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Course outline of GIS and RS for Agriculture and Watershed Management

1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction to GIS and Remote sensing in agriculture and watershed
1.2. Geospatial data for agricultural resources and watershed management
1.3. Geospatial Data sources and Data Collection Methods
1.4. Working with GIS and Remote sensing data from different sources
Exercise 1. Review relevant literature on GIS and remote sensing application in agriculture and
watershed management.

2. Application of GIS and Remote sensing for Agricultural Resource and Watershed
2.1. Obtaining and processing GIS and Remote Sensing data for agricultural and watershed
2.2.1. Agricultural land use classification and validation
2.2.2. Agro-Ecological Mapping
2.2.3. Crop Type Mapping and Monitoring
2.2.4. Rangeland identification and Mapping
2.2.5. Characterization and mapping of plant health and crop yield
2.3. On overview of Watershed and Management approaches
2.3.1. Definition and basic concepts of watershed
2.3.2. Principle and Approaches of Watershed Management
2.3.3. Planning watershed management
2.3.4. Characterizing the geomorphology of Watersheds Watershed delineation Watershed shapes and shape attributes Streams & other watershed characteristics
Exercise 2 (a). Watershed delineation using terrain data of the DEM in the Arc-Hydro extension tools
of the ArcGIS Desktop software version 10.8.
Exercise 2 (b). Mapping the agro-ecological zones in their locality using the ArcGIS Desktop
software version 10.8.

3. GIS and Remote Sensing in Soil Management

3.1. Soil Mapping
3.2. Characterizing Soil Spatial Variability
3.3. Digital Soil Mapping and Capability Assessment
3.4. Estimation of Soil Erosion and Best Management Practices
Exercise 3. Soil loss estimation using RUSLE module in ArcGIS Desktop software version 10.8.
4. Precision Farming Using GIS and Remote Sensing for Crop Management
4.1. Yield monitoring and Mapping
4.2. Grid Sampling and Management Zones
4.3. Estimation of Crop Production Yield
4.4. Crop Health/Stress Monitoring and Damage Assessment
Exercise 3. Characterization of crop health and stress using the spectral indices in ArcGIS Desktop
software version 10.8.
5. A GIS and Remote Sensing Technology-Based Water management in Agriculture
5.1. Multi-Criteria Analysis for Modeling Ground Water Potential
5.2. Identification of Suitable Site for Surface Water Harvesting
5.3. Mapping and Monitoring Irrigated Land
5.4. Flood inundation delineation and Damage Assessment
5.5. Agro-Metrological Modeling and its application in agriculture
5.6. Land suitability and capability assessment for agriculture
Exercise 5. Land suitability and capability modeling for the specific crop types
6. GIS and Remote Sensing for Disease and Pest Management
6.1. Applying GIS and Remote sensing to identify breeding areas
6.2. Determining Spatial Patterns and extents of the disease and its pathway
6.3. Crop Damage Assessment
6.4. Monitoring weather and ecological conditions for crop pests and diseases
Exercise 6. Review on the application of remote sensing application for crop pests and disease
7. Participatory GIS
7.1. Public Participation in agricultural Resources and Watershed Management
7.2. Using geospatial GIS technology in participatory watershed management
7.3. Web-based Publishing for interactive and dynamic agricultural maps
Exercise 7. Presentation on the participatory watershed management

Project Work Presentation

Group Project work presentation on Spatial Modeling, MCE, and suitability analysis.
Project Work Presentation
Group Project work presentation on watershed delineation, land capability and suitability Modeling
Type Percentage
Project work 20
Test 15
Quiz 5
Practical 10
Final 50

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