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a n a le s d e p s ic o lo g ía , 2017, vol. 33, n° l (january), 18-25 © Copyright 2017: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia.

Murcia (Spain)
h ttp ://d x .d o i.O rg /1 0 .6 0 1 8 /a n a le s p s .3 3 .l.2 3 8 1 4 1 ISSN print edition: 0212-9728. ISSN web edition (http: / / nnalesps): 1695-2294

Boundaries between psychological intimate partner violence and

dysfunctional relationships: psychological and forensic implications
Enrique Echeburúa1* and José Manuel Muñoz2

1 Facultad de Psicología, Universidad del País Vasco ( U P V /E H U ) (Spain).

2 Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad de M adrid (Spain).

Título: Límites entre la violencia psicológica y la relación de pareja mera­ Abstract: The main purpose o f this paper is to point out the differences
mente disfuncional: implicaciones psicológicas y forenses. between psychological intimate partner violence (IPV) as usual strategy and
Resumen: El objetivo principal de este artículo es establecer las diferencias relational process and a dysfunctional relationship in which partners do not
entre la violencia psicológica en la pareja com o estrategia habitual de rela­ know how to deal with everyday problems or how to negotiate the break­
ción y las relaciones de pareja meramente dis funcionales, en las que sus up process and manage the negative emotional states. In this paper behav­
miembros no saben cómo afrontar los problemas cotidianos o cóm o nego­ ior patterns o f the psychologically violent intimate relationship are outlined
ciar el proceso de ruptura y abordar adecuadamente los problemas emocio­ and psychological consequences for victims are described. Both o f them
nales surgidos. En este artículo se describen las pautas de conducta caracte­ are useful for distinguishing a psychological IPV from a dysfunctional rela­
rísticas de una relación violenta y se analizan las consecuencias psicológicas tionship widaout systematic violent behaviors. This differentiation is very
sufridas por la víctima. Estos dos aspectos son fundamentales para distin­ relevant in order to deal with the problem in an adequate way. Some cou­
guir una relación de pareja con violencia psicológica de una pareja mera­ ples can m isinterpret a dysfunctional relationship as intimate partner vio­
mente dis funcional sin conductas violentas sistemáticas. Esta diferenciación lence. Implications for forensic practice are very different in each case.
es fundamental para abordar el problema de una forma adecuada. Algunas Suggestions for good practice in this field are commented on.
parejas pueden malinterpretar una relación disfuncional como una relación Key words: psychological intimate partner violence, abusive relationship,
de pareja violenta. Las implicaciones para la práctica forense son muy dis­ dysfunctional relationship, forensic psychology.
tintas en ambos casos. Se sugieren algunas vías de actuación derivadas de la
buena práctica en este ámbito.
Palabras clave: violencia psicológica de pareja, relación abusiva, relación
dis funcional, psicología forense.______________________________________

Introduction rVn additional issue is unrealistic expectations regarding the

essence o f long-term love. Many couples become disillusioned
