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Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022







Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022

This document has been prepared as revision material for Grade 10 Life

The materials have been arranged in such a way that studying can be undertaken
topic-wise. Within each topic, questions on the different sub-topics are arranged in
the same sequence as that in the 2022 Revised Annual Teaching Plan (ATP).

This Revision document takes the following into account:

• Focus on core concepts and content per topic as well as the relevant
Life Sciences skills.
• Activity based Revision sessions and constant feedback on
assessments/activities given.
• Scaffolding of concepts according to cognitive/difficulty levels and a
differentiated approach to cater for learners with different abilities.
• Addressing the Common errors & misconceptions in each topic.
• Integration of the Just in Time concept into the KZN 12-point plan.
• Providing multiple opportunities for learners to master concepts through
multiple exposure using different source stimuli.
• A focus on scientific investigations and biological terminology for
each topic.
• Consolidating and supplementing topics through the use of previous
examination question papers.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022


1. Chemistry of Life 3 - 10

2. Cells: Basic Unit of Life 11 - 16

3. Cell Division: Mitosis 17 - 22

4. Tissues: Animal Tissues 23 - 26

5. Tissues: Plant Tissues 27

6. Support and Transport in Plants 28 - 34

7. Support in Animals 35 - 37

8. Transport System in Mammals 38 - 41

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Chemistry of Life
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions.
No. Description Biological Term
1.1 The smallest unit of matter that can take part in a chemical
1.2 A pure substance that is not made up of other simpler
1.3 Two or more atoms that can combine with one another
1.4 A pure substance that is made up of simpler substances
(elements). Two or more elements that are chemically bonded.
1.5 Building units of nucleic acids.
1.6 Mineral salts that are needed in small quantities.
1.7 Mineral salts that are needed in large quantities.
1.8 Chemical compounds that do contain the element carbon and
are produced by living organisms.
1.9 Chemical compounds that do not contain the element carbon
and are not produced by living organisms.
1.10 Organic compounds made up of the elements C, H and O,
where the ratio of H:O is 2:1.
1.11 Organic compounds made up of elements C, H and O where
the ratio of H:O is more than 2:1
1.12 51 amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
1.13 A biological catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction by
lowering the activation energy without itself being changed in a
reaction and are protein in nature.
1.14 Organic compounds that contain the atoms carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus.
1.15 Explains how enzymes work whereby the active site of an
enzyme has a particular shape like a lock and a substrate has
a shape like the key which fits snugly on the lock.
1.16 Reagent that is used to test for starch.
16X1 (16)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (2.1 to 2.10) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 An important source of energy A Magnesium
B Oils
2.2 Shortage results in a goitre A Iodine
B Calcium
2.3 Shortage results in muscle cramps A vitamin A
B vitamin D
2.4 Shortage of vitamin D A Osteomalacia
B Rickets
2.5 Shortage results in anaemia A vitamin C
B milk products
2.6 A type of protein A Enzyme
B Glycogen
2.7 An element needed to make haemoglobin A Sodium
B Iron
2.8 Leaves lacking nitrogen turns yellow A stunted growth
B chlorosis
2.9 An element needed to form thyroxin A Iodine
B Potassium
2.10 A macro element for nerve and muscle A Nitrogen
functioning B phosphorus
(10 X 2) (20)

Activity 3
3 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 Which molecules are represented by diagrams X, Y and Z respectively? (2)

Choose the letter from the table below.

Diagram X Diagram Y Diagram Z

A. Protein Lipid Carbohydrate

B. Carbohydrate Protein Lipid

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
C. Carbohydrate Lipid Protein

D. Lipid Carbohydrate Protein

3.2 Name one function of molecule Z. (1)

3.3 Study the following list of sugars below and answer the question that follow.
1. maltose
2. sucrose
3. glucose
4. fructose
Which of the above sugars are monosaccharides? Write ONLY the correct
letter from below.
A. 3 and 4.
B. 2 and 3.
C. 1 and 2.
D. 1and 4. (2)
3.4 Which letter in the diagram (A, B, C or D) represents the product that can be
formed? (1)
3.5 Which letter in the diagram (A, B, C or D) represents the product that can be
formed? (2)

Activity 4
4 The information below was taken from a carton of fruit juice. Study it and answer the
questions that follow.

