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Department of Computer Engineering

Discrete Mathematics Make Up (Bütünleme) Exam

No : 1 - 20 2 - 20 3- 20 4 - 20 5 - 20 Total

Name Surname:

ERUDM sayfasında yapılan duyuruda uyarılar ve cevap kağıtları teslim şekli belirtilmiştir.
Cevaplarınızda doğrudan cevabı bulmanız önemli değildir. İşlem adımlarını göstermeniz gerekir.


Question 1) Prove that whether the following function is bijection or not? Show the steps of your

Question 2) Using back substitution method find all the integer x of the following system (Chinese
remainder problem) ? Show the steps of your solution.
x2 (mod 3)
x4 (mod 5)
x5 (mod 7)

Question 3) For this question, you need to generate your two-digit-number. To generate your
two-digit-number, write last two digits of your school number and, if there is, replace zeros (0) with
ones (1). (For example, if your number 1030510008, the two-digit-number should be 18 after zeros
are replaced with ones).

Then, express gcd(282,two-digit number) as a linear combination of 282 and your two-digit
number? Show the steps of your solution.

Question 4)
a) Write code (or pseudocode) of the bubble sort algorithm and analyze the computational
complexity of it? Calculate the best, worst and average complexity of bubble sort algorithm? Show
the steps of your solution.

b )Sort the following list in alphabetical order using bubble sort algorithm? Show all the steps
of your solution?
[QR, XH, ÇW, ÖS, ÖJ, ŞA, ÜĞ, QT, ÇQ]

Question 5) Prove that the following expression whether tautology or not using logical expressions?
Show all the steps of your solution? In each line write the name of the law you used.

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