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Outline monitoring of internal and external moderation of examinations and grading system

Internal Moderation
 The HoD are senior staff members appointed by HoD will acts as internal moderators.
They review the exam papers and conduct pre-moderation meetings to discuss and
address any concerns or discrepancies.
 During Examination the Principal and internal examination officer (IEO) ensure
standardized procedures for invigilation and exam administration by maintaining
proper security and confidentiality of examination papers. IEO address any issues or
irregularities that may arise during the examination.
 The Principal Train faculty members on the grading criteria and ensure consistency in
applying them. The HoD implement cross-checking and internal moderation
processes to maintain consistency in grading across different evaluators. The HoD
conduct internal moderation by comparing marking schemes, assessing consistency,
and identifying any discrepancies. HoD resolve discrepancies through discussion
among internal moderators and then update and finalize grades based on the internal
moderation process.

External Moderation
 The CoE identify external experts in the field who are independent from the
institution. CoE invite external moderators to review the examination process and
provide an unbiased evaluation.
 The CoE share examination papers, grading criteria, and internal moderation reports
with external moderators. CoE provide necessary guidelines and instructions to the
external moderators.
 The External moderators review the examination papers, marking schemes, and
internal moderation reports. They assess the consistency and fairness of grading and
provide feedback and recommendations for improvement as a feedback report.
 CoE incorporate feedback and recommendations from external moderators. CoE
address any discrepancies or issues identified by the external moderation process.

CoE finalize and validate grades based on the internal and external moderation outcomes.
By implementing thorough monitoring of internal and external moderation processes, along
with a robust grading system, the institution can ensure fairness, consistency, and quality in
assessing student performance and determining final grades.

External moderators are provided with the assessment materials, including exam papers,
marking schemes, and assessment criteria. They review these materials to ensure they are
clear, comprehensive, and aligned with the intended learning outcomes. External moderators
examine a sample of marked exam papers or the entire set, depending on the established
protocol. They assess the accuracy and consistency of marking to ensure that the marking
scheme has been correctly applied and that the grades awarded are justified. External
moderators verify the grading standards adopted by the university. They compare the marks
awarded to students with the expected standards and provide feedback on the appropriateness
and fairness of the grading process.

 CAC examine the assessment criteria and marking schemes used by module
lecturer to ensure they are clear, comprehensive, and capable of assessing
students' understanding accurately.
 CAC scrutinize the marked exam papers to ensure consistent and fair marking
practices. They compare the marking of different faculty members to identify
any discrepancies or variations in grading.
 CAC analyze the grading patterns and distribution of grades across different
exams and sections.
 CAC provide constructive feedback to the module lecturer regarding
assessment methods, question quality, marking practices, or grading
consistency. This feedback aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of
future assessments.

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