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What Is HTTP?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) transfers data from a web

server to your browser so that it can access and load websites.

You’ve likely already seen it in your browser’s address bar


What Is HTTPS?

HTTPS is the acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. Like

HTTP, its main purpose is to transfer data from a server to your
browser, so you can load websites.

However, HTTPS uses an encrypted connection to communicate

between the server and the browser. A SSL (secure sockets layer)
certificate protects the transferred data from being stolen as it’s

HTTPS was created in 1994 but wasn’t widely used as the standard
until 2019. Its popularity is mostly due to Google recommending that
sites switch to HTTPS in 2014.
You can also spot HTTPS in your browser’s address bar

What Is the Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS?

Thanks to its encrypted connection, HTTPS is more secure than


Site security is important even if you don’t have an ecommerce site

or a website that handles sensitive data. A secure site protects your
customers from getting their data stolen and protects your website
from security breaches that cost time and money to fix.
Other benefits include:

1. Users trust HTTPS: Extra security encourages users to trust

your brand and website. They’ll feel more comfortable sharing
sensitive data with you or making purchases on your website.
2. Boost to SEO Ranking: Since HTTPS makes the web safer
and better for users, Google was a big advocate for the switch
from HTTP to HTTPS back in 2014. They also confirmed that
websites using HTTPS had the potential to rank higher than
those using HTTP.
3. Opportunity for AMP Pages: Only sites with HTTPS can use
the AMP (accelerated mobile page) framework. AMPs are
mobile-only pages or websites that load quickly, making them
more mobile-friendly.

How to Switch from HTTP to HTTPS

You’ll be glad to know that switching to HTTPS is a relatively

straightforward process:

1. Purchase an SSL certificate: Plenty of web hosting

companies (like GoDaddy or Namecheap) sell SSL
certificates. However, if you wish to purchase your certificate
from a third-party vendor, ensure that you research thoroughly
before making your purchase.
2. Install your SSL certificate via your web hosting: Each web
hosting service will have different instructions on how to install
your SSL certificate.
3. Update any internal links from HTTP to HTTPS: Not all links
will transfer over neatly. If you notice any links that still point to
the HTTP version of your web page, update them directly in
the code.
4. Set any redirect from HTTP to HTTPS: You can also set up
manual redirects to ensure that browser point to the HTTPS
version of your webpage.
If you aren’t comfortable making these technical changes, most web
hosting companies can handle this for you at a price. You still need
to update or redirect any remaining internal links to HTTPS.

How to Check if You Are Using HTTPS

If you’re not sure if your website uses HTTPS, it’s easy to check.
Enter your site’s domain into your browser’s address bar. You
should see:

1. Your domain is prefaced with “https://”

2. There is a lock symbol next to your domain

Possible HTTPS Implementation Errors

Of course, even the most experienced webmaster can run into

issues when setting up new protocols. Switching from HTTP to
HTTPS has its benefits, but there are problems that can occur
during or after the switch. Keep an eye out for:

• Duplicate Content: Google treats the HTTP and HTTPS

versions of a URL as two different pages with identical
content. You’ll need to set up a redirect to indicate that they
are the same page.
• Wrong SSL Certificate: There are multiple types of SSL
certificates, so ensure you’re choosing the right one to
purchase and install on your website. Use a single domain
certificate if you have one domain, a multiple domain
certificate if you have more than one primary domain on the
same IP address, or a wildcard certificate if you have a
primary domain and several subdomains.
An SSL certificate issue will cause the browser to block the
website and display an error message. Users won’t feel
encouraged to continue browsing the website.
• Search Engines Use HTTP Version: Google will not
automatically be notified when you migrate to HTTPS, so it is
your job to alert them with the Google Search Console. You
can do this by manually requesting that Google crawls and
indexes your website. Find out how to do this in our guide

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