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Project Brief

General Information
As a team of data analytics, you have to clean and transform data using Power BI
and create a dashboard in Power BI providing the information requested by the
You will be working in groups. To demonstrate that you are ready to tackle the
responsibility of a real job, you will be:
Organizing your own workspace
Hosting your own synchronous group meetings
Discussing your work in private chats.
General Information

This format will provide everyone in the group with an opportunity to contribute to
the project to prove themselves.
General Information

You need to complete this project before your final examination. Your team will
need to submit all the appropriate material on the given deadline day.
General Information

To participate in the project, you must complete all the activities in our Google
Classroom. I highly recommend doing so before starting to work on the project.
You are working as a data analyst team for the HR department in a medical
company. The data provided by the HR department includes 10-15 parameters per
day per year (arrival/departure time, vacations, sick days, time off, etc.) on 1000+
employees of the company. Your task is to answer the following questions, which
the CEO formulated:
1. Identify the most disciplined and undisciplined employees and divisions;
2. Create a visualization with the analysis of weekdays and months when the
most employees were late/absent ( either for vacation or sick leave);
3. Answer the following questions. Which heads of department tend to forgive
employees for lack of discipline? ARe there any favorites for any heads of
departments (perhaps some employees are always forgiven for being late,
given time off, etc.)?
Use Power BI for data cleaning and transformation. The final dashboard should be
published and presented in Power BI.
Tips and hints
1. In “schedules”, there are text strings for dates and user_ids. Every date from the
rows is assigned for every id. There are various ways to clean the data, but it is
recommended to Power Query.
2. You need to calculated the statistics of tardiness based on personnel schedule and
actual attendance. Use “Merge Queries” in Power Query to join the tables based on
user id and date. Let’s assume that a n employee is late if he or she checked in 10
minutes after the start of his or her shift and left early when he or she checked out
earlier than his or her shift should have ended.
3. There would be outliers in minutes early/late due to drawbacks of the schedules
data. Feel free to filter out tardiness when it is more than 2 hours. Be careful with
null values because if you filter them out, you may lose the data on vacations and
sick days.

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