Nutrient Average values per

Energy 215kJ
Protein 0,2 g
Carbohydrates 12,8 g
Sodium 150 mg
Vitamin E 1,5 mg
Vitamin C 63 mg

4.1 Name TWO different types of organic compounds/molecules in the fruit

juice. (2)
4.2 If you drink 500 ml of this fruit juice, how much sodium will you
consume? Show your calculation. (2)
4.3 One of the compounds in the fruit juice is made up of the monomers
called amino acids.
(a) Name the group of organic compound made of the above
monomers (1)
(b) Give ONE reason why it is important to have this compound as
part of your diet. (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
4.4 Name the nutrients in this juice that would be good for a person
suffering from:
(a) Scurvy (1)
(b) Night blindness (1)


Activity 5
5 The table below shows the nutritional value of a certain brand of breakfast cereal. Study
the table and answer the questions that follow.


Ingredients Nutritional information

(values per 100 g)
Whole rolled Energy 2 000kJ
oats, roasted protein 12,5g
wheat flakes, carbohydrates 50g
cane syrup, fats 12,5g
vegetable oil, fibre 25g
sun-dried cholesterol 0mg
5.1 Name the food type that has the largest amount of nutritional value? (2)
5.2 State what is each of the following food types mainly used for in the
human body? Give ONE main function for each.
(a) Carbohydrates (1)
(b) Lipids (1)
5.3 Brown sugar is a disaccharide. Define the structure of this sugar
molecule? (2)
5.4 Oils and fat are different in their structure.
(a) Give two ways in which vegetable oil differ from a fat. (2)
(b) Describe the structure of a lipid (fat or oil) molecule. (4)
5.5 Describe ONE advantage of this cereal having no cholesterol (2)
5.6 The total value of 100g of cereal is 2 000kJ. The boy needs 5 000kJ.of
energy per day. How many grams (g) of cereal does he need to eat in
order to obtain enough energy (assuming that he does not eat any other
foods)? Show your working. (3)
5.7 Draw a pie chart (pie graph) to illustrate the relative of protein,
carbohydrate, fat and fibre for 100g of cereal (7)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 6
6 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

A balanced diet is one that contains sufficient quantities

of all the essential food components in the right
proportions. It is important that menus for meals are
planned to achieve a balanced diet.

The following list contains some types of foods that can

be used to form a balanced diet if they are well combined
and are in the right proportions.
eggs milk meat beans peaches apples
bread rice maize spinach cabbage oranges

6.1 Write down the names of any FOUR foods from the list that could be
included in a balanced menu for ONE meal. (4)
6.2 Briefly explain why you have included the food substances you listed
above, in your menu. (4)
6.3 Explain why there cannot be one specific (particular) balanced diet that
is suitable for everyone (2)

Activity 7
7 Study the table below which shows the results of certain tests on five different food types
A to E.

Name of test and colour change

type Benedict’s Iodine solution Biuret
test test test

A Orange Yellow Blue

B Blue Blue -black Blue

C Orange Yellow Purple

D Blue Blue-black Purple

E Orange Blue-black Purple

7.1 Identify the food type (A, B, C, D or E) ONLY contains:

(a) Starch? (1)
(b) Glucose? (1)
7.2 Name the food type that contains only glucose and protein? (1)
7.3 Name the food type that contains starch, glucose and proteins? (1)
7.4 Rice contains starch and proteins, but no glucose. Which food type is
probably rice? (1)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 8
8 The diagram below shows how three different food tests (1, 2, and 3) were carried out.
A, B and C indicate the food sample and W, X and Y the reagent that was added to the
food sample. Each gave a positive result.