A good relationship between members o f a couple is when passion disappears, and this leads to frustrations that
increasingly identified as a ver,’ important source of emotional worsen cohabitation issues. Passion is always transitory and is
well-being and an effective antidote against the setbacks of limited, in most cases, to the early months/vears. In contrast,
everyday life (Cuenca, 2013). loving relationships (the space where idealÍ2ation ends and love
Harmony in a relationship depends, among other factors, without illusions begins) can be stable and gratifying. Authentic
on sexual attraction, feelings of tenderness, communication, love is based not on great storms, but on small seeds that take
and mutual companionship. The difficult thing, however, is not root over time (Ortiz-Tallo, 2001). There are couples who are
finding love, but keeping it alive. In general, a relationship not madly in love but who love one another peacefully and
survives when both partners enjoy satisfactory communication, who suffer when a partner passes away. However, when people
maintain a level of mutual support and understanding, are do not achieve or do not accept the change from a passionate
satisfied with regard to sex, and adequately address problems to a loving relationship, unhappiness, lack o f communication,
that emerge during cohabitation, such as those related to intolerance o f the other person’s behavior, and mutual
finances, the children’s education, the use o f free time, privacy boredom emerge, setting the stage either for a breakup or for
issues, or relationships with the extended family (Yela, 2000). monotony (Gottman and Silver, 2012).
In contrast, a couple begins to deteriorate when partners It is a small step from criticism to contempt, and contempt
engage in few pleasant and many unpleasant interactions; when is the poison that kills relationships. Fighting isn’t bad. What is
discrepancies emerge regarding the degree o f desired intimacy bad is when one partner loses respect for the other and when
(between a desire for independence and the need for a arguments are charged with criticism, sarcasm, or insults and
relationship); when there is dissonance between expectations are not followed by sincere apologies (Serrat-Valera and
and reality'; and when unexpected setbacks occur, including Larrazábal, 2008).
infidelity, job loss, the birth o f an unwanted child, or a decrease While some deteriorated relationships last a lifetime, for
in recreational activities. In such cases, a relationship may be various reasons (financial interests, religious beliefs, fear of
perceived on balance as unsatisfactory and may lead to being alone, or fear o f family disintegration), and the duration
discontent of greater or lesser intensity (Gottman and Silver, o f a relationship on its own is not an unequivocal sign of well­
2012). being, many couples that have experienced a loss o f affection
opt to separate or divorce (Cuenca, 2013). The deterioration of
* Correspondence address [Dirección para correspondencia]: a relationship results is a more or less lengthy process and may
Enrique Echeburúa. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad del País Vasco. affect each member o f the couple differently. During this
Avda. de Tolosa, 70. 20018 San Sebastián (Spain). emotional breakup process, especially in its final stages, one
E-mail: cnriquc .cchcbuniduLchii .cus

