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Assignment #2: Personality Styles assessment and paper

Course: PRJM 1010 – Communications
Professor: Rehan Sher


Complete the personality test found on

Using APA format, write a 2-page paper summarizing your results by answering the following

1. How have you used some of these traits in your professional life?
2. What have you learned from the assessment about your management style?
3. How can you apply this information to managing project teams?
4. How will you address conflict in your team applying your management style knowledge?
5. How can you manage a diverse project team with various personality styles?
6. Were your results from the Keirsey test similar or different from 16personalities? Was that a
surprise? Was it not a surprise? Why or why not?

Evaluation Type Personality styles assessment and paper

Learning Outcome Assessed Completed personality style questionnaire
and define different personality styles
Due Date 12 midnight at the end of week 3
Approximate turnaround time for grading 1 week
Weight 5%
Individual or Group Individual

Instructions for SUBMITTING your assignment

1. Length and space: 2 page to 3 pages max, single side, double-spaced

2. Font type: Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman
3. Font size: 12 points
4. Citation guide: APA Style
5. Template provided: Yes
6. File type: complete and submit in MS Word or PDF
7. Submission location: On Blackboard (BB); email submissions not allowed

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