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Justin Krane Feb 6 2023 Report to RCMP - RE: Privacy invasion, stalking,

cyberstalking, institutional corruption, organized harassment, treason, terrorism,

fire department misconduct, law enforcement misconduct, hate group activity, misuse
of taxpayer money, embezzlement, breach of public trust, intelligence misconduct,
multiple counts of human rights violations, and conspiracy to commit the


This evidence with the privacy invasion, the my location, and the fire department
are important because they prove that the fire alarms are being orchestrated by the
fire department, in collusion with the neighbours and other cotennants in the
building. The privacy invasion of my phone shows that both the fire department and
the neighbours/cotenants have been engaging in cyberstalking. Cyberstalking is an
indictable offense. The fire department has an annual budget of 1.2 billion
dollars. It makes you wonder how much is actually spent on legitimate fire
fighting. This is a huge scandal for the fire department to be caught using
TAXPAYER MONEY to collude with civilians to engage in a brutal cyberstalking and
harassment campaign. Bottom line is, they got overconfident, they got sloppy, and
they got caught. I have a very fixed and predictable routine. This evidence is no
error on my part, or google's part. I got lucky with this find but any rational
person would wonder - how much misconduct is actually happening? This is just the
tip of the iceberg.

There is no reasonable excuse why my location shows that I have been to the fire
department 7 times - staying for days at a time. Camera footage would show that I
didn't go anywhere near that place. The fire station is located in opposite
direction of where I normally go - far out of the way.

TCHC is colluding with the fire department and the neighbours to harass us. The
Toronto Police Service cover it up, and most likely participate in these domestic
covert ops, and this is all coordinated through the City of Toronto Corporation. Do
you want to know why Mayor John Tory had to borrow 1.2 billion dollars? This is
why. Toronto is privately wealthy, and most of the wealth is siphoned from the
public purse, and borrowed money makes up the difference. If I were wrong, I would
not be able to write this report so quickly, and with absolutely no imagination


Rapid Access Housing is a scam to cabbage on to the premeditatively engineered

housing crisis as an excuse to launder freshly printed money through the illusion
of housing the homeless. The city has no intention of housing the homeless (unless
they are extremists who engage in organized harassment), and would rather leave
them to die on the street, while they are shuffled through the myriad of United Way
Partner Agencies - all of which are a blight on any community brainwashed enough to
let United Way do business. United Way partner agencies use flowery pseudoliberal
language to mask a controlling agenda of under-the-table religious fanatacism.
Multinational corporations and real estate agencies collude to create poverty and
orchestrate a housing crisis in order to create an artificial scarcity of housing,
and their broad-spctrum-complex-racketeering scams, and economic warfare contribute
greatly to inflation. Under the guise of charity, these United Way Partner Agencies
commandeer power and resources in low income communities, and then swoop in to
"play hero". The connections that United Way have to private sector intelligencce,
would suggest that they are really a type of covert military occupation. United Way
is anti-freedom and anti-democracy. Their partner agencies produce zero goods or
services of tangible value, and are a net drain on a country's GDP.

I am sure that United Way does help some people. They have to put on a public show
and look good. Being in the system since 2018, I have had the misfortune of dealing
with United Way Partner Agencies. They are all scams. They all give you run-around,
and will send you in a loop of infinite referrals. No one relies on a United Way
Partner Agency by choice. They, along with their intelligence network create the
conditions, which force entire communities to rely on their services. This gives
them greater power than they can achieve through boots-on-the-ground military
force. This is what makes United Way Partner Agencies so dangerous - they are
extremely subversive and have their own political agenda. These agencies will use
networking and subterfuge to slowly and methodically destroy the lives of anyone
who does not cow-tow to their agenda. They operate as a cult. I have not met one
employee at a United Way partner agency who wasn't a complete piece of garbage - a
narcissist devoid of all ethical integrity, courage, and human compassion. The same
observation can be made about TCHC and the City of Toronto employees.

