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Escape to Gold Mountain - Art Assignment


“Chinese Boy” - Emily Carr

The reason I chose this painting is because it shows that Emily Carr, who was in the book
“Escape to Gold Mountain”, valued non-white people and their culture. Emily Carr was
comfortable with all people and did not see colour or judge them based on how they looked.
Emily Carr did not care what people thought of her controversial paintings. This painting was
done in Vancouver during the time period of “Escape to Gold Mountain”. He seems
uncomfortable where he is and unsure of what will happen next. I think she represented his
emotions and loneliness perfectly.

“Indian Church” now called “Church at Yuquot Village” - Emily Carr

I chose this painting, although done 30 years later, because it represents a controversial topic.
“The Art Gallery of Ontario has scrubbed the word "Indian" from the title of a painting by the late
Canadian artist Emily Carr, because "that is a word that causes pain," curator Georgiana
Uhlyarik says.” (CBC)
I think changing the name was important because of how hurtful that word is, however, I think
having that language is important too because it truly shows how horrible of a time it was in
history. Even though they changed the name of the church to make people feel better, many
people have not changed how they speak and racism is always happening. “Escape to Gold
Mountain” still has all of the hurtful language and racism because it shows new generations how
bad it really was.

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