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Types of Autism Behavior

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

What is an intervention?
Intervention for autism involves taking action, often with outside help, to improve a speci c condition
or behavior. A successful intervention requires the cooperation of the child, parent, and therapist. With
consistent practice and teamwork, interventions can make a di erence.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

There are many interventions that address the many challenges parents encounter when raising a child
with autism. Some intervention strategies can be a one-time event, while others require regular sessions
for a long time.

When to use autism intervention strategies

The e ects of autism vary from one child to another. Parents, family members, and caregivers are the
ones who can determine if a child with autism needs undergo treatment to resolve harmful and
unacceptable behavior.

Some challenging autism behavior can include

  efusing or ignoring requests

 Socially unacceptable behavior (banging utensils on the dinner table, hurting people, etc.)
 Repetitive behavior (stimming)
 Hurting oneself or others
There are several reasons why children with autism act out in surprising or unexpected ways. Some of
these reasons are:

  i culty understanding verbal or non-verbal language, including gestures, tone of voice, and
contextual meanings
 Communication challenges (some children with autism are non-verbal) that can lead to
 Sensitivity to sights, sounds, and smells
 Aggressive behavior
 Dislike for a break in routine

It is important parents and primary caregivers of children with autism understand the triggers of
challenging autism behaviors and respond appropriately. Typical punishment such as a time-out may not
resolve unwanted behavior.

Creating a plan to start and implement intervention

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions
Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

The rst step towards an intervention is deciding on the right method. Consult with your child’s doctor
to learn more about the di erent types of appropriate interventions. Your doctor should also be able to
assess your child’s needs and recommend the right treatment plan.

Today, there are a handful of treatments and techniques for autism behavior issues.

ABA therapy interventions have been tested and proven to have a positive impact on children on the

Treatments or behavioral techniques for autism can be focused or comprehensive. Focused interventions
have single strategies used alone or in combination with others to improve a speci c behavior or skill.
Comprehensive interventions, on the other hand, employ multiple strategies that target a broad range
of behaviors.

Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA aims to build a positive change in behavior using the premise people improve their behavior when
given positive consequences or rewards. It is a variety of techniques used to teach people with autism a
new skill or to lessen undesirable behavior.

A clinical psychologist and professor at the University of California, Dr. Ole Lovaas, pioneered ABA
and was the rst to prove the method e ective in modifying autism behavior in children.

In his study, “Behavioral Treatment and Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Young
Autistic Children,” 19 children with autism received 40 hours of ABA per week for two years. At the
end of two years, 9 out of the 19 children in the ABA group achieved cognitive functioning and
performed in school with minimal help.

ABA therapy focuses more on rewarding good behavior. When children with autism behave a certain
way with the promise of a reward, they are more likely to repeat the behavior in the future.

ABA uses an observation tool called the ABCs.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

A: Antecedent: the events, actions, or circumstances that happen before a behavior

B: Behavior: the behavior that results from the antecedent

C: Consequences: the action or response that follows the behavior

An example of this in an everyday setting is:

A: A parent asks the child to stop playing and eat dinner

B: The child refuses and throws a t when asked several times

C: A parent leaves the child alone, and the child goes back to playing

In an ABA setting, therapists modify antecedents to achieve the target behavior (positive) and the
desired consequence.

Discrete Trial Training

Discrete Trial Training is a teaching method used in tandem with other intervention techniques. DTT is
often used in ABA-based sessions. It is ideally for autistic children ages 2–6 years.

DTT makes learning easier for children on the spectrum by breaking down a task into its most basic
components. A task like tooth brushing can be broken down into steps, so it’s easy to follow. Most
DTT methods rely on repetition until the child learns the skill or behavior.

As the child completes each step in the task, he/she is given a reward or motivator such as being told
“Great job!” or receiving a star stamped at the back of the child’s hand.

