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Explanation Text:

Explanation text is a type of informational writing that aims to provide a clear and concise explanation of
a particular subject or concept. It is commonly used in educational settings and scientific literature to convey
complex ideas in a straightforward manner. The purpose of an explanation text is to enhance the reader's
understanding by breaking down the topic into its essential components and presenting them in a logical
and organized manner.

Generic Structure of Text:

1. Introduction: The introduction of an explanation text provides an overview of the topic and its
significance. It may include a general statement or a brief description to capture the reader's
attention and establish the context.

2. Body: The body of the text presents the main information in a systematic manner. It is divided into
paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect or subtopic related to the main subject. The
information is presented in a logical order, often starting with the most basic or fundamental
concepts and progressing to more complex ideas.

3. Explanation: This section forms the core of the text and contains the detailed explanation of the
topic. It may include definitions, descriptions, examples, comparisons, and other relevant
information to help the reader understand the subject matter. The use of visuals such as diagrams
or charts can also enhance the clarity of the explanation.

4. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key points discussed in the text and restates the main
idea or thesis. It provides a sense of closure to the explanation and may offer a final thought or
perspective on the topic.

Language Features:

1. Clarity and Coherence: Explanation texts prioritize clarity and coherence to ensure that the
information is presented in a straightforward and logical manner. The language used should be
precise, with clear definitions and explanations that leave no room for ambiguity.

2. Objective Tone: Explanation texts maintain an objective tone, avoiding personal opinions or biases.
The focus is on presenting factual information and providing a balanced view of the subject matter.
3. Technical Vocabulary: Depending on the topic, explanation texts often employ technical vocabulary
specific to the field or concept being explained. These terms are used accurately and defined when
necessary to aid the reader's understanding.

4. Use of Examples: Examples are frequently used in explanation texts to illustrate concepts or
processes. They provide concrete instances that help the reader grasp abstract ideas and make the
explanation more relatable.

5. Organization and Structure: Explanation texts follow a clear structure with logical progression. The
information is organized into paragraphs or sections, and transitional words and phrases are used
to guide the reader through the text smoothly.

Sample Draft of Academic Essay that can be developed:

Title: Achieving Physical Fitness: A Guide to a Healthier Body

DRAFT (Not an Essay Yet)
Maintaining physical fitness is essential for overall well-being and a healthy lifestyle. This explanation text
aims to provide practical guidance on how to get our bodies fit. By incorporating regular exercise, proper
nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can improve their fitness levels and enjoy the numerous
benefits that come with a healthier body.


1. Regular Exercise:
Engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for improving fitness. Here are key points to
- Cardiovascular exercise: Activities like brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling help
improve heart health and boost endurance.
- Strength training: Incorporating exercises using resistance, such as weightlifting or
bodyweight exercises, helps build muscle strength and tone the body.
- Flexibility exercises: Stretching routines and activities like yoga or Pilates enhance
flexibility, joint mobility, and posture.

2. Balanced Diet:
Proper nutrition is vital for fueling the body and supporting physical fitness. Consider the following
- Balanced macronutrients: Include a variety of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables,
and healthy fats in your diet.
- Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes to maintain a healthy weight and avoid
- Hydration: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and
support bodily functions.

3. Rest and Recovery:

Allowing the body time to rest and recover is equally important in achieving fitness goals:
- Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to promote muscle repair, hormone
regulation, and overall well-being.
- Active recovery: Incorporate light exercises, stretching, or activities like yoga on rest days
to enhance circulation and flexibility.

4. Lifestyle Adjustments:
Making healthy choices beyond exercise and nutrition can contribute to overall fitness:
- Stress management: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing
exercises, or engaging in hobbies.
- Active lifestyle: Incorporate physical activity into daily routines, such as taking the stairs
instead of the elevator or walking instead of driving short distances.
- Limit sedentary behavior: Reduce prolonged sitting and aim for regular movement
throughout the day.

5. Tracking Progress and Setting Goals:

Monitor your fitness progress and set realistic goals to stay motivated and track your achievements:
- Record workouts and measurements: Track workouts, distances, weights lifted, or body
measurements to monitor progress.
- Set achievable goals: Set specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound
(SMART) goals to focus your efforts and measure success.

In conclusion, achieving physical fitness requires a holistic approach that includes regular exercise, a
balanced diet, sufficient rest, and lifestyle adjustments. By adopting these practices and maintaining
consistency, individuals can improve their fitness levels, enhance overall health, and enjoy the benefits of
a fit and active lifestyle. Remember, gradual progress and sustainable habits are key to long-term success.

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