8.1 Identify reagent W, X and Y respectively. (3)

8.2 Give the names of the nutrient (foods) tested for in samples 1, 2 and 3. (3)
8.3 State the colour you would have seen if the results were negative in:
(a) Test 1 (1)
(b) Test 2 (1)

Activity 9
9 Amylase is an enzyme that hydrolyses (breaks down) starch into sugars in humans.
Sipho conducted an investigation where a solution of amylase was mixed with a starch
suspension. The mixtures were kept in water baths at different temperatures for 15

At the end of the time, the samples were analysed to find out how much sugar was
produced. The results of the above investigation are recorded in the table below:

Temperature (0 C) 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Units of sugar 12 36 65 90 90 30 4 2

9.1 What is the aim of the above investigation? (2)

9.2 Name the following variables in the above investigation:’
(a) Independent (1)
(b) Dependent (1)
9.3 How would Sipho improve the reliability of the investigation? (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
9.4 Name FOUR factors that should to be kept constant in the above (4)
9.5 State the conclusion that can be made about the action of salivary
amylase? (2)
9.6 What is the optimum temperature for the action of salivary amylase? (2)
9.7 Plot a line graph to show the results of the above investigation. (6)

Activity 10
10 An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of high temperature on a
washing powder containing fat digesting enzymes.
The procedure was as follows:
• Two same school white shirts were used.
• White shirts X and Y had same fat stain.
• White shirt X was washed with detergent containing fat-digesting enzymes for
3 minutes at 37
• White shirt Y was washed with detergent containing fat-digesting enzymes for 3
minutes in boiling water.
• The investigation was repeated five times.

The results of an investigation are shown below.

10.1 Name TWO planning steps that were taken for this investigation. (2)
10.2 State TWO factors that were kept constant during this investigation. (2)
10.3 Why was the white shirt X included in the investigation? (2)
10.4 Give ONE reason why was the investigation repeated five times? (1)
10.5 State a conclusion for this investigation. (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 11
11 Trypsin is a digestive enzyme secreted by the pancreas of vertebrate
animals. A biologist studying enzyme activity isolated trypsin from mammal and two
different species of fish. She tested the enzyme activity at different temperatures. Her
experimental results are illustrated in the graph below.
Enzyme activity (trypsin)

11.1 What is meant by the optimum temperature of an enzyme? (1)

11.2 What is the optimum temperature for trypsin in the:
(a) trout and (1)
(b) perch? (1)
11.3 Give the range of temperature for trypsin in a dog. (1)
11.4 Describe what happens to the activity of trypsin after 34°C in the dog.
Explain why this occurs. (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for the descriptions given below:
No. Description Biological Term
1. A basic unit of life
2. An organelle in a plant cell that stores starch
3. The membrane system in a cell on which ribosomes
sometimes occur
4. The membrane around a vacuole
5. An organelle in a cell that contains digestive juices
(5X1) (5)

Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (1.2 to 1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 Structure that provides plant cells with support A Cell wall
B Nucleus
2.2 Used for cellular respiration A Mitochondria
B Chloroplast
2.3 An organelle of cell that control all activities of the cell A Vacuole
B Ribosomes
(2x2) (4)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 3
3 Study the diagram of a compound light microscope below and answer the questions that

3.1 Give the LETTER and NAME of the part of the microscope that:
(a) regulates the amount of light. (2)
(b) allows for very precise focusing. (2)
(c) allows different objective lenses to be used. (2)
3.2 Name one function of the following parts respectively C, E and J (3)
3.3 What is the magnification of a microscope that has the eye piece
magnification of 10x and an objective lens of 40x. Show your working? (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 4
4 Study the diagrams below representing two cells with their organelles and answer the
questions that follow.