As much as I point the finger at the police for helping to cover these crimes up,
or even participating in them, I know there are plenty of decent and honourable
officers who are kind, hard working, have compassion, and put real humanitarian
values above all else. I have met these officers. I know there are good people in
the intelligence community - both public and private. I cannot say the same for
United Way Partner Agencies. They are all evil, or at least very stupid. Stupidity
is willful ignorance, which is a type of evil. United Way Partner Agencies are
hooked up with individuals and groups (powerful judges, corporations, etc) with a
dangerous pseudo-liberal and economically destructive political agenda, which
interferes with the ability of good officers - real heroes - to do their jobs. This
is why there are so many violent drug addicts harassing and assaulting people on
the TTC, in housing, shitting all over the street and leaving needles where
children can find them. These United Way Partner Agencies and their pseudoliberal
financial backers subscribe to the believe that violent criminals are just victims
with mental health and addiction issues, and that they should be coddled, pampered,
and the taxpayer should spend more money on United Way Partner Agency Programs to
give them all the love and care that they need.

It is no secret that I had a severe addiction issue for many years. I am almost 2.5
years sober. I never harmed or harassed anyone, no did I leave used drug
paraphernalia in the street. I was in terrible physical and emotional pain,
isolated, and was having my life destroyed by street thugs, corrupt police, corrupt
intelligence, and the sadistic workers in these United Way Partner Agencies. I even
had drugs stolen from me by staff members in these places. For me, drugs were a
necessary part of my survival - I literally needed them. I owned and took
repsonsibility for my addiction, and not once did I ever take up a hospital bed for
someone like a sick child, a cancer patient or an elderly person. Not once have I
had to be narcanned. I do not believe that narcan should be handed out so freely.
The responsibility is on the user to monitor their dose, not emergency services. If
I overdosed and died, it would have been my own fault. These junkies today have a
real sense of entitlement, that they can overdose again and again and again, tying
up emergency services for the most frivilous reason imaginable. A "narcan shortage"
would go a long way in cleaning up the streets and separating the responsible users
from the irresponsible users. Narcan should be issued on a three strikes basis,
supply to be tightly controlled like perscription drugs, and you have to sign out
for it. Personally, I think it should banned altogether, or sold on a pay basis
like tylenol or cough medicine. I am not a fan of banning anything, so I think the
"supply shortage" strategy works best. If people want to live, it is their
responsibilty, not the tax payers' or emergency services.

With regards to my situation,

Launch Campaign against United Way + Partner Agency.

We are dealing with criminals with enough money to buy off a Fire Dept and
coordinate a phone clone, multicast, and cyberstalking operation in a public
housing building. This is a serious criminal matter. If you were texting something
personal to your husband or wife, or you were sharing pictures of your children at
school to your aunt, and you had creepy neighbours, hate groupers, and organized
criminals monitoring your PERSONAL communications - how would you feel? You would
feel violated, humiliated, and afraid. This is dehumanizing. Breaching someone's
privacy to this extent is a serious indictable offence. This is an urgent and
complicated matter for law enforcement. The crimes do not just stop at
cyberstalking - this is only the beginning. Anybody who would violate a person's
privacy is a threat to society.

My husband and I have been victims of cooridenated stalking by multiple persons for
years. By a stroke of luck, google maps location history on my phone told me that I
have been doing a lot of driving this month, in the wee hours of the morning.
Without a car, without a license, and without insurance. According to my google
maps location history, I was at a golf course down the street for hours in the
middle of the night on Jan 16th 2023. I have not left the apartment since Dec 9th
2022, and that was to go to the bank. According to my location history on Aug 1st,
2022, at 12:08pm, I apparently rented a car at Enterprise Rent-A-Car - which I have
never been to. The last time I was ever at Enterprise rent a car was on a family
vaction in Florida over 2 decades ago. I do not have a drivers license, nor does my
husband. My G2 expiered years ago, before I was even old enough to rent a car. So
how could I have rented a car, without a license, and without insurance? Check
cameras on the date and time provided, as well as customer registers.

