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Evolve Digital Level 5 – English 5

Vocabulary summary
Unit 2, Lesson 1
Space and ocean exploration

atmosphere (n.) – the layer of gases around the Earth

"The Earth's atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. This layer
of gases that surrounds our planet also makes life possible on it."

come across (phr. v.) – to discover something or meet someone by chance

"When my children were exploring the backyard, they came across this beautiful
mushroom. They were delighted with such a discovery."

exploration (n.) – the action of going around a place where you have never been in
order to find out what is there

"Remote places have always fascinated Brendan. So, a few years ago, he went on
an exploration of the southern-most point of the polar ice pack."

investigation (n.) – the action of trying to discover all the facts about something

"In their long investigation of the disease, in which they used sophisticated
equipment and methods, the scientists discovered a very peculiar virus."

launch (v.) – to send a spacecraft into the sky, or a ship into the water

"The Apollo 16 spacecraft was launched from Florida on April 16, 1972. A lot of
people watched with wonder as the powerful rocket went into the sky."

monitor (v.) – to watch something carefully and record your observations

"She is in charge of monitoring some of the machines in the factory. Every day she
has to check that they are all working properly."

observe (v.) – to watch someone or something carefully

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"The great thing about safaris is that you can observe some animals in their natural
habitat. Even if you usually have to watch them from a distance."

preserve (v.) – to keep something the same or prevent it from being damaged or

"One of the missions of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is to preserve

endangered species by providing a safe area where they are protected from

resources (n.) – something that a country, person, or organization has that they can

"The uncontrolled use of natural resources, such as wood for construction or fuel,
might cause deforestation and pollution."

satellite (n.) – a piece of equipment that is sent into space around the Earth to
receive and send signals or to collect information

"Satellites around the Earth are used, among other things, for communication,
observation, navigation, and weather forecasts."

species (n.) – a group of plants or animals that share similar characteristics

"The white tiger belongs to the same species as the orangish ones, Panthera tigris,
but it is a more uncommon variant."

surface (n.) – the top or outside part of something

"The surface of the lake was like a mirror, reflecting the mountains and the clouds in
the sky."

use up (phr. v.) – to finish a supply of something

"The great thing about wind energy is that we can't use it up. It's not like oil or natural
gas, where one day we'll run out of it."

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Unit 2, Lesson 2
The natural world

adaptable (adj.) – able to change to suit different situations or environments

"Tardigrades are probably the most adaptable animals in the world. These tiny
aquatic creatures can live both in boiling water and freezing temperatures."

animal life (n. phr.) – animals collectively, especially those from a particular area

"A national park was created to preserve the animal life of the region, such as
giraffes and zebras."

creature (n.) – any large or small living thing that can move independently

"Jellyfish are beautiful sea creatures, but some of these animals can be extremely

endangered (adj.) – (of animals or plants) that may soon not exist because there are
very few now alive

"The zebra shark has become an endangered species. Due to intensive fishing for its
meat, fins, and liver oil, these rare animals might soon disappear."

environment (n.) – the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and
plants live; the conditions that you live in

"Humans can survive in nearly all environments, even in more difficult ones like
deserts and mountains."

form of life (n. phr.) – type of animal or plant

"Reefs are the natural habitat of various forms of life, such as fish and anemones."

habitat (n.) – the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives

"Most penguins live in the cold coast of Antarctica. As the ice melts, they might have
to move or adapt to other habitats to be able to survive."

origin (n.) – the beginning or cause of something

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"The origin of most edible plants is a seed or bean. That is where their roots, stems,
and leaves grow from."

plant life (n. phr.) – plants collectively, especially those from a particular area

"Scientists keep discovering new forms of plant life in the tropical rainforests."

poisonous (adj.) – very harmful and able to cause illness or death; (of an animal)
that uses poison in order to defend itself

"The spitting cobra is a poisonous snake that projects a powerful venom to defend
itself. If their venom reaches your eyes, it can cause blindness."

pond (n.) – an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made

"The pond in the Japanese garden near my house has a lot of colorful koi fish."

sea life (n. phr.) – animals and plants that live in the ocean, collectively

"The diver was fascinated with the variety of sea life in that part of the ocean. There
were so many different types of fish, coral, and other creatures."

survivor (n.) – someone or something that is able to continue living despite

experiencing difficulties or danger

"The tiny plant was definitely a survivor in such a dry and hot environment. How it
managed to live and grow in such a place was a mystery for most of us."

territory (n.) – an area that an animal or person tries to control or thinks belongs to

"Some species of deer rub their head against trees to mark their territory. All the
marked trees enclose the area they fight to protect."

volcano (n.) – a mountain with a large, circular hole at the top through which lava
(hot liquid rock), gases, steam, and dust are or have been forced out

"The Tungurahua in Ecuador is a very active volcano. It has erupted several times in
the past decades."

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