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Tung-Lin, Tsai

ESL 227
Reading Journal #5

“If we don’t protect Antarctica from tourism, there may be serious consequences for
us all.” (p.129, North Star 3)

Based on years of experience as a researcher and guiding tourists in Antarctica, the

author think it is necessary to close Antarctica to tourist. This is because it is possible

that tourist destroys the environment of Antarctica even they didn’t mean to do that.

And it might lead to the result that can’t be undone. I think I can understand and agree

the opinion of the author. Any resources on Earth are precious, if we don’t try hard

to protect them, it will lead to serious consequences, lots of animal and landscape

could disappear. Now is not a good time to let tourist go to Antarctica if they might

impact the researchers and destroy the environment. However, I would truly love to

visit Antarctica and see it myself if I have a chance someday.

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