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Helo mrs quynh,my nam is dung frome class 10a3,today I will talk about deforestation in Vietnam.

first reason is in the forest there are many kind of rare plants and animal,many people want to have
those to sell so those plants and animals are on the verge of extinction.For ex: Purple Khoi, Dang
Ginseng, Hoang Tinh Cach, Ha Thu red umbrella, Du Sam mountain soil, Ba antlers round, Three gauze
oranges and Anise water are precious medicinal plants that are being exploited strongly by people.what
is more, there are many forest fire were happened that losed many rare plants and need a lot of time to
restore. A ex for this is one of the most recent and destructive wildfires, with a record 73,000 small fires
discovered in the Amazon rainforest in 2019. The rainforest, which contributes nearly 20% of the oxygen
in the world. The Earth, which has been burned for more than half a month, causes a great loss of
biodiversity.So we need to propagate to protect the environment, give the punishment deserved to
those who illegally cut down the forest, make regulations when visiting the forest such as not bringing
explosives into the forest

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