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Confidence Hacks

Psychology of Attraction

1. Cold Showers

a. Cold showers, or bathing in water that lowers your body temperature has been known to help
athletes overcome their fears and increase their confidence for years. It’s a form of resilience
training. This will also increase your blood circulation to internal organs, help with maintaining a
healthy weight, and is certainly associated with training your willpower – because taking a cold
shower every morning isn’t easy!

2. Progressive Desensitization

a. This is a big word for slowly getting used to something you’re scared of. Let’s say you’re afraid of
snakes. Here’s the process you would go through to overcome your fear with progressive

i. Look at pictures of snakes on Google Images

ii. Talk about snakes with your friends

iii. Go to a zoo and visit the snake room

iv. Put your hand against the glass window of a snake

v. Find a friend who has a snake and ask to hold the snake in a cage or tank

vi. Hold the snake in your hand

vii. Let the snake wrap itself around your legs or arms

3. Do something you’re afraid of

a. Progressive Desensitization is like going to a college class to learn a new language; you learn
slowly over time how to deal with new situations. Doing the thing you’re most afraid of is like
moving to a new country to learn a new language; you have to learn quicker. Afraid of Skydiving? Go
sign up; where I live it’s like two hundred dollars for a once-in-a-lifetime experience and to
overcome that fear. Just skip the pulling off the bandaid slowly and rip it off!

4. Get Rejected

a. The best way to overcome rejection is to get rejected a lot. There’s something called the 100-
person challenge and it’s where you aim to talk to 100 new people within 30 days. By the end of 30
days, you’ll have built up your conversation skills you’re ready to try challenge #2. That is the 100
day challenge, only you have to talk to 100 cute girls and ask them out on dates. YOU WILL GET
REJECTED MANY TIMES. However, you’ll build up your confidence and slowly get better at handling
5. Visualize what you want

a. One of the best ways to become more confident is to visualize what you want. Think of someone
who has no confidence; one of their largest characteristic traits is not knowing what they want.
Instead; flip it around and know what you want to increase your confidence!

6. Affirm yourself every day

a. Use affirmations to help yourself visualize! Just say stuff like this to yourself, write it down, or even
think it:

i. I am in control of my life

ii. Good things are going to happen today

iii. I’m going to help a lot of people today

iv. I was made for greatness

v. Opportunities will arise today that make me better

7. Lift Heavy

a. Lifting heavy weights will increase your testosterone levels, which of course is correlated to
confidence levels. Also, it’ll make you feel more confidence because you are literally becoming a
better version of yourself!

7. Dress Better

a. If you dress sloppy, you’ll think of yourself as sloppy. Wear something that shows you off, and
you’ll have to have the confidence to back it up! Do some laundry or go shopping if needed :)

9. Pick your music wisely

a. Listening to music can train your brain to think certain ways. If you’re listening to music where the
main chorus is “I just can’t get anywhere in life” guess what? You won’t! Your brain remembers the
tiniest things and you can prime it with music. Instead, listen to uplifting, powerful, and encouraging
music to become more confidence!

10. Make a self-esteem playlist

a. To get an even better effect, make a playlist with the kind of music discussed in the previous step
so you can turn it on for an instant dopamine and confidence boost anytime you need it.

11. Good posture

a. Practice good posture, it’ll be healthier and you’ll also have more confidence.

12. Good body language

a. Keep your body language open, never cross your arms, stand straight up, and always keep your
chin up. Body language is actually one of the things you can “fake till you make” because your brain
will realize your posture and send hormones accordingly. If you have confident body language, your
brain will release confident hormones.

13. 30 second victory pose

a. When you are feeling down, stand with your feet about 2x shoulder height, put your hands in the
air as high as they will go, making your body an X and lift your head up. Now, take a big breath in,
and let it out really slowly. While doing this; recite an affirmation and you’ll instantly be more
confident. Professional athletes are trained to perform this “power pose” before an event to prime
their brain for success!