4.1 Which cell (X or Y) represent a plant cell? (1)

4.2 Give a visible reason for your answer. (2)
4.3 Label parts A and B respectively. (2)
4.4 Structure C in cell Y plays an important role. List THREE functions of this
structure. (3)
4.5 Name the organic substance that part D in cell Y mainly consist of (1)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 5
5 Study the diagram below showing the structure of a cell

5.1 Give the letters and names of THREE parts that allow you to identify the (6)
above diagram as identifying a cell.
5.2 Provide the LETTER and NAME the part in which cellular respiration take (2)
5.3 Explain why the cell given above cannot be from the root of a plant
Use the fluid mosaic model to .describe the structure of a cell membrane (4)

Activity 6
6.1 State ONE function for each of the following plastids:

(a) Chloroplasts (1)

(b) Chromoplasts (1)

(c) Leucoplasts (1)


Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 7
7 Complete the following table by writing down only the numbers (7.1 to 7.9) and your
answer next to it.


Activity 8
8 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

8.1 Write down the LETTER and NAME of the part that is responsible for:
(a) Facilitating transport of large molecules within cytoplasm (2)
(b) Protein synthesis (2)
(c) Providing turgidity to plant cells (2)
8.2 Tabulate three differences between plant and animal cell. (7)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 9
9 Study the micrograph below and answer the questions that follow.

9.1 Is this a micrograph of a plant or animal cell? (1)

9.2 Provide TWO observable reasons for your answer in Question 8.1 (2)

9.3 Which numbered part contains the hereditary material? (1)


Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Mitosis
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions.
No. Description Biological Term
1.1 The phase in mitosis that results in two identical cells
1.2 The division of the cytoplasm
1.3 The identical strands making up a mature chromosome
1.4 The process in which DNA molecule form the identical copy of itself.
1.5 Cell division process that results with two identical daughter cells
(5 x 1) (5)

Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (1.2 to 1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 DNA replication takes place A Prophase
B Telophase
2.2 A part of chromosome that attaches the two chromatids A Centromere
B Centrosome
(2 X 2) (4)

Activity 3
3. Study the diagram below.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
3.1 Identify part:
(a) 1 (1)
(b) 2 (1)
(c) 3 (1)
(d) 4 (1)
(e) 5 (1)
(f) 6 (1)
(g) 7 (1)
(h) 8 (1)
(i) 9 (1)

3.2 Is the cell above represent the plant cell or animal cell? Give a reason for (2)
your answer.

Activity 4
4. Study the diagram below showing a phase during mitosis.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022

4.2 (2)





Activity 5
5. Study the diagram below showing the phase of mitosis.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
5.1 (1)

5.2 (1)







5.5 (2)

5.6 (3)


Activity 6
6. Study the following diagrams representing different phases of mitosis

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
6.1 (1)


6.3 (3)

6.4 (1)

6.5 (1)

6.6 (2)

6.7 (1)


Activity 7
7. The diagram below shows a stage in mitosis.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
7.1 (1)

7.2 (3)



7.4 (3)

7.5 (3)


Activity 8
8. Give a description of mitosis under the following headings:
8.1 (3)
Event during interphase

8.2 Prophase (7)


Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Animal Tissues
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions:
No. Description Biological Term
1.1 Type of epithelium lining the nostrils, trachea and bronchi which
has hair-like outgrowths
1.2 Structural unit of the nervous system
1.3 A microscopic gap between consecutive neurons
1.4 Tissue that joins muscle to bone
1.5 Tough fibrous connection between muscles and bones
1.6 Collective name for bone tissue and blood tissue.
1.7 Weakened germ given through injection or tablet to produce
1.8 Specialised cell in ciliated columnar epithelial tissue which
produce mucus
1.9 Tissue in roots which to root-hairs
(9X1) (9)

Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (2.1 to 2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 Make up the walls of capillaries A Squamous epithelium
B Cuboidal epithelium
2.2 Leucocytes help to protect the body against diseases A Antibodies
because they produce B Antibiotics
2.3 Tissue that forms annual rings during secondary A Xylem
thickening growth in dicot plant B Schlencyma
(3x2) ( 6)

Activity 3
3 A student examined sections of animal tissue and observed the following:

3.1 Identify tissue: (1)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
3.1.1 A (1)
3.1.2 B
3.2 Mention TWO areas in the human body where tissue B is found (2)
3.3 Tabulate ONE visible difference between A and B (3)
3.4 Describe ONE way how tissue B is structurally (2)

Activity 4
4.1 Study the following diagrams of the human tissues.