The ve steps of DTT are:

1. Antecedent (usually instructions or requests given by the therapist)

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

2. Prompt (any gesture that helps guide the child to what he/she needs to do)

3. Response (the target behavior)

4. Consequence for correct response (reinforcement/praise)

5. Consequence of incorrect response (correction)

6. Inter-trial interval (a break in between tasks or learning points)

DTT is e ective for children with autism because it is easier for them to learn with this technique. In
DTT, each activity is kept short to ensure maximum attention. It also helps that this approach is given
in a one-on-one session, so tasks are tailored according to the child’s needs.

Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) is under the umbrella of ABA. This method is for
children with autism ages ve and under. A successful EIBI treatment requires the child to undergo 20–
40 hours of sessions in a week.

Just like ABA, EIBI uses positive reinforcement to achieve a target autism behavior. It is also used for
curbing harmful and destructive behavior such as self-harm, hurting others, aggression, and irrational

A research study conducted in 2014 concluded EIBI was successful in improving behavior in children,
speci cally those who started the treatment before two years old.

More importantly, the study suggests EIBI is one of the most e ective evidence-based behavioral
interventions for repetitive autism behaviors. The study concluded: “Increases were seen on direct
measures of JA [joint attention], play, imitation, and language while decreases were seen in stereotypy
regardless of level of performance at entry into EIBI.”

Incidental Teaching
Types of Autism Behavior Interventions
Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Incidental teaching is a naturalistic teaching method that is part of ABA. It is used to improve the
communication skills of children with autism. Incidental teaching is advisable for children ages 2–9, but
it works with any age.

The process for incidental teaching involves the following:

1. Prepare a room that is inviting for a child—for example, a play area with his/her favorite toys and

2. Limit access to a desirable object or toy by making it visible, but somewhere the child cannot reach.

3. Wait for the child to ask for the toy or point to it.

4. Ask the child, “Which toy animal do you want?”

5. Wait for the child’s answer—for instance, “Horse.”

6. Give the toy horse as a reward.

Unlike a structured setting such as a clinic, incidental teaching is done in a casual environment where the
child takes the lead. Research has shown this arrangement can help the child apply what he/she has
learned and use it in di erent situations.

Milieu Teaching
Milieu teaching is a method of behavioral intervention done in a natural environment (home,
playground, park) and aims to improve language skills for children with autism.

The teaching opportunities happen within the child’s everyday routine such as eating breakfast, getting
ready for school, playing at the park, etc. The teacher, usually a parent or primary caregiver, waits for the
child to show interest in doing something such as playing in the slide or getting a snack. The child is
then encouraged to use his/her communication skills to make a request, provide more information, and
respond to questions appropriately.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Milieu teaching has three teaching procedures:

1. Model: The teacher demonstrates the target language so the child can imitate it.

2. Mand: The teacher asks the child a question such as “What do you want?” or “Tell me what you

3. Time delay: The teacher waits and prompts a response with non-verbal gestures like raising eyebrows
to let the child know his/her response is needed.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT)

Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) is an extended version of Milieu Teaching. EMT is usually done by
parents who are trained in this method.

EMT not only aims to improve communication skills but to manage challenging behavior. Some
strategies for preventing unwanted behavior are:

  sing a timer for smoother transitions (the child should stop what he’s/she’s doing when the
timer stops)
 Using a visual schedule (pictures that show a child’s expected activities for the day)
 O ering choices (gives the child a feeling of control)

A 1994 study of parents practicing EMT with their children at home saw positive results. Children who
were given the treatment improved their communication skills and their relationship with their parents.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

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Pivotal Response Treatment

Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) is another naturalistic form of ABA, similar to EIBI and Incidental
Teaching. PRT uses play as an environment for children with autism to improve social, communication,
and play skills. PRT lessons usually include imitation, socialization, taking turns, and joint attention.

PRT’s theory states there are four areas of child development “pivotal” for later development:

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

  otivation: a child’s desire to learn and try new things

 Self-initiation: eagerly answering the child’s questions when he/she shows interest in a subject
 Self-management: helping a child be independent and learn on his/her own
 Responsiveness to multiple cues: teaching children to respond to di erent prompts that might
mean the same thing (“Comb your hair,” “Fix your hair,” “Please use the comb for your hair”).
A PRT session usually involves the following:

I  dentify a goal for the child, such as saying “please” or “thank you.”
 Find an item the child likes and use it as a point of interest and an opportunity to reach the goal.
 Praise and/or reward the child each time he/she makes an e ort to reach the goal.

