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Name: Putu Anggi Yumika Shanti

NIM: 2212021060
Grade: 1C
Number: 04

1. The categories of the adjectives

NO Positive Adjective Negative Adjective
1 Homebody Klutz / Clumsy
2 Helpful Arrogant
3 Honest Tough
4 Brave Sassy
5 Hard-worker Stubborn
6 Talkative Timid
7 Energetic Slow
8 Friendly Cranky
9 Diligent Grumpy
10 Smart Quiet
11 Responsible Selfish
12 Wise Stern
13 Creative
14 Generous
15 Polite
16 Humble
17 Patient
18 Kind

2. The Meaning of all the words

A. Appearances
No Word Hair Skin Body Face Meaning

1 Curly Keriting
Straight Lurus
Wavy Bergelombang
Blonde Pirang
Short Pendek
Long Panjang
Dyed Berwarna
Colored Diwarna
Healthy Sehat
Pale Pucat
Tanned Kecoklatan
Spotty Berjerawat
Olive Kuning Langsat
Dark Gelap
Fair Putih
Light Terang
Skinny Kurus
Overweight Kegemukan
Stocky Kekar
Broad Lebar
Lean Kurus
Muscular Berotot
Tall Tinggi
Short Pendek
Pretty Cantik
Ugly Jelek
Plain Polos
Pale Pucat
Narrow Sempit
Oval Lonjong
Round Bulat

B. Personality

No Word Meaning
Klutz Ceroboh
Homebody Anak rumahan
Arrogant Angkuh
Tough Keras
Sassy Lancang
Stubborn Keras kepala
Helpful Bermanfaat
Honest Jujur
Timid Pemalu
Brave Berani
Stern Tegas
Slow Lambat
Cranky Mudah marah
Hard-worker Pekerja keras
Talkative Suka berbicara
Grumpy Galak
Quiet Pendiam
Energetic Bersinergi
Friendly Ramah
Diligent Rajin
Smart Pintar
Responsible Bertanggung jawab
Wise Bijaksana
Creative Kreatif
Generous Baik hati
Polite Sopan
Humble Rendah Hati
Selfish Egois
Patient Sabar
Kind Baik

C. Places, Cities, Towns

No Word Meaning
Ancient Kuno
Attractive Menarik
Bustling Ramai
Contemporary Kontemporer
Lively Hidup
Dull Suram
Picturesque Indah
Touristic Wisata
Serene Tenang
Stunning Memukau
Desolate Terpencil
Unspoiled Murni
Pristine Murni
Tranquil Tenang
Vibrant Bersemangat
Homey Nyaman
Renowned for Terkenal
Easily walkable Mudah berjalan kaki
Overcrowded Terlalu ramai
Spacious Luas
Charming Menawan
Quaint Aneh
Iconic Ikonik
Majestic Megah
Gaudy Mencolok
Dilapidated Bobrok
Out of the way Terpencil
Off the beaten path Di luar jalan
Godforsaken Terkutuk

Describe People, place, and things. Writing Practice.

1. Picture 1.
In this picture there is a farmer on his black and red tractor. I know he is a farmer
based on the place he took the picture. The place looks like a plantation so I
considered him as a farmer. The clothes that he wears also show his occupation even
more. The tractor he is on is kind of tractor that usually used to do things that related
to plantation by people. This tractor is an invention in modern era as for back then,
people used real animal such as cow and buffalo in farming area.

Picture 2
2. In this picture there is a traditional fishing boat floating on the water. The water looks
dull and unhealthy. It may be because of the lighting setting of the camera, but
whatever the reason is, it really impacted the picture quality in general so that the
components of the boat are not too visible. This picture probably taken in a sea which
already contaminated by bad chemicals so the color of the water is not pristine
anymore. This is so heartbreaking as for the place that supposed to be the place we
feel serene is dilapidated by unresponsible people.

Picture 3
3. This picture shown some pencil in a cube pencil case. There is several gaudy colors
of pencil in this picture. The pencils is eight in total with three colors that is red, blue
and yellow. The pencil is not in tidy form organized through its color, yet some of
them just randomly there with different colors. The pencil is not only come with only
a pencil part that we used for writing. In the tip of the pencil there is tiny eraser that
could be use if we did mistakes while writing. The pencil is actually a good product
to buy, because of the mini eraser on the tip of the pencil.

Picture 4
4. This image shown a photo of a flowers that looks like a flower called tulip. The
flower”s color is soft pink. The flower is not completely bloom, yet it’s little bit not
circumcised. Some of the flowers are wilted, yet it’s not because of the lack water or
sun ray, im sure the reason is because the flower is still on the process to bloom
completely and turn into a really beautiful flower. This image probably taken in the
garden of flowers which is one of the place we will feel tranquility in.

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