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Boundaries between psychological intim ate p a rtn er violence a n d dysfunctional relationships: psychological a n d forensic implications 19

partner may begin to behave inappropriately toward the other. -Breaking objects, furniture, etc. during arguments
Such behaviors are rooted in the overflow o f emotions -Destroying the other person’s property, especially property that
involved in the breakup. These behaviors can border on has sentimental value
-Abusing pets
psychological abuse (Feliú, 2000). It is not surprising that an
-Wielding weapons or blunt objects______________________________
intimate partner relationship generates great expectations and
USE OF THREATS___________________________________________
involves a significant investment o f effort, to the point that it
-Threatening to inflict physical harm on lite other person
often becomes the backbone o f a person’s life project -Threatening to commit suicide
(Martinez, 2013). -Threatening to abandon the other person or to have an affair
Violence in intimate partner relationships, the topic o f -Threatening to throw the other person out o f the house
this study, is often a two-way, heterogeneous, and multi- -Threatening to take away custody o f the children if the other per­
causal phenomenon that is independent o f gender, though son files a complaint
women suffer the most serious consequences. The majority -Threatening to abuse die children if the other person files a com-
o f studies and measures taken by policymakers and the plaint________________________________________________________
EM OTIONAL ABUSE________________________________________
criminal justice system that address intimate partner issues
-Self-serving provocation o f positive emotions in the other person
have focused on violence towards women (Muñoz and
Echeburúa, 2016). -Belittling and/or rejection o f the other person’s personhood
Physical violence is easily visible, but psychological abuse and/or her roles
can manifest in various ways that may be subtle, making it -Manipulation o f feelings o f guilt. Using love to justify abusive be­
more difficult to objectify (table 1). Additionally, physical haviors
injuries are reflected in bruises, sprains, broken bones, and -Indifference towards die other person’s demands
other visible manifestations, while psychological wounds -Using emotional blackmail_____________________________________
(psychological harm) are not linked as explicitly or in as widely- FINANCIAL ABUSE__________________________________________
recognized a manner to specific clinical problems, including -Asking constant questions about money
-Controlling the other person’s money
post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety-depressive symptoms,
-Confiscating the other person’s earnings
chronic stress, and other mental health issues (Muñoz, 2013).
-Restricting the other person’s access to family money
Consequently, this article aims to differentiate between -Preventing the other person from obtaining or keeping a job______
psychological violence (as a habitual relational strategy within a USING CHILDREN___________________________________________
couple) and a dysfunctional and conflictual relationship -Undermining the other’s authority in front o f the children to pro­
(derived from inappropriate management of day-to-day voke disrespectful behavior from them
problems and the inappropriate management o f a breakup -Manipulating the children to weaken their relationship with the
process). In the forensic context, this differentiation is other parent
especially important, given the different legal consequences -Using the children to spy on the other parent
-Using the children to deliver threats and devaluations
associated with each of these situations (Muñoz and
-Introducing tension while picking up and dropping o f f children
Echeburúa, 2016).
HARASSMENT A N D STALKING_____________________________
-Provoking interminable arguments, constantly repeating the same
Table 1. Forms of expression of psychological violence. Created by the au­
message. This undermines the other person’s critical ability and
thors using Labrador et al., 2004, Hirigoyen, 2005, and Rodriguez-
Carballeira et al., 2005.____________________________________________ judgement, leading her to accept die aggressor’s claims
ISOLATION__________________________________________________ -Physically following the person
-Controlling what the other person does, who they see and speak -Calling her constantly on the phone
with, what they read, where they go, etc. -Subjecting her to lengthy interrogations when she returns from an
individual activity
-N ot respecting her privacy (monitoring her mail, social networks,
telephone, etc.) -Waiting for her outside her workplace___________________________
-Limiting her commitments outside the intimate partner relation­
ship In 2015, according to the quadrennial macro survey on
-Devaluing her family members or friends and rejecting interactions Violence against Women conducted by Spain’s Ministry of
with them Health (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 2015), which
-Organizing activities or commitments that conflict with the other included in-person interviews with 10,171 women, 12.5% of
person’s proposals___________________________________________
Spanish women (close to 2.5 million) over the age o f 16
DISTO R TIO N O F REALITY_________________________________
described having been mistreated bv a partner or ex-partner at
-Normalizing abuse, equating it with conflicts inherent to die cou­
some point in their lives. Psychological violence is especiallv
ple’s cohabitation
-Recognizing abuse but playing down its importance pronounced among young women and adolescents. So-called
-Blaming the other person for one’s own violent behavior coercive control (in which the aggressor prevents the victim from
-Convincing the other person that the violence is a way o f correct­ seeing her friends, tries to avoid forming a relationship with the
ing her improper behavior and is thus for her own good_________ victim’s family, insists on knowing where the woman is at all
IN TIM IDA TIO N (INDIRECT VIOLENCE)___________________ times, displays unjustified suspicions of infidelity, demands that
-Instilling fear through looks, actions, or gestures_________________ the woman ask permission to go out on her own, etc.) affected