Aside from the unknown visit to 4311 Kingston Rd 2 years ago, the history on my
location has been normal up until August 1st beginning with the Enterprise rental.
I have never set foot in 4311 Kingston Rd, neither has my husband. Apparently my
location history is telling me that I was at 4311 Kingston Rd from April 9 2021 at
5:27am to April 10th 2021 when I supposedly left at 11:26pm. This is shortly after
we moved in to 4301 Kingston RD. This occurence is obviously a meeting that one of
the privacy invaders had with the occupants of that address in order to coordinate
slander and harassment in the neighbourhood. They were sloppy and forgot to log out
of the cloned version of my phone. Again, I have never spent more than a few hours
away from our unit, nor has my husband. Neither of us have stayed anywhere over
night. We have no friends or family other than each other. We wouldn't dare enter
another person's home or unit. We avoid everyone. It seems that these criminals
have gotten slopply, more arrogant, and simply forgot to switch off the cloned
version of my phone on their phone. I am not a hacker, so I can only speculate that
this is what happened. According to the law and human rights code, we have the
right to privacy. What other explanation is there?

I have not left the apartment since Dec ? 2022, and that was to go to the bank -
CIBC at Morningside Plaza - same bank I always go to. I go to the bank about once
every month and half to two months. When I go to the bank, I usually go to the
Shoppers Drug Mart to pick up ear plugs. I may go to the Bulk Barn to get habanero
pepper, or I may go to either Food Basics or No Frills to pick up eggs, which I eat
a lot of. I hate going out, which is why it does not make sense why I would
supposedly be out at all these hours.

How could I have driven to Golf Dale Gardens from 5:37am-3:45pm on Jan 16th 2023,
or visted Highland Creek Park on Jan 18th from 10:44am-3:25pm, if I have not left
my apartment since Dec ?th 2022? Building cameras at 4301 Kingston can confirm
this. Cameras at the parks can confirm this, as can satellite footage. The stalking
pattern at this location is a repeat serialized pattern of the stalking that we
have gone through at 533 Keele, 38 Ann Arbor, 188 Carlton, the Roehampton Hotel
Shelter, and on the street. I have already written up reports, and they need to be
included. The United Nations OHCHR (who will be getting a copy of this report) has
declared multiple person stalking to be a form of torture. Cybertorture is another
name for this phenomenon.

I have also never been to the Fire Department near my address at 4301 Kingston Rd,
Scarborough ON, M1E 2N1. I do not like the Toronto Fire Department, and I have
ample reason to believe that they are coordinating fire alarm harassment with the
neighbours. I have never set foot, or even walked by Toronto Fire Station 234,
located at 40 Coronation Dr. Toronto ON M1C 2R5. I don't even know what the
building looks like.

According to my location history, I have apprently spent a lot of time at the Fire
Station 234 located at 40 Coronation Dr. Scarborough ON M1C2R5. On Sept 24th 2022,
I supposedly arrived at Fire Station 234 at 10:23PM, and didn't leave the station
until Sept 25th at 4:43pm. Then I apparently (according to location history)
instantly teleported back to my unit at 4:43pm the same day. No walking? You will
see the pictures. I have included them. I am an unemployed, disabled ODSP recipient
and shut-in. I do not have the means to instantly teleport from one location to
another, and neither does anyone else. The only explanation for this is privacy
invasion via phone cloning, remote access, and multicast. This is not just a once
off, because the next day, I was apparently back at Fire Station 234 the morning of
Sept 26 2022 from 12:13am-10:14am. A 10 hour shift? Last time I checked I wasn't a
fireman. It gets better. Despite the fact that I am severely gluten intolerant, I
decided to go to Tim Hortons, located at 4351 Kingston Rd (one that I have never
set foot in), and I arrived there on Oct 1 2022 at 6:25am and spent 7 hours until I
decided I had enough coffee and donuts, and decided to leave at 1:13pm. Then from
Tim Hortons, I walked 27 minutes to Fire Station 234 where I apparently spent 3
days- arriving on Oct 1 2022 at 1:40pm and leaving Oct 4 2022 at 5:10am. I must be
on great terms the with the firemen for them to let me stay three whole nights at
the station! After the 7 hour Timmies run, and the 3 day stay at the fire
department, I apparently returned back to meet up with neighbours who are stalking
and harassing me. I mean no disrespect with my sarcastic tone. Humour is a valuable
coping strategy. I am just trying to point out how insane this all is. I have ample
photographic evidence to back up my claims.