4.1 (2)

4.2 (1)

4.3 (1)




Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 5
5 The electron micrographs /photos below that show different animal tissues and the.

5.1 Give the functional difference between tissue C and E (2)

5.2 Explain what will happen if tissue F failed to function (2)
5.3 Provide LETTER and the NAME of the tissue which
(a) Insulates the body (2)
(b) Forms bones making up the endoskeleton (2)
(c) Reduces friction between bones (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 6
6 Below is a micrograph of an animal tissue. Study the diagram and answer the questions
that follow.

6.1 Give name of tissues A (1)

6.2 Describe TWO structural adaptation of tissue A for its functions. (4)
6.3 If tissue A was taken from the human respiratory system, which part (1)
would that be?
6.4 Draw a fully labelled cell from tissue A (4)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Plant Tissues
Activity 7
7.1 Give SIX examples of permanent tissues (6)
7.2 Tabulate TWO differences between apical and lateral meristematic tissues (5)

Activity 8
8 Study the following plant tissues:

8.1 Give the LETTER and the NAME of the tissue which:
(a) Transports water and minerals up a plant (2)
(b) Provides mechanical support to the plant (2)
8.2 Explain TWO ways in which tissue B is structurally suited for its function (4)

Activity 9
9.1 Study the structure of a transverse section through dicot root showing different tissues.

9.1 Give the LETTER and NAME of tissue that:

(a)Transport water (2)
(b)Conducts manufactured food from the leaves to all parts of plants (2)
(c)Stores food in the form of starch (2)
9.2 Explain why tissue B is lignified (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Support and Transport in Plants
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions.
No. Description Biological Term
1.1. Movement of particles from a high to a low concentration
1.2. The ability of a solution of water to do work by osmosis
1.3. A membrane that allows some particles to pass through and
prevents others from passing through
1.4. Movement of water from a high WP to a low WP across a
differentially permeable membrane until dynamic equilibrium is
1.5. Movement of particles across membranes using their own
energy from high to low concentration
1.6. Movement of particles from a region of low concentration to a
region of high concentration using energy
1.7. Cells formed from epidermal cells in the root to absorb water
1.8. The process of taking substances into a cell through diffusion or
1.9. A waxy, waterproof band found in the cell walls of the
endodermis which channels water into the xylem
1.10. Movement of water from a root hair cell through the cortex until it
reaches the central xylem tissue
1.11. Tissue in plants that conducts water and mineral salts
1.12. Is found in the cell walls of plants making them woody and rigid
1.13. Elongated, living cells that transport the dissolved food in
phloem tissue
1.14. The loss of water in the form of water vapour through the
stomata of the leaf
1.15. Modified epidermal cells that surround a stoma
1.16. The opening in the epidermis of a plant through which gases
and water vapour pass
1.17. The force that moves water into the leaf cells from the xylem
vessels to replace the water lost due to transpiration
1.18. The pressure that forces water to move through the roots and up
the stem of a plant
1.19. A plant cell that is rigid because the vacuole is filled to capacity
1.20. A cell that is shrink because of a lack of water
(20x1) (20)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (1.2 to 1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 Active transport of substances into and out of cells A Osmosis
B Diffusion
2.2 Makes up cortex of dicotyledonous root A Parenchyma cells
B Endodermis
2.3 Increase rate of transpiration in plants A Humidity
B Wind
2.4 Type of roots found in dicotyledonous plants A Tap roots
B Adventitious roots
2.5 Tissue that forms annual rings during secondary A Xylem
growth in dicotyledonous plants B sclerenchyma
2.6 Plants without a nuclei A Parenchyma
B Companion cells
2.7 The waxy layer on the outer of leaves A Epidermis
B Cuticle
2.8 Transport organic food in plants A Phloem
B Sieve tubes
2.9 Force responsible for upward movement of water in A Capillarity
water in plants B Transpiration pull
2.10 Movement of dissolved food from the leaves to the A Active transport
roots B Translocation
(10x2) (20)

