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1. ABC University is a large institution with several schools.

a. Each school has a different name and address, and have several faculties and located
on just one campus. For example, the Management School has the Faculty of
Technology Management, the Faculty of Business Management. Each faculty belongs
to one school only.
b. Each faculty offers different programs, and each program can be provided by only one
faculty. Each program has a unique code, title, level, and duration. Each program
comprises several courses; different programs have different courses. Each course has
a unique code and course title.
c. Each of the students is enrolled in a single program of study which involves a fixed
core of courses specific to that program and a number of electives taken from other
programs. Students work on courses and are awarded a grade in any course if he/she
passes the course. Otherwise, the student has to retake the failed course. The system
needs to record the year and term in which the course was taken and the grade
awarded to the student. Every student has a unique ID. The system also keeps the
student's name, birthday, and the year he/she enrolled in the course.
d. The faculty employs lecturers to teach the students. A lecturer is allowed to work for
one faculty only. Each lecturer is assigned an ID that is unique across the whole
university. The system keeps the lecturer’s name, title, and the office room. A
supervisor may be in charge of several lecturers, but a lecturer reports to only one
supervisor. A lecturer can teach many different courses. A course may also have been
taught by many different lecturers.
Represent all the ER models described in parts (a), (b), (c), (d) as a single ER model.
Provide any assumptions necessary to support your model.
2. Convert the given ER model to a set of relations in 3NF normalized form,
determine primary and foreign keys, and draw Relational Model to show
referential integrity constraints between relationships
3. Assume we got a functional dependencies diagram as follow:
a) Assume all the attributes is atomic, in what normal form is this relation?
b) Define functional dependencies in the diagram
c) Decompose the diagram into a set of 3NF relations.

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