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Codó - MA, _____ de dezembro de 2022.

Nome: ____________________________________________________ Nº ____

Etapa de Ensino: Ensino Fundamental 9º ano A/B Turno: Matutino
Comp. Curricular: Língua inglesa Profa.: José Luiz

Read the text and answer questions 1 e Exemplo:

2: need - food – We = We need food.

Chinese New Year a. lives - Brazil - He – in

Chinese New Year starts on the .................................................................
first day of the Chinese calendar, usually .
in February. For many families, it is a time b. They - watch - don't – TV
for feasting and visiting relatives and
friends, but in the heart of the city, a ..................................................................
spectacular procession takes place. c. Do - eat - you - Brazilian food - ?
Chinese families clean their houses to rid
them of last year’s bad luck before the ..................................................................
celebrations begin. d. She - English – teaches
“My family and I visit our
grandparents on New Year, and we take ..................................................................
sticky rice cakes called Nian Gao with us. e. studies - She - every day
My outfit is very traditional. It is made of
silk and it is very, very beautiful.” ...............................................................
Red is the main color for clothes
and decorations at New Year because it 04. Preencha corretamente as frases
associated with joy and happiness. abaixo utilizando much ou many:

New York: DK Children, 1997, pp. 8-9 a. I have............... cats.

b. There is.................. money in his
01. Segundo o texto, o novo ano dos wallet.
chineses inicia-se em: c. I don't have............... books.
a. march b. april d. We is watching.............. episodes.
c. february d. September. e. There are.............. schools in this city.
e. may.
05. Preencha os espaços abaixo com
02. O texto aborda: some ou any:
a. o novo ano dos chineses.
b. como acontece o réveillon dos a. There are...............pens on the desk.
c. o modo de vida dos chineses durante b. Are there...............books on the desk?
todo o ano.
d. como vivem os adolescentes chineses. c. I in this bottle.
e. o relacionamento entre parentes e
amigos dos chineses. d. I haven't...............sandwich.

03. Desembaralhe frases de acordo e. I don't

com o que se pede. Siga o exemplo:
06. Reescreva as sentenças a seguir na
forma negativa no Simple Present. d. He ................................... (speak)
a. We go to church every Sunday. English very well.

.................................................................. e. You ................................... (watch) this

b. They study English on Saturdays. TV show every morning.

.................................................................. 09. Complete the sentences with the

c. He reads the newspaper every correct auxiliary:
She ____________ go to school on
.................................................................. Saturdays. She only ________________
d. I work at Banco Itaú. on weekdays. And you? ___________
you study on weekends?
e. She has three kids. a. is/studying/Do
b. doesn’t/studies/Do
.................................................................. c. don’t/studies/Does
d. doesn’t/study/Do
07. Reescreva as sentenças na forma e. is/study/Does
interrogativa no Simple Present.
a. She studies English twice a week. 10. Nа múѕіса "Lоvе Yоurѕеlf", Јuѕtіn
Віеbеr соmеtе um еrrо grаmаtісаl раrа
.................................................................. nãо аtrараlhаr о rítmо dа múѕіса nа
b. He often plays tennis. ѕеguіntе frаѕе "Му mаmа dоn't lіkе уоu
аnd ѕhе lіkеѕ еvеrуоnе". Еѕtа frаѕе
.................................................................. соrrеtа ѕеrіа:
c. You work at Renault.
a. "Му mаmа dоеѕn't lіkе уоu аnd ѕhе
.................................................................. lіkеѕ еvеrу оnе"
d. She drinks a lot of coffee.
b. "Му mаmа dоn't lіkеѕ уоu аnd ѕhе lіkеѕ
.................................................................. еvеrуоnе"
e. Elisângela goes to college by subway.
c. "Му mаmа dоn't lіkе уоu аnd ѕhе lіkе
.................................................................. еvеrуоnе"

08. Complete as sentenças abaixo com a d. "Му mаmа dо nоt lіkе уоu аnd ѕhе
forma correta dos verbos em parênteses lіkеѕ еvеrуоnе"
no Simple Present.
a. I ................................... (go) to school e. "Му mоthеr dоn't lіkе уоu аnd ѕhе dоеѕ
every day. lіkе еvеrуоnе"

b. She ................................... (go) to

school everyday.

c. They ................................... (speak)

English very well.

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