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Complex Embezzlement Involving Treason, Foreign Intelligence, and NGO Corruption:

Problems and Solutions

This is an urgent message for the Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada.

I appologize for the crude formatting of this document. Hackers have riddled this
computer with malware, and they will not allow me to save on MS Word. The other
computer is loaded up with way more malware, and I just don't have patience for it.
We're buying a new one this month anyways. At least I can still write this document
in notepad. I will do my best to space things out as best I can. The information is
what's important, not the format, but a well done academic format, is what draws the
reader in. This is very hard to edit in Notepad, so please bear with me. I can
convert it to a PDF, but I can't edit or save it in word. This is a lot of work for
me, so you will have to excuse the spelling and grammar.

First off, I am using the email address to request a

full report of the Organized Crime report on the 2600 different criminal groups
operating in Canada, as well as the major multinational threats operating in
Ontario, and throughout the country. I found out about the CISC after an article
from Better Dwelling popped up in my news feed. This particular article contained
subject matter that that was relevant to a series of whistleblowing documents
(emails, pdfs, docs) that I have been sending out about organized crime,
infiltration, subversion, and covert economic warfare from 2019-onwards. Political
correctness is one of many creative ways for these NGOs, univsersity professors,
policymakers, to subvert democracy, and siphon freshly printed money into a funnel
of different "community development programs," all of which look realistic on paper,
and can fool even the shrewdest of auditors. Political correctness is used as a
public front to mask very deep-seated extreme right wing facist values. For all the
virtue signalling city agencies like TCHC and other NGOs engage in, they sure are
homophobic, antisemtic, racist, ablist, age-ist, and only help certain people for
very political reasons. Despite the fact that many minorities work in these
services, they hold very ethnocentric, cross cultural prejudices - such as hatred of
Jews and gay people - gay men especially. We have an HRTO complaint against TCHC and
the City of Toronto, and we are challenging their criminal behaviour and harassment
in court. We plan to take this case all the way up to international court. This will
take years, and it will be very difficult, but not impossible. I think that if we
can win the HRTO case, then we can encourage other more prestigous law firms to take
our case, provided they haven't all been corrupted. This case is such an easy win,
it's rediculous. The work has already been done, and it's just a matter of waiting
for a hearding date. TCHC and the City of Toronto are in clear violation of the
Residential Tenancies Act (right to a quiet unit and reasonable quality of life),
the Ontario Human Rights Code, City of Toronto RGI policy, Ontario Provincial
Occupancy Standards, and TCHC's own policies on occupancy standards, discrimination,
harassment, and retaliation. They are homophobically denying our marriage. We have a
ton of screen captures and print outs of this policy, and it doesn't matter.

TCHC and City of Toronto employees are the worst human beings my husband and I have
ever met! Their cold-bloodedness never ceases to shock us! They operate like any
mafia-like criminal structure would. These workers are all practiced sociopathic
liars with absolutely no respect for the law. They have no respect for human rights,
and worst of all, they have absolutely ZERO empathy or human compassion. Above all
else, they are bound by the clause of DUTY TO ACCOMODATE above all else. They
absolutely refuse to. It is very obvious that we are being discriminated against and
harassed by this criminal enterprise. They are once again trying to drive us out of
our home. This matter has to eventually go to the Ontario Landlord Tenant Board, and
this will be an obvious easy win. Hopefully the LTB adjudicators act in accordance
to rule of law. Legally speaking, we have the city over a barrel.

These 2600 criminal organizations work in a hierarchal pyramidal structure. They are
not seperate entities they are one GIANT multinational criminal entity working
together. I believe that they are all connected through a vast intelligence network
which spans the globe.

I will also discuss some of the nuances of modern economic warfare. The most
important weapon of war besides infiltration and subversion, is the perpetual use
and management of a feral, drug-addicted criminal underclass. This criminal
underclass is extremely uneducated, violent, destructive, abusive, bigoted, they
destroy property, wreak havoc in neighbourhoods, and have no self-control -
especially when it comes to their drug habits. Poverty is created through economic
destabilzation. Inflation is created by printing excessive amounts of money. By
printing money, and deliberately spending it on wasteful endeavours, poverty can be
created artificially. Artificial poverty, creates artificial need. Artificial need,
requires artificial solutions, which end up raising inflation, which creates more
poverty, which demands more solutions, and so on, until the country's economy
becomes destabilized and collapses.

