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 Part 1
 Part 10
 Part 2
replacing them with adaptive coping
mechanisms can be integrated into the plan
1. Flumazenil (Romazicon) has been
of care after initially addressing stress and
ordered for a client who has overdosed on
underlying issues. Eating three meals per
oxazepam (Serax). Before administering the
day isn’t a realistic goal early in treatment.
medication, the nurse should be prepared
for which common adverse effect? 3. A client who’s at high risk for suicide
needs close supervision. To best ensure the
A. Seizures
client’s safety, the nurse should:
B. Shivering
A. check the client frequently at
C. Anxiety irregular intervals throughout the
D. Chest pain
B. assure the client that the nurse will
A. Seizures. Seizures are the most common hold in confidence anything the
serious adverse effect of using flumazenil to client says.
reverse benzodiazepine overdose. The
effect is magnified if the client has a C. repeatedly discuss previous suicide
combined tricyclic antidepressant and attempts with the client.
benzodiazepine overdose. Less common
D. disregard decreased communication
adverse effects include shivering, anxiety,
by the client because this is common
and chest pain.
in suicidal clients
2. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed
A. check the client frequently at irregular
with bulimia. The most appropriate initial
intervals throughout the night.
goal for a client diagnosed with bulimia is to:
Rationale: Checking the client frequently but
A. avoid shopping for large amounts of
at irregular intervals prevents the client from
predicting when observation will take place
B. control eating impulses. and altering behavior in a misleading way at
these times. Option B may encourage the
C. identify anxiety-causing situations. client to try to manipulate the nurse or seek
D. eat only three meals per day attention for having a secret suicide plan.
Option C may reinforce suicidal ideas.
C. identify anxiety-causing situations. Decreased communication is a sign of
Bulimic behavior is generally a maladaptive withdrawal that may indicate the client has
coping response to stress and underlying decided to commit suicide; the nurse
issues. The client must identify anxiety- shouldn’t disregard it (option D
causing situations that stimulate the bulimic
behavior and then learn new ways of coping 4. Which of the following drugs should the
with the anxiety. Controlling shopping for nurse prepare to administer to a client with
large amounts of food isn’t a goal early in a toxic acetaminophen (Tylenol) level?
treatment. Managing eating impulses and
A. deferoxamine mesylate (Desferal) B. “How are you purging and when do
you do it?”
B. succimer (Chemet)
C. “Don’t worry. I won’t allow you to
C. flumazenil (Romazicon)
purge today.”
D. acetylcysteine (Mucomyst)
D. “I know it’s important for you to feel
D. acetylcysteine (Mucomyst). The antidote in control, but I’ll monitor you for 90
for acetaminophen toxicity is acetylcysteine. minutes after you eat.”
It enhances conversion of toxic metabolites
D. “I know it’s important for you to feel in
to nontoxic metabolites. Deferoxamine
control, but I’ll monitor you for 90 minutes
mesylate is the antidote for iron intoxication.
after you eat.” This response acknowledges
Succimer is an antidote for lead poisoning.
that the client is testing limits and that the
Flumazenil reverses the sedative effects of
nurse is setting them by performing
postprandial monitoring to prevent self-
5. A client is admitted to the substance induced emesis. Clients with bulimia
abuse unit for alcohol detoxification. Which nervosa need to feel in control of the diet
of the following medications is the nurse because they feel they lack control over all
most likely to administer to reduce the other aspects of their lives. Because their
symptoms of alcohol withdrawal? therapeutic relationships with caregivers are
less important than their need to purge, they
A. naloxone (Narcan) don’t fear betraying the nurse’s trust by
B. haloperidol (Haldol) engaging in the activity. They commonly
plot purging and rarely share their secrets
C. magnesium sulfate about it. An authoritarian or challenging
response may trigger a power struggle
D. chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
between the nurse and client.
D. chlordiazepoxide (Librium).
7. A client admitted to the psychiatric unit for
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and other
treatment of substance abuse says to the
tranquilizers help reduce the symptoms of
nurse, “It felt so wonderful to get high.”
alcohol withdrawal. Haloperidol (Haldol)
Which of the following is the most
may be given to treat clients with psychosis,
appropriate response?
severe agitation, or delirium. Naloxone
(Narcan) is administered for narcotic A. “If you continue to talk like that, I’m
overdose. Magnesium sulfate and other going to stop speaking to you.”
anticonvulsant medications are only
administered to treat seizures if they occur B. “You told me you got fired from your
during withdrawal. last job for missing too many days
after taking drugs all night.”
6. During postprandial monitoring, a client
with bulimia nervosa tells the nurse, “You C. “Tell me more about how it felt to get
can sit with me, but you’re just wasting your high.”
time. After you sat with me yesterday, I was D. “Don’t you know it’s illegal to use
still able to purge. Today, my drugs?”
goal is to do it twice.” What is the nurse’s
best response? B. “You told me you got fired from your last
job for missing too many days after taking
A. “I trust you not to purge.” drugs all night.” Confronting the client with
the consequences of substance abuse A. The injury isn’t consistent with the
helps to break through denial. Making history or the child’s age.
threats (option A) isn’t an effective way to
B. The mother and father tell different
promote self-disclosure or establish a
stories regarding what happened.
rapport with the client. Although the nurse
should encourage the client to discuss C. The family is poor.
feelings, the discussion should focus on
how the client felt before, not during, an D. The parents are argumentative and
episode of substance abuse (option C). demanding with emergency
Encouraging elaboration about his department personnel.
experience while getting high may reinforce 10. For a client with anorexia nervosa, the
the abusive behavior. The client nurse plans to include the parents in
undoubtedly is aware that drug use is therapy sessions along with the client. What
illegal; a reminder to this effect (option D) is fact should the nurse remember to be
unlikely to alter behavior. typical of parents of clients with anorexia
8. For a client with anorexia nervosa, which nervosa?
goal takes the highest priority? A. They tend to overprotect their
A. The client will establish adequate children.
daily nutritional intake. B. They usually have a history of
B. The client will make a contract with substance abuse.
the nurse that sets a target weight. C. They maintain emotional distance
C. The client will identify self- from their children.
perceptions about body size as D. They alternate between loving and
unrealistic. rejecting their children.