anales de psicología. 2017, vol. 33, n° 1 January)

20 Enrique Echeburúa y José M anuel M uño^

25% o f 16- and 17-year old adolescent women over the last a) A hostile attitude. This may result from chauvinistic sexual
year, compared with an overall average o f 9.6%. stereotypes regarding the need for a woman to be
submissive, from pathological jealously, or from the
When does a conflictive intimate partner relationship subjective legitimation o f violence as a problem-solving
end, and when does psychological violence begin? strategy.
b) A n emotional state of rage. This emotion, which varies in
W hen a couple decides to end a relationship, it can do so intensity from mild irritation or annoyance to intense anger
via a mutual agreement or through a contentious process in­ and leads to an impulse to do harm, is fostered by a hostile
volving Civil Courts or Family Courts in judicial districts attitude towards the woman and by sources o f discomfort
where these exist (Muñoz and Del Campo, in print). How­ that are independent of the couple (work-related setbacks,
ever, according to Law 1/2004, when a woman alludes to economic difficulties, problems related to the children’s
psychological abuse in the relationship, the breakup process education, etc.).
is handled by the Violence Against Women Courts with c) Direct precipitatingfactors. Excessive consumption o f alcohol
both civil and criminal consequences, including measures to or drugs, especially when this interacts with the small
protect the victim and limit tire tights and freedoms o f the frustrations of day-to-day life in an intimate relationship,
defendant (Castillejo, 2009). contributes to the onset of violent behavior.
It is not always easy to precisely determine what consti­ d) A poor behavioral repertoire. More concretely, deficits in
tutes a couple’s final phase prior to a breakup. It may in­ communication and problem-solving skills prevent conflicts
clude repeated reproaches, accusations, and disrespectful from being channeled in appropriate ways. The problem is
behavior, a type o f psychological violence that aims to con­ aggravated when personality disorders exist, such as
trol and negate the other person. This distinction has im­ suspiciousness, jealousy, low self-esteem, lack o f empathy,
portant repercussions for the future o f the members o f the or an extreme need for approval.
couple. In other words, it is important to distinguish crimi­ e) Perception of the victim's vulnerability. An irritated man may take
nal activity from behavior that is just ethically and socially out his rage on another person (frustration-anger-aggression
reproachable (for example, infidelity, economic and material mechanism), but he may tend to do so only with women
neglect, etc.) (Follinstad, 2007). whom he perceives as being more vulnerable and in an
environment—the home—in which it is easier to conceal
The development of intimate partner violence what has occurred (Sarasua, Zubizarreta, Corral, and
Echeburúa, 2012).
Strange as it may seem, the intimate partner relationship j) The results of prior violent behavior. Very often, the abusive
— in principle a mark o f affection and mutual man’s previous violent behaviors will have achieved his
companionship that satisfies human beings’ basic needs— desired goals. Violence can be a very fast and effective
can involve a risk o f violent behavior (Rennison, 2003; Rojas method for getting what he wants. At the same time, the
Marcos, 2008). Violent behavior against one’s partner woman’s submission may be reinforced because it allows
involves an attempt to control the relationship using an her to initially avoid the consequences o f her partner’s
abuse o f power. violent behavior; however, subdued behavior may cause tire
Once the first instance o f violence has occurred, and de­ abusive man’s violent behavior to intensify over time.
spite the aggressor’s apologetic displays, the probability of
subsequent episodes— sparked by increasingly insignificant According to Dutton’s ecological model (1995, 2006),
triggers— is much higher. As inhibitions associated with re­ which strives to evaluate the risk factors o f intimate partner
spect for the other person break down, the use o f violence violence, the variables that contribute to violence exist on
as a strategy to control the other person’s behavior becomes several levels: macro-structural or social; exosystem (region­
increasingly frequent. The woman’s suffering, far from de­ al); micro-level (group); and ontogenetic (individual).
terring violence and generating affective empathy, becomes
a trigger for aggression (Alcázar and Gómez-Jarabo, 2001). Patterns of behavior implicated in psychological violence
It is not easy to answer the question o f what causes a man
to behave violently towards his partner, a person to whom he is In a dysfunctional intimate partner relationship, there is a
emotionally bonded in a shared life project. Violence results slow loss o f affection and communication, conflicts and at­
from an intense emotional state— rage— that interacts with tacks become frequent, and the desire to end a relationship
hostile attitudes, a poor behavioral repertoire (deficient that appears dysfunctional begins to grow stronger. The du­
communication and problem-solving skills), precipitating ration of the breakup process can vary from one case to an­
factors (stressful situations, excessive consumption of alcohol, other and depends in large part on the balance o f the rela­
jealousy, etc.), and perceptions of the victim’s vulnerability. tionship over time (Ortiz-Tallo, 2001). If there are no chil­
Consequently, violent behavior comprising the following dren involved and the relationship is perceived as having
components (Dutton and Golant, 1997; Echeburúa and Corral, been unsatisfactory from the start (or for a long time), the
1998): breakup process is fast; if the relationship has been gratifying

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Boundaries between psychological intim ate p a rtn er violence a n d dysfunctional relationships: psychological a n d forensic im plications 21

