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Blue sky and red sand near the ocean,

What a sight for pure emotion.

As waves crash and seagulls squawk,
I hear nature's symphony in my walk.

The sky above, so pure and blue,

With clouds that drift in endless hues.
It's a canvas of art, a masterpiece in view,
Showing off its beauty, an indescribable view.

The red sand beneath my feet,

Warm and soft like a lover's sweet.
With each step, it forms patterns unique,
An art in itself, a masterpiece to critique.

Together, these two elements create

A breathtaking scene, a poetic fate.
It's a celebration of nature's wonder,
A moment of awe, a memory to ponder.

Blue sky and red sand near the ocean,

My heart swells with love and pure emotion.
As I stand here and breathe it all in,
I know I've witnessed a moment to win.

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