carosion(Hwot0n) 1080, 76. 111.
Metal complexing also plays an important role in the N.A.C.E. Standard TM01-69 "Laborat- Cmosbn Testing 01 Metals lw mS
corrosion due to the presence of degradation products. Process Industries": National ASSOClatkm 01 Cwrorion Enginems: Hous-
Degradation products probably form iron chelates because tan. TX. 1969.
Nanhebei. 0. Gas pL*IAcaHon IW A* PoMlllon Contml. 2nd ed.; Newness-
Comeaux (1962) reported the formation of such chelates Bunemorths: ~ d m1972. .
with similar compounds. Hall and Barron (1981) also Polderman. L. D.: Steele. A. S. OU uls J . 1950. 54. 206.
Pourbaix. M. AHas Of E/- EqUlIlbriB bl A q m s S h i b r k S . 2nd
reported the presence of iron chelates in industrial DEA English ed.; National ASSOClatlon 01 Conorion Engineers: Houslm. TX.
solutions. ,-,..

The main effect of metal complexing is the reduction SmMh. R. F.; Younw, A. H. WkOCBrba, Rocepo. 1972. 51(7). 98.
uhlig. H. H. camsian and Conosion ConfrokWiley: New Yo*. 1965
of the potential of the metal-ionjmetal equilibrium rep-
resented by
Fez+ -k 2e- - Fe
Received for reuiew November 25,1985
Accepted April 7, 1986

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