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Alwin Group of Schools

Preboard Examination
Answer key

Class: 10 Marks: 80
Subject: Science Duration: 3 Hours

Section - A

I Multiple Choice Questions: 10×1=10

1. Phy
2. Phy
3. Phy

4. (a) (i) and (ii)

5. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

6. (b) CH3Cl + HCl

7. (b) Parasitic nutrition
8. (b)Motor nerves
9. (a) Seminal vesicles
10. (c) A is true but R is false.

Section - B
II Answer in Short: 12 x 2 = 2

1. (a) Lead (50%) and Tin (50%) 1m

(b) It has a low melting point thus it is used for welding electrical wires 1m

2. (a) Compound X Is iron oxide (Fe2O3). This reaction is given by following

​ ​


​ ​ ​ ​ 1m
(b) This reaction is called thermite reaction 1m

3. Carbon can’t loose 4 electrons because high energy is needed to remove 4

electrons. It cannot gain 4 electrons because 6 protons cannot hold 10 electrons.
That is why carbon cannot form ionic compounds. 2m

5. a) Double circulation importance: helps keep oxygenated (blood rich in oxygen) separate
from deoxygenated (blood rich in carbon dioxide). This results in more efficient circulation
of blood.

b) Importance of bicuspid and tricuspid valves in heart: prevents the reverse flow of
blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium while bicuspid valve prevents the
reverse flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium
6. Synapses are gaps between two neurons. When the nerve impulse reaches the dendrites at
the end of the axon, chemical messengers called neurotransmitters are released. These
chemicals diffuse across the synapse (the gap between the two neurons). The chemicals
bind with receptor molecules on the membrane of the second neuron.

7. I. Placenta: provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby. It also removes waste
products from the baby's blood.
II. Ovary: produce egg by process of ovulation
III. Uterine wall: implantation, formation of placenta and umbilical cord, helps
in contraction during childbirth
IV. Egg fuses with sperm to form zygote
8. The genotype of an organism is its complete set of genetic material. Eg- TT, Tt, tt The
phenotype is an observable feature. E.g.- tall, dwarf

9. Phy
10. Phy
11. Phy
12. Phy

Section - C
III Answer in Brief: 6 x 3 = 18
1. (i) Ventricles pump blood into various organs with high pressure so they
have thicker walls.
(ii) Plants are non-motile, less active and require less energy so their
cells do not need to be supplied with materials so quickly.
(iii) The aquatic vertebrates like fish have gills to oxygenate blood.
Fishes have single circulation. The terrestrial vertebrates like birds and
humans have four chambered hearts and show double circulation.

2. This occurs due to biological magnification. When pesticides like DDT are used to
protect crops from diseases and pests. These non-biodegradable substances enter the
soil. From soil these substances are absorbed by plants along with water and
minerals. The food plants when consumed by organisms, they get accumulated at
different trophic levels. As the human beings occupy the top position in any food
chain, maximum concentration of such harmful chemicals get accumulated in the
bodies of man
3. Phy
4. Phy
5. (a) pH value will decrease when milk changes into curd. 1m
(b) pH scale is a scale which is used for measuring hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.
(c) Choose strong and weak acids from the following (¼ m for each)
i) CH₃COOH - weak acid iii) HNO₃ - strong acid
ii) H₂SO₄ - strong acid iv) HCOOH -
weak acid

6. (a) Displacement and double displacement reaction (½+1/2)

(b) 1m for representing transfer of electrons

(c ) Cinnabar, Cinnabar on roasting gives Mercury and Sulphur dioxide.
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2HgO ---------> 2Hg + O2

Section - D

IV Answer in Detail: 3 x 5 = 15
1. a) 2m

sodium or sodium or potassium salts of

potassium salts of sulphonic acid.

fatty acids

They don’t form They form lather readily in hard

lather readily in water.

hard water

(b) Hard water contains Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ ions which react with soap and form scum. So, soap is
not able to form lather. 1m
(c ) Soaps are alkaline in nature so it will turn red litmus blue 1m

(d) 1m
2. a) In a monohybrid cross of tall pea plants denoted by TT and short pea plants denoted by
tt, Saurav obtained only tall plants ( denoted by Tt ) in F1 generation.However , in F2
generation he obtained both all and dwarf plants . using the above information , explain the
law of dominance. (3)

TT x tt …………………………...ParentsT t
F1 Tt xTt ………………….self cross
T t T t ………………..Gametes F2
T t

T TT, Tall Tt Tall

T Tt, Tall Tt, Dwarf

b) Make representation of dihybrid cross showing phenotypic ratio 9:3:3:1.(2)

3. Phy

Section - D
V Case Based questions: 3 x 4 = 12+1

1. Phy
2. (a) 2Na + H2O —---> 2NaOH + H2 + heat energy 1m
(b) iii) Fe3O4 1m
(c ) Gold, silver, copper, lead 1m
(d) iii and iv 1m

3. i) The conversion of pyruvate into ethanol, CO2 & energy takes place in the
absence of air(oxygen), it is called anaerobic respiration.
ii)The conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid( 3 carbon molecules) and energy
due to the lack of oxygen.
iii) It is in the form of ATP molecule i.e Adenosine Triphosphate.
iv) The amount of O2 dissolved in water is low as compared to the amount of
O2 present in air. Therefore, aquatic animals have a faster breathing rate.
v) a) fish- gills b) frog- skin, lungs

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