Activity 3
3 Study the diagram below of the cross section of a dicotyledonous leaf. Answer the
questions that follow.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
3.1 Provide labels for 4,7, 8 and 9 (4)
3.2 List ONE function of structure 1. (1)
3.3. Give the number and the name of the organelle in which photosynthesis (2)
3.4. Give ONE visible difference between cells 5 and 7 (2)
3.5 Xylem is a conducting tissue found in leaves. List THREE structural
features of xylem that allows it to perform its function. (3)

Activity 4
4 Study the diagram below of a root hair cell.

4.1 Identify parts A and B. (2)

4.2. Explain TWO ways in which root hair is adapted for the absorption of (4)
4.3. Explain TWO ways in which the xylem tissue is adapted for transporting
water. (4)
4.4. Explain why a high temperature in the soil will increase absorption of water
by the root hair. (2)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 5
5. Study the line graph below showing the effect of light intensity on the rate of
transpiration in leaves

5.1. Identify the dependent variable in the above investigation. (1)

5.2. State the effect of increasing the light intensity from 0 to 2. (1)
5.3. Explain why an increase in light intensity above 2 does not increase the
rate of transpiration much further. (2)
5.4. List TWO factors that should be kept constant in the above investigation. (2)
5.5. Why should the factors mentioned in QUESTION kept constant
when conducting the investigation? (1)

Activity 6
6 Thobile set up the following apparatus to investigate how temperature affects
transpiration rate.

6.1. What is the name of this apparatus? (1)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
6.2. Identify the:
(a) Dependent variable (1)
(b) Independent variable (1)
6.3. Predict what would happen to the speed of movement of the air bubble
if Vaseline was applied to the ventral surfaces of all the leaves. Explain
your answer. (3)
6.4. Why should this apparatus be allowed to stand before starting the
experiment ? (1)
6.5. Give ONE precaution you would take when setting up this apparatus. (2)
6.6. The apparatus was used to investigate the effect of temperature on
transpiration rate. Study the results in the table below.
Temperature °C 22 25 27 28 30
Transpiration rate 1,5 3,5 5 4,5 4
( mol/m sec)

Draw a line graph to illustrate the above results (6)

6.8. What can you conclude about the relationship between temperature and (2)
transpiration rate?

Activity 7
7 Explain how the shape and cell wall features of the following tissues are suited to their
function in the plant body:
7.1. Epidermal tissue (6)
7.2. Phloem (6)
7.3. Spongy mesophyll (4)

Activity 8

8 Study the diagram below showing an investigation on


Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
8.1. State ONE planning step that should be considered before undertaking
such an investigation. (1)
8.2. Explain the importance of the potato in this investigation. (2)
8.3. List TWO observations that you would make in this investigation. (2)
8.4. State TWO differences between the process investigated in the diagram
above and diffusion. (4)

Activity 9
9 The graph below illustrates the rate of transpiration in a plant under conditions
of light and darkness. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow:

Day Night Day Night

9.1. Give the numbers which will indicate:

(a) Open stomata (2)
(b) Closed stomata (2)
9.2. Mention any ONE environmental condition in the guard cells responsible
for the change at:
(a) 4 (1)
(b) 2 (1)

Activity 10
10 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
10.1 Name the parts labelled A–D. (4)
10.2. Explain any TWO structural adaptations of part D that enables it to perform (4)
its function effectively.
10.3. What is the collective name of the tissues that transport water and food in (1)
the structure shown above?

