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This Python code is a program that calculates the outcome of a student based on the

credits they have earned in a course. Here is an explanation of each step:

The code starts by declaring some variables: progress_count, module_trailer_count,

exclude_count, module_retriever_count, and an empty list called List. These
variables will be used to keep track of the number of students in each outcome
category, as well as storing data.

The get_credits function is defined. This function takes a parameter credit_type

which represents the type of credits (Pass, Defer, or Fail) the user is entering.
It uses a while loop to repeatedly ask the user to enter the credits until a valid
integer value is provided. The entered value is checked to ensure it is a multiple
of 20 and within the range of 0 to 120 (inclusive). The function returns the
entered credits.

The print_outcome function is defined. It takes a parameter outcome and simply

prints the outcome.

The code enters an outer infinite loop, which will continue until the user decides
to exit and showcase the results.

Inside the loop, the get_credits function is called three times to get the credits
for Pass, Defer, and Fail. The entered credits are stored in variables p_credits,
d_credits, and f_credits respectively.

The total credits are calculated by summing up the Pass, Defer, and Fail credits.

If the total credits do not equal 120, the code prints "Total incorrect" and
continues to the next iteration of the loop.

If the Pass credits equal 120, it means the student has passed all modules and the
outcome is "Progress". The progress_count variable is incremented and the outcome
is printed using the print_outcome function.

If the Pass credits equal 100, it means the student is in the "module trailer"
category. The module_trailer_count variable is incremented and the outcome is

If the Fail credits are greater than or equal to 80, the student is in the
"exclude" category. The exclude_count variable is incremented and the outcome is

If none of the above conditions are met, the student is in the "module retriever"
category. The module_retriever_count variable is incremented and the outcome is

After determining the outcome, the code asks the user if they want to continue
entering data or exit and showcase the results. The user's input is stored in the
exit_or_continue variable.

If the user chooses to continue (by entering 'Y'), the code continues to the next
iteration of the loop.

If the user chooses to exit and showcase the results (by entering 'Q'), the code
prints "Collecting Data..." and breaks out of the outer loop.

After the outer loop is exited, the code calculates the total number of outcomes by
summing up the count variables.
The code prints a line of underscores to separate the histogram from other output.

The code then prints a histogram of the outcomes using asterisks (*) to represent
the count of each outcome category. The count and histogram for each category are

Another line of underscores is printed for separation.

The code iterates through the List and prints each element (assumed to be a string)
on a new line.

A blank line is printed.

The total number of outcomes is displayed.

That's a step-by-step explanation of the given Python code.

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