You see, the criminal underclass wreaks all kinds of havoc in the shelter system, in
housing, and in the downtown area, yet they get preferential treatment by public
sector social services, mental health services, and community development programs.
Why is this? To add insult to injury, not only are bad clients given special
treatment, good clients are discriminated against by social services, and various
community "workers." These social programs seem to favour unruly and destructive
clients. There is an obvious agenda at play. This criminal underclass is being used
to deliberately cause trouble in order to justify massive increases in social
spending to the public sector, NGOs, and the mental health sector. The only way to
pay for these bloated social programs, is by printing money. Money is printed en
masse, and gets eaten up by these massive spending projects. Our debt is $2Trillion,
for Christ's sake, and we are a resource-rich country with only 30 million people!
All of this ends up producing a net-loss for the municipality foolish enough to
allow this type of complex racketeering to go on. This is why Toronto is broke and
falling apart! The attack is multi-pronged.

1. Expanding the criminal network to have a massive, disposable standing army, and
new class of salaried people to "manage" that standing army. The salaries are high,
and eat up a lot of taxpayer money.
2. A goon squad that can be deployed to lower the land values of a given area(s)
3. A goon squad that can be deployed to target dissidents, activists, free-thinkers,
outspoken individuals, and anyone the white collar criminal class doesn't like
4. A means of waging economic warfare, by bleeding municipalities and the taxpayer
completely dry.
5. It is a very sophisticated weapon of economic warfare, and extremely difficult to
conceptualize and pin down.
6. If you target enough large municipalities this way, before you know it, a nation
can be completely destroyed from the inside out.
7. Costs increase, inflation rises, and more money is printed to pay for these
programs. This creates poverty, and forces people to be dependant on these social
programs, which makes them desparate and easy to control.

If you want to destroy Canada (or any country) this is how you do it! Instead of
using bombs and bullets, people, social netorks, brainwashing, and propaganda are
much more dangerous and effective weapons of war. If one were a multinational
criminal entity, one would wish to destroy a country by devaluing its currency,
lowering its landvalues, and destabilizing any socio-economic cohesion. When Canada
becomes broke and worthless, it should be no problem to swoop in with - say -
American dollars, and buy up everything for next to nothing! Think of the profits
that could be made on such a deal! Not only is there money to be made, but
full-sprectrum dominance over a population can be achieved through careful,
deliberate, and incremental planning.

Here's what I mean in simple terms. Team 1 and Team 2 are playing hockey. Team 2
wants to win at all costs, but for whatever reason, a simple shot on goal is not an
option. Imagine a puck that can dematerialize, enter the back of net as a vapour,
and then rematerializes behind the goalie. The goal is scored, and the goalie for
Team 1 has no idea what happened, or how the puck got there. Team 2 wins by a
landslide, and Team 1's goalie is standing there, shaking his head, wondering what
went wrong. All Team 1 knows is that the game was lost, but they don't understand
why or how. They didn't see the puck coming towards the front of the net, so what
the hell happened?

Here is a real world example of where a destructive client gets preferrential

treatment over a victim:

At the Roehampton Hotel Shelter, there was a large, violent, white supremacist thug
(I will refer to him as "Thumper) who was (deliberately) placed next door to us in
Room 504. This guy was very angry, unstable, and menacing. Thumper was hardly a
gremlin, he was more like an orc, and ogre, or a giant. A black man was assigned to
his room. This black man was just a quiet, regular guy, and when he came into Room
504, Thumper threw an absolute fit! The black guy responded, "whoa whoa whoa, man!
You stay on your side of the room, I'll stay on mine!" Thumper got even angrier,
screaming that he shouldn't have a black roommate! The n-word was used. Thumper
ended up breaking two lamps! Guess who got kicked out? The black man who did
absolutely nothing. The most disturbing part of this, was the fact that two black
female staff came to Thumper's aid, tried to console him, and treated Thumper like
he was the victim! The black guy, eneded up getting kicked out of the shelter! The
victim was treated like the criminal, and the criminal was treated like the victim!
This speaks volumes about the demoralization in the minority community, as well as
the corruption in the City of Toronto Shelter System. These incidents are common! A
white thug breaks two lamps, because he doesn't want a black roommate, and the black
guy ends up getting kicked out. Thumper was transferred to another room, when he
should have been kicked out and arrested. Lawrence and I witnessed the whole ordeal,
we reported everything to the staff, and they just didn't care. This is a resurgence
of old south plantation mentality breaking down accross the minority demographic.