According to my location history, I decided to teleport to Toronto Fire Station 234

on Sept 11 2022, and stay there from 3:44pm-6:59pm. Sept 11th 2020 is my sobriety
date. Then whoever was on my phone went back to the neighbours to coordinate,
orchestrate, and cover up the very same fire alarm harassment that I have been
complaining about and documenting. Sarcasm aside, this proves that there is ample
collusion between the neighbours in the surrounding apartments who are invading our
privacy, and the fire department. I have always suspected as much, now I have
ground breaking proof. I have never, nor will I ever enter another person's unit.
Why does it say this on my phone? The answer is privacy invasion, cyberstalking,
remote access, multicast and phone cloning. The Toronto Fire Department is 100%
involved, as I long suspected. According to David Lawson's book, "Terrorist
Stalking in America," it is quite common for fire departments to have extremist
elements that participate in this activity.

As I look through the photos I will be providing you, I see that there are more
trips to the fire department, and more 7 hour stays at Tim Hortons. According to my
location history, I apparently visited the fire department 7 times. I have not been
there once. The fire department is way out of the way. This cannot be blamed on
accuracy. Google satellites are extremely accurate. There is even a significant
difference between my apartment and the unit I have referred to as the "lattitude
and longetude apartment," so this matter, cannot be blamed on inaccuracy. When I am
in my apartment it says I am in my apartment. According to my location history, I
have spent hours and days at this lattitude and longetude apartment. The exact
coordinates will be provided.

I have suspected that the Toronto Fire Department has been colluding with the Ku
Klux Klan degenerates in our building to orchestrate the repeated fire alarm
campaign against myself, my husband, and other minorities. This is breakthrough and
precedent setting evidence. I believe that the entire Toronto Fire Department is
involved and they have been caught "with their pants down" so to speak. I can prove
through my google location history that the Fire Department and the neighbours at
4301 Kingston have been coordinating harassment with the fire alarms, with the
police, fire department, and CSU Special Constables covering their crimes up. The
frequency of the fire alarms has been no accident. They only stopped when I
uploaded a uploaded a youtube video explaining how fire alarms tie into the
embezzlement process, and posted it on twitter. I removed it because (for now), my
RGI is intact. If for whatever reason I lose my RGI, that video is going back up.

Another example of a make work project is the overdose-narcan-overdose cycle to pad

EMS budgets. The perpetual cycle of overdoses is delibery being used to tie up
emegency resources and distract decent officers who could potentially investigate
the litany of crimes being committed by the over 2600 criminal organizations in
Canada - 14 of which are major multinational threats headquartered in Ontario. The
streets are filled with deranged, violent drug addicts, and this is no accident.
These addicts are being used to pad police, fire, and EMS budgets by artificially
inflating the number of incidents per area. More incidents reported means more
justification for larger and larger budgets. Land values are also lowered, which
means that organized crime can buy up more real estate for cheap, drive away
legitimate business, and engage in various types of rackets. The media portrays
these addicts as helpless victims who just need more love and support. More funding
for bogus mental health and addiction services, more funding for social workers,
more funding for corrupt NGOs, and A LOT more funding for the people who MANAGE
these sectors.

The scam on the taxpayer is brilliantly and flawlessly executed. Billions of

dollars a year get funneled away into these make work projects and the public
doesn't suspect a thing! It is almost impossible to investigate this broad spectrum
rackeering and embezzlement unless you are a target of coordinated stalking and
organized harassment. Provided you survive long enough, then and only then, does
the pattern emerge and become obvious. The media is complicit. They completely
refuse to investigate these crimes - not only against individual targets - but the
taxpayer as well.

