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Plenty of blame and plenty of problems, but their logic is that teachers "only work" 2/3 of the

year and have "easy" jobs. Not as dangerous or demanding as prison guard. Now... IIIIIIII
know that's not true and we both know the system is rigged to put more of those kids behind
bars and thus perpetuate the prison industry, but that's not how they think. It's reactionary to
most elderly voters. They don't think about investing IN kids (They already raised their kids!
Why should they be paying to raise someone else's! -- I hear it all the time.), they read about
a single event like a robbery and that becomes the reason we need more police.

Boy scouts molestation, school lunch debit, teacher pay cuts, religion indoctrination, physical
education cuts, age of consent reduced by several states. Childhood marriage.... The list
goes on and on.

Yeah man. I grew up in lutheran schools and was only fed particular verses and such.

I recently started reading the bible, and from the very start you can see that shit doesn't
make sense, and all my teachings left things out. Even small little details that completely
change the context of certain stories.

For example, the story of Cain and Abel. I was always taught simply that Abel was the more
successful brother and that Cain was simply jealous of him, so killed him. Lets read what the
bible actually says though (New American Standard Bible 1995):

And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. So it came
about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit
of the ground. Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of
their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering; but for
Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his
countenance fell. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has
your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?
And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you,
but you must master it.”

So both brothers worked and offered to God, but God was a dick and straight up disregarded
Cains offering, then told him to suck it up, do better, and remember not to sin. Pretty dick
move. It's not surprising Cain sinned just to spite him.

Also, Adam, Eve, and a bunch of their younger generations didn't fuck and have kids until
they were ~70-100 years old, and then went on to live another 800 years afterwards. Like,
what? These sinners took a hundred years to fuck? Shit's wack yo

Spot on.

Imagine if there was a democrat in the house who had looked the other way while a fellow
coach was molesting boys on a college wrestling team?

Imagine if an outspoken congress women on the left's husband had been arrested for
showing his junk to under aged girls at the bowling alley?

Anyways, I don't need to go down the list. DailyKos has a MASSIVE multipart list for anyone
interested in keeping tabs on republican lawmakers who are into sexual misconduct.

Wait, isn't the whole trans in bathroom COMPLETELY ONE SIDED?

As in they only focus on Trans Women and not Trans Men?

Their hypocrisy is clearly evident IMO.



Gay rights and trans rights have nothing to do with children. And a fetus that hasn’t formed
the bare minimum brain structures to house the bare minimum version of a
consciousness/mind/soul/personality isn’t a baby. It’s just disposable human tissue. An
abortion before the point of fetal viability just as moral/ethical as getting a haircut,
amputation, heart transplant, etc. But the same scientific illiterates who think love exists in
the heart and hunger exists in the stomach have said it’s murder. It wouldn’t matter except
they vote.

That's interesting, and didn't know that. According to the Mayo Clinic, it's "craving and eating
ice." I myself don't really crave it, but I'll definitely start eating ice, especially if the waiter
hasn't refilled my water yet and I'm still thirsty.

Many places would leave a pitcher of water on the table if you say you're really thirsty, but
some have started to say "that's against restaurant policy," then dare me to have an empty
glass, as if they'll keep it topped off during a busy rush. I still usually sit there with an empty

Yeeaahh unfortunately in that boat all too often myself. If I have a visible glass of water, I
absent mindedly down it within a couple minutes usually, and I'll keep that up through the
entire meal.
That's really me all the time, and I'm not even sure if the amount I drink is healthy. I down my
32 ounce water bottle about once an hour usually.

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