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Quilapio, Julius Kent Bryan V.


I. What is the 80th term in the Fibonacci sequence?

2.34167x1016 or 234,167,283,484,467,685

II. Discover how golden ratio is evident on human body. Use appropriate measuring tools.

My Data


Distance from your knees to the ground A = 17 inches

Distance from your belly button to the ground B = 37 inches

Distance from the top of your head to your belly button C = 23 inches

Distance from your wrist to your elbow D = 11 inches

Length of your hand E = 6 inches

Refer to the figure below F = 2 inches

G = 2 inches

H = 4 inches

After you are done with the measurement get the ratio and round off your answer to the nearest ten

1. B/C= 37/23= 1.6086

2. B/A= 37/17= 2.1764

3. D/E= 10/6= 1.6666

4. G/F= 2/1.5= 1.3333

5. H/G= 4/2= 2

What can you say about ratios from numbers 1 to 5?

In my measurement,when I start to divide on the given instructions.The result are some close to 1.6 and
some are 2.0. I conclude that my body is not totally in proportion because the golden ratio is 1.618.

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