Repetitive fire alarm pulling as a means of harassment and an excuse to pad fire

This youtube channel is very important to me. This is an in-your-face view of the
insanity that goes on at 4301 Kingston Rd., with these extremists in the building
who pull the fire alarm, commit arson, stalk, harass, threaten, and attack
vulnerable minority tenants – all of which is sanctioned and covered up by the
Toronto Police Service (43rd Division), CSU (TCHC Special Constable), and Toronto
Fire Services. The particular group orchestrating this, is the Ku Klux Klan, in an
alliance with Muslim extremists – both groups share the same views about gay people,
Jews, the disabled, black people, and other ethnic minorities. I always suspected it
was the Klan, but I had no proof until these people actually had the audacity to
write “K.K.K. Lives Here,” on the 4th floor wall, by the elevator, at 4301 Kingston.
Aside from a few minority tokens, an overwhelming majority of the perpetrators
orchestrating this harassment are Caucasian, and have that signature
“hillbilly/redneck” appearance. This includes both the violent thugs in this
building, many of the firemen, and a few of the CSU police. Right wing extremists
have a particular “look” to them that is very hard to miss. The police and CSU are
very “buddy-buddy” with the junkie trash in this building. One CSU officer in
particular, is very tall, white, bald, with a big belly, and is very good friends
with our Klan neighbours. I refer to this officer (not to his face, as I am still
respectful of authority) as “Humpty Dumpty,” and have included a picture of him in
an attachment.

The fire alarms are a means of targeting myself and my husband. They were frequent
at the Roehampton Hotel Shelter, where we were doggedly harassed by garbage street
trash, some of the security guards, and staff members. The police at 53rd Division
helped orchestrate and cover up a lot of the harassment, along with their
drug-dealing informants at the hotel. According to city records, the fire alarms
were pulled a total of 31 times at 4301 Kingston Rd, for all of 2021. The fire alarm
pulling, as well as other, chronic noise harassment, began immediately when we moved
in on March 24th 2021. We were moved into yet another hostile housing set-up. But
right now, I am discussing the fire alarms. The fire alarm pulling was frequent and
steady from the day we moved in, until it really picked up speed after January 26th
2022, after we discovered the true adversarial nature of our relationship with TCHC,
the City of Toronto, and our social workers. The incident on January 26th 2022, is
described in my HRTO complaint documents, and was retaliation by TCHC, for
complaining about harassment in the building. In reality, we were continuously lied
to about city policy, occupancy standards, and they never wanted to give us housing
anyways. The city and the shelter system engaged in dogged provocation, harassment,
and undue influence, and deliberately pushed my buttons in order to get me to act
out violently, so that I would get kicked out of the shelter, arrested, or
institutionalized. They are doing the exact same thing now, with the fire alarms at
4301 Kingston. This is all one big joke to the neighbours who are doing it, and the
klan-infiltrated fire department who is covering it all up, and protecting the
street trash who are engaging in this behaviour. The city refuses to put cameras in
the hallways, which would save a bundle on the emergency services budget.

The city does not want to save money on emergency services, because they are
perfectly content creating problems, padding budgets, harassing them there f***ots,
them there k**es, them there n***ers, dang ol’ retards, and them’s’there fucking
immigrants, and having a knee-slappin’ good time while doing it! This is all good,
clean, redneck fun! The city is once again, trying to drive my husband and I out of
our home. They tried with their lies on the January 26th 2022, so we researched
policy, they didn’t like it, so the fire alarms increased! They tried to drive us
out with illegal arrears, and even colluded with Petrea McCONvey our legal aid
lawyer who screwed us over. We blew the whistle, we filed with the HRTO, we drove
them back, they got angry, and the fire alarms increased! We got married, so that
Lawrence could be added to the lease, and oooooooh boy, did they get angry! The fire
alarms increased exponentially, and have continued to do so! The fire alarms were so
frequent, that it caught the attention of Mathew Pegg, the Toronto Fire Chief. To
put on a show, Pegg, wrote a letter pretending to ask for information about all of
the malicious fire alarms at 4301 Kingston Rd. The letter (which I have included in
the attachments) asked anyone to come forward with information about who is setting
off these alarms. There were instructions to call the Toronto Fire Service, as well
as Crime Stoppers, and there was even the offer of a $1000 reward. Since we know
damn well who is pulling the fire alarms, we decided to call crime stoppers, who
throat-cleared us over the phone, and indicated that they were not interested. We
called the 2nd in command, Mr. Jessup, who also throat-cleared us over the phone,
and passed the buck to his associate, Mr. Stevens? (ASK AL FOR NAME LATER), we left
him a message, and he never called us back – of course, we didn’t expect him to,
anyways. I always suspected that the fire department was covering for the people
pulling the fire alarms, but it would have looked funny if we did not give them the
information that they pretended to ask for. You have to use the system, even if it’s
broken. About a month later, after another barrage of fire alarms, there was an
announcement over the PA system in the building, and the fire department was once
again asking for information about who was pulling these fire alarms. Once again,
the fire department pretended to ask for information, and once again, I rose to the
occasion, and wrote an email to the fire inspector, the auditor general of Toronto,
and our corrupt and useless virtue-signalling mayor, John Tory.