for a long time but is not anymore, and if the couple has strategy' to achieve domination or control over the victim
children, the breakup mav take longer, and the process may (Hirigoyen, 2006).
involve more vacillation. In general, all breakups lead to Victims can endure abuse for a long time because wom­
symmetrical, if not identical, suffering in both members of en’s values are permeated by a misguided interpretation of
the couple, unless one member has an alternative partner romantic love ( “one must have a partner, whatever the cost"; “it is good
and perceives the breakup as a road to freedom to pursue a to give everything for the person you love, to sacrificeyourself for him
new relationship. The pain involved in a breakup is not nec­ and forgive him for everything”). As a result, young women can
essarily proportional to the years spent in a relationship. Ra­ endure a great deal when they are seduced by a dominant
ther, it is a function o f the degree to which one fell in love, and protective figure. At the same time, men may think of
the rapport with the other person, and the resources and ex­ love as exclusive, possessive, and everlasting and think o f a
periences o f the person left behind (Serrat-Valera and Lar- breakup as the worst possible fadure. That is, the virus of
razábal, 2008). romance can poison the thinking o f both the victim and the
In contrast, violence and psychological abuse towards aggressor (Ferrer, Bosch, and Navarro, 2010). Furthermore,
one’s partner as a habitual practice in a relationship is a re­ many victims demonstrate an urge to redeem their partner
curring phenomenon (and as such is not limited to specific and an attitude o f sacrifice ("love can move mountains; I will get
moments) that manifests itself in a variety o f ways: the use him to change’), or they deceive themselves {“he is a goodperson,
o f insults, public devaluation and shaming, in the form of and deep down, he loves me’).
constant criticisms that undermine the victim’s self-esteem; However, there are couples for whom psychological
the continuous use o f controlling behaviors, which are made abuse is reciprocal, a type o f mutual violence, without a clear
easier by the widespread use o f new technologies (especially relationship o f domination. In these cases, a mutual relation­
WhatsAppf, turning to various types o f threats, often accom­ ship is built based on unhealthy behaviors in which the roles
panied by coarse and coercive language; the imposition of o f victim and abuser vary depending on the circumstance
social and financial restrictions; and continuous harassment (Muñoz-Rivas, Gratia, O ’Leary, and González, 2007).
once the victim has decided to end the relationship (Eche-
bunia and Corral, 1998; Follinstad, 2007; Navarro-Góngora, Psychological consequences ofpsychic violence
Navarro-Abad, Vaquero, and Carrascosa, 2004). There are
also manifestations o f psychic violence, including the impo­ The adversities o f day-to-day life, such as the unwanted
sition o f degrading sexual behavior or other types o f coer­ breakup o f an intimate partner relationship or the acknowl­
cive sex, the revelation o f secrets, or the repeated claim that edgement that a joint life project has been unsuccessful, lead
the victim is crazy or is the cause o f misfortunes or hard­ to emotional discomfort and pain (Gottman and Silver,
ships experienced by the aggressor. A list o f these violent 2012). However, most people possess psychological re­
behaviors can be observed in Table 1. All o f this creates a sources and a network o f family and social support that al­
situation o f domination and profound fear in the victim. lows them to overcome these challenges and regain control
Additionally, psychic violence can be a first step towards o f their lives without experiencing mental health problems
physical violence, though this does not occur in every' case or requiring professional assistance; however, this is not the
(Sarasua, Zubizarreta, Echebunia, and Corral, 2007). case for people who are very' emotionally unstable, who have
The behaviors involved in psychological violence in a personality disorder (dependent, obsessive, or narcissistic),
young couples include startling, screaming, constant phone or who have a history o f victimization (Echebunia, Sarasua,
calls, and absolute control, sometimes enveloped by and Zubizarreta, 2014).
weeping. Additionally, it is common to distance the victim A separate issue arises when psychological violence is a
from her friends, to accompany her constandy, to be angry habitual strategy used to gain control and negate the other
if she stops to speak with anyone or if she makes plans to go member o f the couple. In such cases, the victim’s coping
to the gym. Many victims do not interpret these behaviors as strategies may be overwhelmed, and she may suffer psycho­
a form o f victimization, and as a result, they underestimate logical damage (psychic wounds and emotional consequenc­
the risk involved in staying in the relationship (González- es), which often makes it necessary for her to seek profes­
Ortega, Echebunia, and Corral, 2008). sional help (psychological or medical) (Echebunia and Cor­
Systematic psychological abuse mav emerge gradually, in ral, 1998). The psychological damage arising from this situa­
such small steps that even the affected person may not no­ tion can manifest itself as clinical symptoms, such as post-
tice. Abusers may begin with subde behaviors towards the traumatic stress disorder, anxiety-depressive adjustment dis­
victim, such as explicidv devaluing her intellectual ability, her order or the imbalance o f a personality disorder; or as symp­
attractiveness, or her abilities at work, and begin to control toms that interfere with emotional well-being and quality' of
her way o f dressing, her expenditures, or her social relation­ life (low self-esteem, irritability, loss o f sexual desire, feelings
ships before moving on to explicit psychological violence. In of guilt, carelessness with appearance, or social isolation)
this last phase, the belittling o f one’s partner, shaming, and (Picó-Alfonso, Echebunia, and Martinez, 2008).
attempts to isolate her are the backbone o f the abuser’s Another expression o f psychological harm is use by the
victim o f damaging coping strategies, including self-

a n a le s d e p s ic o lo g ía , 2017, vol. 33, n° 1 January)

