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Staying fiy

We all know that staying fit and eating healthy can be sometimes quite how can we
improve our physical body and overall be happier?

First thing that i would do to improve my shape woud be to make a sport routine, any kind of
physical movement al least 30 minutes per day. You could go running,dancing even walking or ,if you
re a person who likes to interact with people you could pick sports team such as
volleyball,basketball,handball etc.

Another very important aspect food. I m sure you ve heard of that phrase Healthy body,healthy
mind so in order to get good grades and to be able to think properly you need to adopt a diet based
mostly on fruits and vegetables and avoid fast food. For snacks you can get a banana,aple or nuts. An
important thing is to limit your sugar intake because sugar is empty calories and bring no benefit to
the body.Also, drink plenty of water!

Some advices i would give to you is to go on foot as much as possible.This is the best way to stay
active.If youre campus is not too far away you try to wake up a little earlier and make it to the class
on foot.This will burn calories and also save a lot of money.

These are some tips that i l find beneficial so if you are having trouble trying to fit in exercise with
the busy schedule ,try to implement this advices into your life!

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