Activity 11
11. A leaf is one of the major important organs of a plant. Describe how the leaf is adapted
to perform its functions on the following processes:
11.1. Photosynthesis (4)
11.2. Transpiration (4)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Support in Animals
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the descriptions provided below.
No. Description Biological Term
1. 1 Part of the human skull that encloses and protects the brain.
1. 2 Longest bone of the pectoral girdle.
1. 3 Long bone of the upper leg.
1. 4 Long bone in line with the thumb in the lower arm.
1. 5 Long bone in line with the little finger in the lower arm.
1. 6 Bones of the wrist.
1. 7 A structure that attaches bone to bone
1. 8 A tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that attaches a bone to
a muscle.
(8X1) (8)

Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (1.2 to 1.3) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 A part of the pectoral girdle A Clavicle
B Scapula
2.2 Bones that form part of the pelvic girdle. A Femur
B Tibia
2.3 Consists of skull, rib cage and vertebral column A Axial skeleton
B Appendicular skeleton
(3X2) (6)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 3
3 The diagram below shows a human skeleton. Study the diagram and answer questions
that follow.

3.1 Identify the part labelled A. (1)

3.2 Name the part of the skeleton represented by letters A, D, E and G
collectively. (1)
3.3 Provide names for the bones labelled I, M, N, O, P, Q and R that form
part of the lower limb. (7)
3.4 Briefly discuss the functions of the skeleton. (10)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 4
4 Study the diagram below which shows an upper limb from a human skeleton and
answer questions that follow.

4.1 Name all bones labelled A, B, C, D and E. (5)

4.2 Name the structure that attaches bone C to bone D and E. (1)
4.3 Draw and label a longitudinal section of bone C to show its structure. (6)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Topic: Transport System in Mammals
Activity 1
Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions
No. Description Biological Term
1.1 Blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood to the left
atrium of the heart
1.2 The largest artery in the body which leaves the left
1.3 The chamber of the heart which has the pacemaker in its
1.4 A type of an involuntary muscle found only in the heart
1.5 Vessels that return components of tissue fluid back to the
blood system
1.6 The chamber in the heart that receives oxygenated blood
from the left atrium
1.7 The tissue which lines all blood vessels
1.8 Blood vessels that allows entry and exit of substances
through its walls
1.9 Valve in the heart that controls movement between the
right atrium and right ventricle
1.10 The upper chambers of the heart
(10X1) (10)

Activity 2
Indicate whether each of the statements in COLUMN I apply to A ONLY, B ONLY, BOTH A
AND B or NONE of the items in COLUMN II. Write A only, B only, both A and B, or none
next to the question number (2.1 to 2.5) in the ANSWER BOOK.
2.1 Contraction of heart muscles A Diastole
B Systole
2.2 Associated with oxygenated blood A Left atrium
B Left ventricle
2.3 Prevents backflow of blood from right ventricle A Bicuspid valve
into right atrium B Tricuspid valve
2.4 Which stage of the cardiac cycle during which A Atrial systole
the tricuspid and bicuspid valves are closed B Ventricular systole
2.5 The membrane that encloses and protects the A Pericardium
heart B Septum
2.6 Transported by the pulmonary vein A Deoxygenated blood
B Oxygenated blood
(6X2) (12)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 3
3 Study the diagram of a capillary network below

3.1 Identify the type of blood labelled B. (1)

3.2 Tabulate TWO structural differences between the blood vessels labelled
A and B (5)
3.3 What is the lining of capillary called? (1)
3.4 What name is given to the liquid which bathes the body cells (1)

Activity 4
The table below shows the percentage incidents of high level of cholesterol in
different population groups in KZN.

4.1 (6)

4.2 (1)

- (9)

Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 5
5 The diagram below shows the human heart

5.1 Identify :

(a) A (1)

(b) E (1)

(c) F (1)






Life Sciences Grade 10 JIT Term 1 & 2 of 2022
Activity 6
6 Study the diagram of the human heart below

6.1 Identify part:

(a) D (1)

(b) E (1)

6.2 State ONE function of vessel B.

6.3 Explain what happens in valve A and F during ventricular systole. (2)

6.4 Explain what will be the consequence if vessel C is blocked. (3)

6.5 Tabulate TWO structural differences between vein and artery (5)
. (13)


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