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Inglés III

Nombres :
Jhon Manuel Manya Flores
Rossana Ivette Buendía De La Cruz
Juan Francisco Roldán Rodríguez
(AC-SO7) Week 07 – Task:
Assignment – A love story

On April 16, two friends who had known each other since they were little, were walking in a
park. Suddenly the boy stops and says: “Let’s sit down, I have something to tell you”, he
confesses his feelings, trembling with nerves and waiting for an answer, he didn’t know what
to do anymore, After a moment the girl tells him that she had been feeling the same for a
while, but she didn’t know if he was too, Then there was a long silence, while they stared into
each other’s eyes, on that starry night, he hugs her, and with just the look they both
understood what the other person was feeling, little by little They got closer, and that kiss of
love was given, a magical kiss that began a beautiful story, which is still being written to this
day and they hope it does not have an end.

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