Addiction and mental health services are also scams. Care is non existant they just
drug you and lock you in a room. Many of these places are staffed with other
members of organized crime groups, bigots, or just plain idiots. This is the real
reason why health care in Canada is going down the toilet! Despite reports from the
complicit media, hospitals were mostly empty during the pandemic - at least in
Toronto. The covid 19 pandemic was an excuse to sabotage communities, break up
families, disrupt social services, and provide multiple avenues for different types
of embezzlement. Fraud and embezzlement are also used as means to bleed health care
dry to make way for privatization. The covid 19 scamdemic was the final nail in the
coffin. Covid was also used as a testing ground to implement world-wide fascism,
brainwash the public, neutralize dissent, and a sucessful experiment to see how far
the "Powers That Be," could push the public and how much they could get away with
in plain sight. It was also a means of instilling a sanitized, religiously extreme
way to separate people from human contact, emotion. In other words, social
distancing is social cleansing. The pandemic was representitive of a seperatist
mentality, and marked the official transion to a closed system. Society has been
deteriorating for a long time prior to the pandemic, but the pandemic was official
transion. Covid provided means of employment that would not normally exist in a
healthy, functional society. Nothing of tangible value was created in the process.
Again, printed money was used to finance this operation, and inflation is a result.
I don't discuss covid buisiness on my youtube channel, because I don't want yet
another channel to be deleted. I have worked to hard on my channel to lose it. The
covid stuff, and other forms of corporate and government overreach are highly
relevent to this matter. Organized crime thrived during the pandemic. That was no
accident. This was also economic warfare.

I believe this fire alarm business is one of many forms of embezzlement through
manipulation of incident report data to gain more funding (re: printed money). To
put it simply, more fire alarms means more fire incidents, which creates the false
need (on paper) for more money for the fire budget. This is the new way that
organizations and institutions embezzle. Instead of just stealing millions of
dollars at once, they try to spread it out over multiple consecutive rackets. It is
much harder to track, and can fool even the shrewdest auditor. Criminals can give
themselves and their friends management and administration jobs that they created.
The fire alarms is just one example. Fires have also been set around the building -
stairwells, and a massive 18th floor fire which caused extensive damage to the unit
and multiple units below. This is definitely arson. I have reason to believe an
investigation of the 18th floor fire may have been covered up. It wouldn't be the
first time files have gone missing.

Another suspicious address is 4311 Kingston Rd, apparently it says that I have been
there, and spent multiple hours. 4311 Kingston Rd is a townhouse that neither I,
nor my husband has ever been to. My husband never takes my phone. My phone is
expensive, it has a lot important information it, a lot of video game saves, and it
never leaves my possession. My husband is more than a little clumsy, and I am
afraid he'll drop it, so it never leaves my possession.


Often times I leave my G7ThinQ at home, and just take the flip phone - in case I
get robbed. My phone is precious, has a lot of information and access to all my

I have severe gluten intolerance, and I do not eat at Tim Hortons. How could I have
spent 7 hours in a Tim Hortons that I have never been to, on Sat Oct 1, 2022 from
6:25am-1:13pm? First of all, I go sleep around this time. Aside from these errands,
I have NEVER LEFT THE APARTMENT FOR MORE THAN 1-2.5 HRS. The longest times I have
ever been away from this apartment were either Dr. Altman's office at Forest Hill
Family Health, or The Tooth Corner near by to visit the dentist.

I have never stayed overnight anywhere since moving in to this apartment. Aside
from the one visit to Doctor Altman's office, we always leave one person at home.
In past living situations, we have had problems with stalkers entering our unit,
stealing, vandalising, urinating on the floor, doing drugs in our unit while we
were out shopping. This was the case at 38 Ann Arbor, and I will include my report
on 38 Ann Arbor, because this is very important to our case. We have too many nice
things at 4301 Kingston, there is no camera surveillance in the hallway, and we do
NOT want these people coming in and damaging our property or stealing.

