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Case Practice Checklist

Personal Presence – Did the interviewee… Comments

greet you well/make a good initial impression?

show poise and calm when listening to the question,

when criticized, when given a suggestion?
show a genuine interest towards solving the problem at
articulate his responses well and show creativity? Was
he overly creative?
think before answering or questioning?

mention anything interesting worth remembering?

make the process a conversation?

Personal Presence Rating

Structuring and Discussing – Did the interviewee… Comments

write down the case information? Did he take relevant
ask relevant and appropriate questions?

summarize the question “briefly” – situation, dilemma,

take some time to organize his thoughts and lay out a
“logical” structure?
provide his own suggestions before asking for inputs?

Structuring and Discussing Rating

© Goizueta Consulting Association, 2009

Organizing and Numerical – Did the interviewee… Comments
lay out a structure relevant to the question asked?

explain his tree in a logical and structured manner,

giving a brief description of his steps? Was it MECE?
quantify his answers wherever possible? Did he lay out
the numbers clearly and legibly on the worksheet?
call out the calculations he was performing?

interpret the final number? Did he arrive at a hypothesis

or conclusion?
show knowledge about the relevant business terms and
use charts and graphs to make his points?

Organization and Numerical Rating

Collating and Concluding - Did the interviewee… Comments

tie his conclusions back to the initial question?

refer to information collected during the casing when

make logical arguments against the number and derived
go in all the directions when providing a
provide a concise, brief, and to-the-point
recommendation? Did he suggest next steps?
Collating and Concluding Rating

Overall Rating

© Goizueta Consulting Association, 2009

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