22 Enrique Echeburúay José Manuel Muño^

medication or alcohol abuse, excessive consumption of

food, or risk-taking behavior. Supreme Courtjurisprudence
Additionally, it should be noted that habitual psychic
violence is a form o f chronic stress, during which high corti­ Although habitual psychological abuse is difficult to in­
sol levels are excreted. Stress triggers changes in the nervous stitute as a concept and to distinguish from a relationship
and endocrine Systems, which can subsequently affect the that is simply dysfunctional, Supreme Court jurisprudence
cardiovascular and immune systems. If stress becomes has defined it as “continuous, methodical, and deliberate harassment
chronic, the risk o f infection, diabetes, hypertension, and and shaming, which aims to achieve domination... ” (STS 932/2003,
heart attack increases. The victim may display chronic fa­ June 27), as “repeated harassment and disparagement, intimidating
tigue; headaches, stomachaches, and joint pain; dizziness or expressions, death threats... ” (STS 1750/2003, December 18),
gastrointestinal problems; and a higher probability o f obesity and as “repeated and permanent threats, and subjugation of the victim
(Picó-Alfonso et al., 2008). As a result, victims may visit and herfamily to a situation of true harassment" (ATS, September
primary care doctors more frequently, but they might not 12, 2002).
dare to mention the intimate couple violence they are expe­ In other words, psychic violence must include a relation­
riencing. In other words, psychic violence may produce both ship of habitual domination o f the victim by the aggressor
psychological harm and physical harm. The somatic symp­ that generates deep emotional distress in the victim (intense
toms described and the emotional turmoil experienced by fear, hopelessness, limits on freedom, reduced self-esteem),
the victim may result from compensatory overexertion or regardless o f whether a formal mental disorder develops.
from adapting to a situation o f overwhelming chronic stress
(Cobo, 2006). Challenges in evaluating evidence
Lastly, because habitual psychological violence towards
one’s partner creates a violent climate, it may provoke negative Psychological abuse does not leave as obvious a mark as
psychological reactions in children who share the couple’s physical violence, despite the fact that its consequences for
home: poor academic performance, fear and anxiety, difficulty the victim can be even more serious than those o f physical
sleeping, feelings o f guilt, low self-esteem, and a lack of violence (Labrador, Fernández-Velasco, and Rincón, 2010).
emotional control may emerge. In girls, spontaneous weeping is There are fundamentally two types o f evidence:
the most common reaction; in boys, an aggressive response is a) Habitual behavior within the intimate partner relationship. In
most common (Echebunia and Corral, 2009). In any case, addition to the victim’s account, the testimony o f people
children’s psychological state will depend on the duration of (children, relatives, or others close to the victim) who
their exposure to the violence (length of time o f abuse), on the have witnessed abusive situations (insults, harassment,
seriousness o f the abuse, on whether the child is directly belittling, or shaming) play an important role in establish­
affected, and on the intensity o f the child’s emotional bond to ing this aspect o f psychological abuse, as long as those
the abuser (Arruabarrena, De Paúl, Indias, and Ullate, 2013; witnesses are willing to testify about the abuse in a court
Patró and Limiñana, 2005; Tailor, Stewart-Tufescu, and of law. Though unlikely, if voicemails or text messages
Piotrowski, 2015). are available on a cell phone, these should be transcribed
and shared with the court so that the Judicial Secretary
L e g a l a p p ro a c h to p sy c h o lo g ic al v iolence may create a transcript o f the messages.
b) The psychological consequences experienced by the victim as a result
Definition in the penal code of the habitual psychological abuse to which she has been exposed.
Here, the essential element is the connection between
The penal code treats habitual psychic violence towards emotional discomfort and the regular abuse experienced.
one’s partner or ex-partner as a crime, regardless o f whether The key here is to differentiate between a psychological
the violence leads to a psychic wound in the victim (art. wound, which is relevant under criminal law, and the
173.2). The crime is punishable by between six months and emotional discomfort experienced during the unwanted
three years o f imprisonment. The legal asset protected in breakup o f an intimate partner relationship or the em o­
this case is mutual respect and equality between the mem­ tional exhaustion involved in staying in a dysfunctional
bers o f the couple. relationship for a long period o f time. While some peo­
Psychic violence is defined as habitually violent behavior ple are more resilient or more vulnerable than others,
on the part o f the aggressor, which establishes a permanent certain psychological responses are more closely related
situation o f domination over the victim and which intimi­ to the experience o f continuous abuse (Muñoz and
dates her and prevents her from living her life freely (STS, Echebunia, 2016). These consequences should be objec-
November 10, 2009). As such, it is not defined by a specific tifiable, sufficiendv significant, and provable (clinical di­
number o f behaviors but by the establishment of a habitual agnosis) because victims’ perceptions o f their own psy­
violent behavior style towards the victim (STS, February 22, chic state and its relationship with the violence they ex­
2006). Among these types o f behaviors are psychological perienced can vary greatly from one case to another.
harassment, coercion, and intimidation.