The next day, the fire department came, and gave their rehearsed routine about fire
safety in the kitchen, in a sloppy attempt to cover up the countless malicious fire
alarms (this came after the fire chief and then, later an employee admitted the
alarms were malicious), so I caught them in a lie on film. This woman also explained
that this was not a fire drill or a test, a few minutes went by and they decided to
play with the alarm, and setting the alarm on and off for about an hour, maybe an
hour and a half. I knew right then and there, that this was deliberate harassment by
the fire department, and I have it all on film. The speech about the kitchen safety
reminded me about the emails I had sent last year about these same perpetrators
pulling the fire alarm, the politics behind the frequent alarms, as well as
complaints about the fire alarm frequency itself. The fire department would always
respond with the kitchen fire safety speech as a means to cover up for these
malicious alarms. I stopped emailing them until they pretended to ask for
information. When I send these emails, I don’t expect them to actually do anything
about these fire alarms (because I have lost complete faith in the system), I just
try to create a vast public record, and make it more difficult to cover up these
crimes. Since my last email, the fire alarms have been a daily occurrence, often
with two or more alarms in a 24-hour period. This has completely ruined mine and my
husband’s ability to get a full night’s sleep, and we are exhausted. We are
desperately trying to get a transfer to a senior’s building, and get out of this
awful, Klan infested neighbourhood! I am continuing to write this document on
October 10th, 2020, and the time is now 6:38am – there have been 4 fire alarms in
the past 24 hours, and there has been full coordination between the haters in the
building, and the firemen. Collusion between the haters and the fire department is
the only logical reason why these fire alarms continue to be a problem, and why they
have only increased since blowing the whistle.

The marriage really set them off. Even though we are not in a romantic relationship,
and we don’t have sex, the thought of two men getting married is considered an
abomination, and an affront to their religious delusions. The funny thing is, that
if TCHC had simply followed their own policy and included Lawrence in the lease
according to the many policy options presented to us, instead of discriminating and
lying to us, then we would have not had to rush to get married. Now that we are
married, TCHC can no longer try to evict us illegally, so they have now resorted to
the same cheap tactics that they used at the Roehampton - dogged provocation and
undue influence. The city, TCHC, the Toronto Police, and the Toronto Fire Service,
are working with these drug-addicted haters in the building in order to increase the
pressure, step up the harassment, ruin my sleep, take advantage of my severe autism,
and get me to lose my temper, and act out, so that the city can turn things around
and paint me as the problem. I have too much self control to fall for these cheap


Obviously, if I got kicked out, Lawrence would follow, and we would both be
homeless, and then they wouldn’t have to give us housing. Obviously, that didn’t
work, I kept my cool, and I followed the rules perfectly, as did Lawrence. Thanks to
Lawrence’s love, respect, and expert care, I managed to maintain my composure, while
blowing the whistle on the city’s sadistic practices, terrorism, treason, and
corruption. We literally had to shame the city into giving us housing, and our
social workers, shelter management, TCHC, and the city were LIVID! We filed our
first case against them with the HRTO, and then foolishly dropped it when we got
housing. We had no idea how evil the city was, and we were so exhausted from our
experiences at 38 Ann Arbor, on the shelter, and on the street. We were malnourished
from the lack of food at the Roehampton. The city, in collusion with the fire
department, police, social workers, will stop at nothing to see us homeless. Toronto
talks a big game about so-called "multiculturalism," and "progressiveness," but
these are really just orwellian buzzwords. Political correctness not only covers for
right-wing extremism and bolshevik communism (two hands of the same monster), it
also creates an endless framework of managerial positions, frivilous university
courses, philanthropic foundations (used for social control), and means to control
people through contrived language used to supress the truth.
From what I have read on reddit, and other forums, it seems as though other cities
have had their central business districts gutted by covert economic warfare.