In PRT, the child does not have to hit a goal before he is rewarded. The attempt itself is enough to
warrant a reward.

Positive Behavior Support
Positive Behavior Support is a comprehensive intervention where triggers for unwanted behavior are
removed or reduced and an acceptable behavior is taught to the child to replace di cult or undesirable

PBS is based on the Human Rights Act which states all children have the right to be treated with dignity
and have an opportunity to get a good education.

The treatment strategy of PBS focuses on how the child can communicate e ectively to get what he/she
wants, so he/she does not have to resort to behaving inappropriately. In cases where a child displays
challenging behavior, the teacher or therapist will attempt to replace the behavior with one that is

Other strategies used in PBS are:

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

  hanging the environment or routine

 Tactical ignoring of the behavior (pretending to not recognize the behavior)
 Rewarding good behavior
 Adjusting expectations from the child
 Modi cation methods such as desensitization
 Teaching other people how to react around the child
 Time out

PBS does not resort to punishment or correction when a child behaves unexpectedly. When this
happens, the right thing to do would be to calmly give the child choices.

For example, if a child is loud, you don’t just say, “Stop it!” Instead, you present a choice, “You can play
quietly or leave the room.”

This is in line with the philosophy that the child should always be treated with respect and that resorting
to coercion or punishment violates the child’s rights.

UCLA Young Autism Project

The University of California at Los Angeles Young Autism Project (also known as the Lovaas Program)
is a structured, comprehensive intervention made to help young children with autism.

This method aims to teach young children self-help, communication, thinking, and social skills. As
children learn the lessons, they are rewarded. Challenging behavior, however, is ignored.

The UCLA YAP model uses several methods, including Discrete Trial Training, Discrimination
Training, and Incidental Teaching. It is an intensive training that requires 40 hours per week and is
mostly done by parents with the help of a specialist.

Verbal Behavior Approach

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Verbal Behavior Approach, also called Verbal Behavior Therapy, is based on theories of ABA. The
approach encourages children with autism to connect their words to what they want to do. With this
method, children on the spectrum learn speaking or using words can help them get what they want.

There are four types of “operants” or languages in this technique:

1. Mand – a request such as saying, “Water,” to ask for water.

2. Tact – A comment used to share an experience or get attention. For instance, pointing to the sink
and saying, “sink.”

3. Intraverbal – Using words to respond or answer a question

4. Echoic – Words that are repeated or echoed

Verbal Behavior Approach uses errorless learning, the use of prompts to encourage a child to respond.
This process is repeated until the child no longer requires prompts to accomplish a task.

Choosing the best behavior intervention for your child is not a light decision to make. With the help of
your child’s doctor and/or a behavior analyst, you should be able to develop an excellent treatment plan
and be on your way to seeing improved behavior in your child.


Autism Treatment. Retrieved from cTopic.aspx?


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Retrieved from


Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Discrete Trial Training. 2001. Retrieved from


Discrete Trial Training (DTT). Retrieved from


Meta-Analysis of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children With Autism. 13 May 2009.
Retrieved from

Assessing progress and outcome of early intensive behavioral intervention for toddlers with autism.
December 2014. Retrieved from

Enhanced Milieu Teaching: E ects of Parent-Implemented Language Intervention. 1 July, 1994.

Retrieved from

Pivotal Response Treatment for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 1 December, 2017. Retrieved from

Positive Behavior Support Fact Sheet. Retrieved from


Lovaas Program. Retrieved from

Verbal Behavior Therapy. Retrieved from

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

Autism Parenting Magazine tries to deliver honest, unbiased reviews, resources, and advice, but please
note that due to the variety of capabilities of people on the spectrum, information cannot be guaranteed
by the magazine or its writers. Medical content, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and
other material contained within is never intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician with any questions you may have
regarding a medical condition and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it
because of something you have read within.

Types of Autism Behavior Interventions

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