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Hey there 

First name / friend,

Seriously, it's not hard to come up with content… but I understand that when you are
shifting from I think I can do this, to I know I can do this…to let me get on this NOW, you
can get a bit anxious. 
Well, don't do that… only because the Bible says not to. But here are a few content ideas to
make things a little easier for you. 
You can talk about:

1. Major holidays and any significance it is for you

2. The behaviors they are ready to move away from
3. Your Framework
4. Your ideal client
5. Your program
6. Industry Stats
7. Share your lead magnet
8. Mindset Shifts for your clients
9. Your favorite books
10. Behind the scens
11. Tools you use
12. You next event
13. Mistakes you've made in business
14. Someone you inspire
15. A client win (those work great)

…ok, whew… is that a good start? And look… you can even break these down into even
MORE content topics! 
Content is just some of what we need in our businesses. There are some other crucial
elements. If you are ready for results in your business… do not delay, lets chat.
Book your call today… I promise it will change your life! 
Book your call: HERE
Coach Kellee

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