The 2600 criminal groups are not separate entities. They follow a rigid pyramidal
hierarchal structure. Rigid compartmentalization at each block/position, in each
level of the pyramid gives the illusion that each of these 2600 criminal entities
are separate groups. The CISC report also mentioned that out of the 2600 criminal
entities, 14 were considered to be high level multinational threats – 40% of which
are based in Ontario. This is very dangerous, considering that Canada’s capital city
and federal government, as well as it’s largest and most influential city, the GTA,
are both located in a province that is besieged by very wealthy and powerful
multinational organized crime syndicates. 40% of 14, rounded up, equals 6. These 6
massive multinational threats located in Ontario are a subdivision of a singular
global criminal behemoth, with it’s own army, navy, air force, and an extremely
crafty, brutal, dangerous, and sadistic intelligence agency. This rogue intelligence
agency oversees all terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons
trafficking, global black-market operations, smuggling, sexual blackmail operations
of high-ranking officials – all of which is used to destabilize nations and make
them ripe for conquest! This network is hell-bent on world domination, and what they
can’t do through outright “boots-on-the-ground” physical violence, they will
accomplish through covert economic warfare, with an emphasis on infiltration,
subversion, destabilization, information warfare, perception management, and highly
advanced propaganda for the purposes of mass-brainwashing. Anyone who is unable to
be brainwashed is seen as a threat, and must be eliminated. This criminal entity
spares no expense, and it’s the taxpayer who foots the bill for their own
enslavement and destruction.

Speaking of the taxpayer, all of these so-called “community services” disempower

people from making their own decisions, and being the architects of their own lives.
They enable the worst kind of destructive behaviour, while punishing free thought
and free enterprise, while smearing and targeting anyone who is a vulnerable
minority, activist, human rights supporter.

Since 2015, I have also noticed a sharp increase in right wing extremism, with
dangerous alliances forming between White Supremacist and Radical Islamic terrorist
groups, as well as cross-cultural, ethnocentric right-wing extremism. There were a
series of large corporate mergers and acquisitions that occurred between 2015-2018,
an exponential increase of business closures in the downtown cores in the GTA
(resulting from economic warfare). Real estate brokers, insurance agencies, private
security contractors, asset management, risk management, seized power over the
downtown core almost overnight. At the same time, the price of methamphetamine
plummeted, availability skyrocketed, fentanyl and carfentanil powder came on the
market, overtaking heroin. Drug money was laundered through deliberately
over-inflated real estate, which created a massive explosion in the homeless
population. This explosion in the homeless population created the perfect means for
multinational crime syndicates to exert control over communities through so-called
“community health and safety programs.” This deliberate explosion of homelessness
created a means with which to expand the police, fire, EMS, so-called mental health,
community watch programs, and housing NGOs – all of whom work under the monopolistic
banner of United Way “Charities,” and United Way Partner Agencies. United Way is
headquartered in the United States, and serves as a facilitator for the annexation
of Canada by a particularly dangerous criminal syndicate headquartered in United
States. The United Way uses the FOCUS Group to consolidate power among the
increasingly bloated emergency services, so-called “community development”
(socioeconomic control), a deliberately created underclass of drug addled homeless
create an artificial need for an expansion of community programs (none of which do
anything) – all of which are nothing more than an excuse to embezzle massive amounts
of tax payer money, while appearing legitimate on paper. In simpler terms, an
artificial problem is created, a solution is proposed by bought-and-paid-for virtue
signaling politicians, and paid for by the citizenry through increased taxes,
decreased services, and inflation.


I read an article in the Peterborough Examiner, which explained how stupid the
people of Peterborough are, with respect to the crime problem. The believe that the
answer to the crime problem is MORE SOCIAL PROGRAMS, MORE RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and
more crime, which calls for more social programs, and more spending for police,
fire, EMS, mental health, restorative justice programs, etc - all of whom need more
managers and administrators making 6 figure salaries. This is not sustainable! This
is socio-economic warfare at its finest. This follows an easy pattern of destruction
of once beautiful towns and cities, along with a transfer of wealth from the
productive class to the parasitic class. This is similar to what happened in Weinmar
Germany, which involved a deliberate corruption of so-called "progressive policies,"
along with deliberate devaluing of currency in order to create chaos. With enough
chaos, comes a public who is crying out for a ruthless dictator, who will rule the
nation with an iron fist! If this continues much longer, people will be begging for
another Hitler. This Hitler will be global, and the world cannot withstand another
Hitler (or group of Hitlers). This is a philosophy that the extreme right uses, and
it is called "ACCELLERATIONISM!"

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