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The National Grand Lodge Of Memphis and Misraim, Western Hemisphere Inc. A... L .. 5959 National Warrant Of Constitution To all and to whom it may concern: The National Grand Lodge of Memphis and Misraim, Western Hemisphere Ine. In Grand Communication assembled, SEND GREETING: Know ye, that we, the Grand Master and Grand Officers of the above mentioned Grand Lodge, setting in the National Grand East of smmsnuinunsensnsonnnnny have constituted and do hereby authorize and empower, our trusty and well-beloved brethrer 10 be first Venerable Master, vow: Senior Warden and. . : Junior Warden, to open and hold a Lodge of Ancient and Primitive Masons, designated under the distinctive name and title of : snmnnsinnsenannniannnnannnnniy NO, ninnnn UNGEF OUF Fegister and Jurisdiction, located in and for the District of : swoon OF within three miles of the same, ‘And we do further authorize and empower the above mentioned brethren to ‘Admit, Enter, Pass, and Raise Freemasons in Ancient and Primitive Form, according to the ancient customs and usages of our ancient fraternity, as was done, in all ages and nations throughout the world, and not otherwise. ‘And we do further authorize and empower the said brethren, and th successors in office, to hear and determine, all and singular matters and things relative to the craft, within the jurisdiction of the said Lodge. And lastly, we do hereby authorize, empower, and direct our trusty and well- beloved brethren whos names are signed within the margin, to install their successors in office, after being duly elected and chosen; to invest them with all the powers and dignities to their offices respectively belonging, and to deliver to them this NATIONAL WARRANT OF ConsTITUTION; and such successors shall in like manner, from time to time, install their successors, and proceed in the premises as above directed: such installation to be upon, or immediately preceding the time as stated within our antient constitutions, during the continuance of the said Lodge forever. Provided always, that the said above-named brethren and their successors do pay, and cause to be paid, due respect and strict obedience to the National Grand Lodge and to the rules, regulations, and edicts thereof: otherwise, this National Warrant of Constitution will be of no force nor virtue. Given in open Grand Lodge, under the hands of our Grand officers, and the seal of the National Grand Lodge, at . day of the Egyptian month of . ~ {7 The National Grand Secretary 33°, 90°, 95°

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