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Boundaries between psychological intim ate p a rtn er violence a n d dysfunctional relationships: psychological a n d forensic implications 2 3

Proving the facts o f the case can be particularly compli­ cumstances, on the victim’s prior level o f emotional stability,
cated when the reported violence is psychological. There are her degree o f resilience, and other psychosocial factors (psy­
several reasons for this (Navarro-Góngora et al., 2004): chological resources, social class, level o f education, social
a) In most cases, the crime occurs between the couple in private, that support, workplace satisfaction, etc.) (Echeburúa and Corral,
is, without witnesses. Consequently, the only evidence avail­ 2009; Esbec and Echeburúa, 2014).
able to the judge is the contradictory statements o f the
plaintiff and the defendant. Instnimentali^ation of reports of abuse
b) When the violence in question has persisted over time, the probabil­
ity of psychological deterioration in the victim is high. In such The topic o f instrumentalization of complaints in the
cases, women may adopt a passive attitude that limits the framework o f Law 1/2004 has led to numerous social and
supply o f evidence and may not provide useful facts dur­ legal controversies (Serrano, 2012; Pérez and Bernabé,
ing the instruction phase. 2012). The data provided by the Ministry o f Justice’s Obser­
c) The affective relationship between the victim and perpetrator is am­ vatory on Domestic and Gender Violence, which are col­
bivalent. Feelings o f love and affection towards the ag­ lected from all jurisdictional bodies, reveal a high rate o f ac­
gressor explain why victims minimize the aggressor’s quittals (38.8%), in addition to dismissals (3.9%) and provi­
violent behaviors and the victims’ hopes for change. This sional dismissals (37.5%) (CGPJ, 2015). While a lack o f
situation explains some victims’ ambivalence towards re­ criminal evidence is not synonymous with the instrumentali­
porting the violence and the high number o f retractions zation o f a complaint, it is also true that false accusations
among victims (for example, withdrawing a complaint and complaints are inherent to the Justice System, as
during the instruction phase, using the exemption from demonstrated by their mention in the most ancient laws,
the requirement to testify against the accused, or retract­ such as the Code o f Hammurabi (Maqueda, 1999). As a re­
ing her initial statement). O ther situations that may ex­ sult, there is nothing that would allow us to rule out their ex­
plain this phenomenon include the establishment o f an istence in the context o f Law 1/2004.
emotionally dependent relationship with the aggressor, As in other areas o f criminal law— for example, those that
the fear o f repercussions later on, economic dependency, address reports o f child sexual abuse (Pereda and Arch,
fear o f an irregular administrative status and the risk of 2009)— two sources o f distortion have been identified in the
deportation among foreign victims, or a desire to avoid process o f lodging o f a complaint against a partner:
harming one’s children (Consejo General del Poder Judi­ a) An erroneous interpretation o f reality resulting from an
cial, 2013). accumulation of discomfort or frustration caused by the
continuation o f an intimate partner relationship that has
Additionally, psychological violence does not leave be­ become unsatisfactory and in which conflicts frequently
hind easily discemable damage (it does not produce external occur that may significantly erode the psychic stability of
signs on the victim), making the consequences more difficult one member o f the couple, in this case, the woman.
to objectivize (Guija, 2009). Similarly, the psychic impact is b) Premeditated fabrication of an abuse report related to
easy for the victim to hide (by concealing or attributing it to the pursuit o f secondary benefits (acceleration and bene­
other causes), which is relatively com m on in this type o f vic­ fits during the civil divorce process or securing the social
timization scenario. This is why such cases are sometimes benefits recognized in Law 1/2004) or to fulfilling a de­
called “invisible” violence (Rodriguez-Carballeira et al., sire for revenge or rage towards one’s partner out of
2005). spite or because o f a dysfunctional breakup process.
The difficulty o f assessing evidence derives from the
complexity o f defining abusive behaviors in the real world, Meanwhile, the acquittal (closing) o f a complaint, or ab­
from a lack o f clinical specificity, and, on occasion, from the solution, does not necessarily indicate a false complaint. Af­
victim’s prior vulnerability or the existence o f other stress­ ter filing a complaint, many women back away from the legal
ors, which make it more difficult to establish a causal rela­ process and do not testify against their partner out o f fear,
tionship between current psychological damage and the dys­ affective ambivalence, or environmental pressure. In such
functional intimate partner relationship (Muñoz, 2013). It is cases, the judge applies the presumption of innocence and
also important to establish whether the psychic wound is closes the case for lack of evidence.
mild, moderate, or serious, in accordance with the degree to Performing a differential diagnosis in the case o f psycho­
which it interferes with the victim’s daily life and emotional logical violence is a complex activity for a forensic psycholo­
stability. The causal nexus between the abuse experienced gist. It is hindered by the limitations o f forensic evaluation
and emotional impairment is even m ore complex in cases of instruments and by factors that modulate psychic impact,
chronic psychic violence (including that which began at the which impede the establishment o f a unique psychopatho-
start o f the relationship). In other words, continuous emo­ logical profile for women who are victims o f intimate part­
tional abuse in an intimate partner relationship produces a ner violence (Echeburúa, Muñoz, and Loinaz, 2011).
breakdown o f the victim’s sense o f security, but the extent Suitable preparation o f the forensic evaluation process
o f the psychological damage will depend, among other cir­ that addresses the various factors that modulate psychic im-

