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Student engagement was a multidimensional concept that encompasses the

behavioral, emotional, cognitive and agentic engagement of learners.It was a
proactive participation of the student that influenced their learning outcomes.It was
considered as the observable action and expression exhibited by the students which
included investment of physiological energy, time and effort to optimized the learning
process and attain desired academic outcomes.Student engagement could be in terms
of attentiveness, perseverance, constructive relationship with peers and instructor, self
regulated learning techniques and many more. To conclude, it was how students
engaged themselves through purposive actions that could also be influenced by how
their instructors constructed their instructional plan.

Online learning was considered as a convenient tool that has allowed the
continuity of the students education despite the challenges brought about by
Pandemic. It was a flexible modality where learning was majorly transmitted in
online platforms and forums through the used of electronic devices and Internet. It has
made education accessible anytime, anywhere and at your own pace.One of its
attributes was the minimal to no supervision and guidance of instructor that was
needed that the students were focused during virtual classes and were able to develop
comprehensive understanding of the subject.

The study of Francisco et al., Ebede, Baloran et al. was consistent with the
present study as it has also used age, sex and year level to identify the demographic
characteristics of the student.Furthermore, it has also investigated If there was any
difference on the level of engagement when grouped according of the above-
mentioned demographic characteristic which was also the determined on the present
study.In relation the the electronic devices used to attend online learning, the study of
Candaza, De Sagun and and Maligaya was consistent with this study. On the other
hand, Matte, Maric, Benjamin, and Coady investigated on determining the impact of
internet connectivity on the level of engagement of the student which was aligned
with this study because it has also identified and measured the difference on level of
engagement when grouped according to internet connectivity.The study of Paul and
Jefferson was also aligned with the study as it had measured the level of engagement
of students with general weighted average as their basis.Lastly, the study of Munir
and Zaheer was similar with the study as it identified the extra-curricular activities
that students in an online learning environment engaged into and investigated whether
this has implications on their engagement.

The study by Copeland et al.,Essel, R. was substantially similar with the

present study as investigated the impact of feedback, major attribute of emotional
engagement in the present study, on the level of engagement of the student. On
different circumstances, Hidiroğlu and Sungur; Dunkan, K., Kenworthy, A., &
McNamara, and Goggins, S., & Xing, W. was aligned with the study as it has also
measured the level of engagement of the students in terms of the agentic engagement
of university students in an online learning setting.

The study of Hu, M., and Li, H was consistent with the present study for the
reason that the level of engagement of the student in an online learning setting was
also measured in the past study.Meanwhile,Shalevska was similar with the study’s
objective which was to measure the students engagement in an online learning
environment.The study’s finding was different with present study as they found that
students were less motivated in an online learning environment while the former’s
respondents recorded complimentary level of engagement despite of the new learning
modality.Similarly, Nguyen, T. also measured the behavioral, cognitive and emotional
engagement of the students where findings showed that students recorded high
engagement in behavioral which was consistent with the present study where
behavioral engagement recorded high engagement.

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