Unless I absolutely have to go out (bank, store, doctor, dentist), my time is spent
in bed watching TV, playing video games, documenting harassment, writing reports,
working on my social media account, and eating. I do not drink, smoke, do drugs,
take prescription medication, nor do I have any dissociative illness where I black
out and lose time. Camera surveillance near the entrance, exits, and elevators at
4301 Kingston will confirm this, as will camera footage in the fire
department, golf course, enterprise rent a car, and tim hortons on the dates and
times available. Unless I am going to the bank, I usually go to sleep around 4-8am,
and sleep until 2-4pm. My sleep schedule does rotate somewhat, but I cannot
possibly have been at the locations that my phone says I was in, at these times.
The exception to this, is when I am whistleblowing and writing reports. I have been
working for 16 hours straight from Feb 6 2023 around 6:30pm and it is 10:29am Feb 7

I have never been to Golfdale Gardens, and I have never heard of this location. How
could I have been to a location that I have never heard of, from 5:32am to 3:45pm,
when I am usually asleep? I'm guessing this is either a park or a golf course, so
cameras would show that I was not there. These people were probably going there to
do drugs, vandalize, or get up to some kind of trouble.

The reason for this, and I will provide proof, is that my phone has been cloned, as
has my computer, and whoever it was that did it, and has been invading my privacy,
either forgot or was unable to disconnect the cloned version of my phone from their
phone. When I saw this today, I was escatic! I burst out laughing! I will provide
an extensive list of names, organizations, and assocations related to these crimes.
Crime doesn't pay, and criminals always get caught.

I have an extensive history reporting crimes of this nature to the media, the
authorities, politicians, intelligence agencies, oversight agencies, and other
addresses in multiple countries. The reason I report to so many email accounts, is
to prevent or severely limit any attempts to cover up these crimes. My husband and
I are not the only victims, and these crimes are orchestrated at the highest levels
of corporations, government, extremist groups, organized crime, and rogue
intelligence. Private sector intelligence also plays a huge influence. The
authorities are well aware of who I am, and there SHOULD BE an extensive file on me
in government archives.

With regards to hate group activity and extremism, the Ku Klux Klan is listed as a
terrorist organization in the United States (Canada has yet to designate this group
as the obvious terrorist group they are, hopefully that will change). Regardless,
according to Bill C-51 (cross border policing), Patriot Act, and FISA, any Klan
terrorism in Canada falls under jurisdiction of both American and Canadian law
enforecement and intelligence. The underground KKK members in our building at 4301
Kingston could not help themselves but to write "K.K.K Lives Here," on the wall on
the 4th floor of our building. I took pictures. I will provide these pictures.
Remember these are people who are impulsive, stupid, and very arrogant - enough to
collude with the Fire Department, and pull the alarms repeatedly. I will be
providing pictures of the perpetrators, list of whatever names I can provide. I
will also be including my other reports in a package for the sole purpose of
interagency sharing. These K.K.K. members have a history of harassing, stalking,
threatening, and assaulting, vulnerable minority members, seniors, immigrants, the
disabled. A black activist named Kevin Clarke, of whom we have testimony from, can
confirm this. I will provide you with this testimony.

The Klan and other hate groups work in connection with organized crime and drug
trafficking cartels. They are very power in Toronto, but are underground. The days
of white robes and burning crosses is over. They also recruit ethnocentric and
extremist minorities to use as tokens to shield from allegations of racism.

This issue with corruption, and organized crime has seeped into every level of
institutions, corporations, government, chartities, health care, corporate-owned-
state-and-provincially-run university medical departments, real estate, insurance,
and it continues to cost American and Canadian taxpayers billions annually. Printed
money is the primary source of income for these operations. Despite whatever lies
the media claims, this is the real cause of inflation. Speaking of media, they are
also involved because there is an extensive cover-up. The news media has an obvious
political agenda and appears to be scripted. I have reason to suspect that American
organized crime is the main co-ordinator of this extensive institutional corrosion.
This is a covert occupation. If you refer to the last emails I sent out, I talk
about infiltration and subversion, this is what I am referring to.

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