a n a le s d e p s ic o lo g í a , 2017, vol. 33, n° 1 (january)

24 Enrique Echeburúa yJosé Manuel Muño1.

pact (factors related to the victimizing intimate partner rela­ The working definition o f behaviors that characterize
tionship, biopsychosocial vulnerability factors, and biopsy- psychological abuse in an intimate couple relationship and of
chosocial protective factors), the adoption o f a multi­ what constitutes psychological harm makes it easier to dis­
method-multidimensional perspective, and the comparison tinguish between what is simply a bad, dysfunctional inti­
of information drawn from diverse sources o f data will con­ mate partner relationship and what is systematic psychologi­
tribute to more effective psychic intervention (Muñoz, cal violence, with the legal implications that a deed o f this
2013). A list of instruments used to evaluate psychological nature entails (Cobo, 2006).
harm in victims o f violence may be found in Echeburúa, The substantiation o f psychological violence in an intimate
Corral, and Amor (2002). partner relationship very often requires the expert opinion of
forensic evaluation units (Unidades de Valoración Forense
Discussion Integral) to objectivize existing habitual psychic violence and
the possible harm it has caused. However, these expert
The study o f psychological violence within the intimate evaluations are labor-intensive and complex, as there is no
partner relationship is essential in the forensic context. The profile o f a victim or aggressor. Various studies describe
dearth, in many situations, o f physical evidence or witnesses different types o f partner aggressors (Echeburúa, Amor, and
who can corroborate the victim’s and the aggressor’s claims Corral, 2009; Amor, Echeburúa, and Loinaz, 2009);
make the study of psychological violence central to criminal however, the high number o f modulators o f psychic impact
proceedings (Subijana, 2009). make it difficult to discuss a psychopathological profile
One characteristic of psychological violence against a exclusively for intimate partner violence (Muñoz, 2013).
partner is the aggressor’s denial of the behavior. When thinking However, one should not lose sight o f the principle of
clearly about a behavior causes discomfort, or when the minimal intervention within criminal law. Therefore, we
behavior is socially rejected, strategies are employed to avoid should prosecute neither intimate relationship issues nor a
responsibility. These strategies include excuses, claiming that person’s feelings o f shame nor the dysfunctional manage­
the problem is strictly between the two partners, blaming the ment o f a breakup. Thus, we can avoid the use o f criminal
partner or other types o f problems, thinking of the behavior as law to resolve civil issues (Family Law) (Subijana, 2009).
“normal” in all couples, or underestimating the negative impact Diverse challenges exist for fúture forensic psychological
of the behavior on the victim (Cobo, 2006). analysis o f psychological violence in intimate partner relation­
Likewise, many victims o f regular psychological abuse ships. In addition to defining it in as useful a way as possible,
are not conscious o f their victimization. In fact, they may levels o f seriousness must be established for psychic wounds
treat the behavior as unimportant, attributing the humiliating (mild, moderate, intense), and causal relationships must be de­
behavior they experience to their partner’s way o f being and termined (primary or contributing cause) between the stressful
not perceiving the direct relationship between the emotional situation and the psychic wound. Additionally, instruments
discomfort they feel and the abuse they experience must be designed to be as objective as possible (Puente-
(Follinstad, 2007). As a result, while psychological abuse is Martínez, Ubillos-Landa, Echeburúa, and Páez-Rovira,
difficult to quantify numerically, it is a significantly darker 2016).
figure than physical abuse.

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