14. Keep the best, forget the rest (selective memory)

a. Use Selective Memory to forget all the bad things that have happened in the past and keep the
best. This allows you to stay optimistic and will help with your confidence in the future. You can’t be
confident if you don’t have something to look forward to; and you can’t have something to look
forward to if you’re dwelling on the past.

15. Write down your insecurities and joke about the ones you can’t change

a. Here’s a simple 3-step process to help with your insecurities.

i. Write down all your insecurities; things you think other people will make fun of you about.

ii. The ones that you don’t have control over; circle them and find a way to joke about them. I can’t
change my weird hairline; so I joke about it and over time… I’m just not worried about it anymore.

iii. The ones you can control; underline them and come up with a way to change them. I can control
my weights to an extent. I can control my haircut. I can control my rudeness.

16. Join a fight-club, MMA or other contact sport

a. This is related to weightlifting, but will increase your testosterone even more. Like, it’ll skyrocket
your testosterone levels. It’s been tested and hand-to-hand combat with other guys is in the top 3
ways to increase your testosterone and that will increase your confidence. Be careful though….
there’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance!

17. Intermittent Fasting

a. This will help you gain control of your eating levels; as well as give you CRAZY motivation. For me, I
have insane confidence when I am ready to take on the day… and that comes with motivation. Just
don’t eat for around 4-5 hours after you wake up and don’t eat 4 hours before you go to bed. Also,
talk to a doctor before making any major changes to your diet- as this is not for everyone.

18. Get off social media so much

a. Being on social media; and seeing the best parts of other people’s lives will ultimately depress you
and make you wonder why you aren’t living such a cool life. The secret is that people who post
things like that deal with the same stuff you deal with- they just don’t share it. Stop priming your
brain with unsuccessful comparison. Spend more time having fun
19. Surround yourself with confident people

a. Everyone knows the famous saying by Jim Rohn “You are the sum of the 5 people you spend most
of your time around”. Well, it’s true, and it works for confidence too. Some people think they can
trick themselves; sticking around people who think they are worthless so they feel confident by
comparison… but you want to be around people who are even more confident than you are and
want to be!

20. Get rid of negative people

a. There are a lot of negative people in this world, and letting them hold you back just by being
around you is something you’ll regret when you’re 80. Even if they’re family, find a way to spend less
time around them ASAP.

21. Celebrate your wins!

a. I don’t mean gloating, but when you have a win… publicly celebrate it! Let people know you had
an achievement and are celebrating it. It’ll give you motivation to keep working hard and also boost
your confidence in your own abilities!

23. Wake up every morning with 5 things you’re grateful for

a. Very easy one, but will put you in the mind-set that you’re blessed and grateful. This primes your
brain for even more great things to happen in the day. Is it easier to be confident when you wake up
and go “I don’t have any feet, the sun won’t shine today, and I’m hungry” or to say “ I’m so glad I
have arms, that there is grey sky so I can appreciate the blue sky, and I’m going to have the best
breakfast in a few minutes”? You choose!

24. Compliment Others

a. Complimenting others not only makes them feel good, but it also makes you feel wonderful! By
helping other people out, you’ll slowly gain their favour and also increase your confidence! It works,
trust me

25. Know how to accept compliments

a. Along with giving compliments, you also need to know how to respectfully accept them. Most
people shrug them off “yeah, thanks, but really it wasn’t me”. I don’t mean to boast, but freaking
own that compliment. “Yeah, you’re right, I love these shoes, they feel comfortable and I knew I had
to buy them!”.

26. Read

a. Feed your brain knowledge and it’ll reward you with confidence. Knowing more things and
understanding the world better always helps with confidence.

27. Learn
a. Everyone is curios in some manner. If you don’t learn, you’re opening your brain for depression.
Instead, learn something new everyday and keep those itchy neurons firing to increase your

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