D. The client will verbalize the possible A. The injury isn’t consistent with the history
physiological consequences of self- or the child’s age. When the child’s injuries
starvation are inconsistent with the history given or
A. The client will establish adequate daily impossible because of the child’s age and
nutritional intake. According to Maslow’s developmental stage, the emergency
hierarchy of needs, all humans need to department nurse should be suspicious that
meet basic physiological needs first. child abuse is occurring. The parents may
Because a client with anorexia nervosa eats tell different stories because their perception
little or nothing, the nurse must first plan to may be different regarding what happened.
help the client meet this basic, immediate If they change their story when different
physiological need. The nurse may give health care workers ask the same question,
lesser priority to goals that address long- this is a clue that child abuse may be a
term plans (as in option B), self-perception problem. Child abuse occurs in all
(as in option C), and potential complications socioeconomic groups. Parents may argue
(as in option D). and be demanding because of the stress of
having an injured child.
9. When interviewing the parents of an
injured child, which of the following is the 11. In the emergency department, a client
strongest indicator that child abuse may be with facial lacerations states that her
a problem? husband beat her with a shoe. After the
health care team repairs her lacerations, B. Let the client eat her meals in
she waits to be seen by the crisis intake private. Then engage her in social
nurse, who will evaluate the continued activities for at least 2 hours after
threat of violence. Suddenly the client’s each meal.
husband arrives, shouting that he wants to
C. Let the client choose her own food. If
“finish the job.” What is the first priority of
she eats everything she orders, then
the health care worker who witnesses this
stay with her for 1 hour after each
A. Remaining with the client and
D. Let the client eat food brought in by
staying calm
the family if she chooses, but she
B. Calling a security guard and another should keep a strict calorie count
staff member for assistance
C. Let the client choose her own food. If she
C. Telling the client’s husband that he eats everything she orders, then stay with
must leave at once her for 1 hour after each meal. Allowing the
client to select her own food from the menu
D. Determining why the husband feels
will help her feel some sense of control. She
so angry
must then eat 100% of what she selected.
B. Calling a security guard and another staff Remaining with the client for at least 1 hour
member for assistance . The health care after eating will prevent purging. Bulimic
worker who witnesses this scene must take clients should only be allowed to eat food
precautions to ensure personal as well as provided by the dietary department.
client safety, but shouldn’t attempt to
13. The nurse is assigned to care for a
manage a physically aggressive person
suicidal client. Initially, which is the nurse’s
alone. Therefore, the first priority is to call a
highest care priority?
security guard and another staff member.
After doing this, the health care worker A. Assessing the client’s home
should inform the husband what is environment and relationships
expected, speaking in concise statements outside the hospital
and maintaining a firm but calm demeanor.
B. Exploring the nurse’s own feelings
This approach makes it clear that the health
about suicide
care worker is in control and may diffuse the
situation until the security guard arrives. C. Discussing the future with the client
Telling the husband to leave would probably
be ineffective because of his agitated and D. Referring the client to a clergyperson
irrational state. Exploring his anger doesn’t to discuss the moral implications of
take precedence over safeguarding the suicide
client and staff. B. Exploring the nurse’s own feelings about
12. The nurse is caring for a client with suicide. The nurse’s values, beliefs, and
bulimia. Strict management of dietary intake attitudes toward self-destructive behavior
is necessary. Which intervention is also influence responses to a suicidal client;
important? such responses set the overall mood for the
nurse-client relationship. Therefore, the
A. Fill out the client’s menu and make nurse initially must explore personal feelings
sure she eats at least half of what is about suicide to avoid conveying negative
on her tray. feelings to the client. Assessment of the
client’s home environment and relationships nurse teaches the client that he must read
may reveal the need for family therapy; labels carefully on which of the following
however, conducting such an assessment products?
isn’t a nursing priority. Discussing the future
A. Carbonated beverages
and providing anticipatory guidance can
help the client prepare for future stress, but B. Aftershave lotion
this isn’t a priority. Referring the client to a
clergyperson may increase the client’s trust C. Toothpaste
or alleviate guilt; however, it isn’t the highest D. Cheese
B. Aftershave lotion . Disulfiram may be
14. A client with anorexia nervosa tells the given to clients with chronic alcohol abuse
nurse, “When I look in the mirror, I hate who wish to curb impulse drinking.
what I see. I look so fat and ugly.” Which Disulfiram works by blocking the oxidation
strategy should the nurse use to deal with of alcohol, inhibiting the conversion of
the client’s distorted perceptions and acetaldehyde to acetate. As acetaldehyde
feelings? builds up in the blood, the client
A. Avoid discussing the client’s experiences noxious and uncomfortable
perceptions and feelings. symptoms. Even alcohol rubbed onto the
skin can produce a reaction. The client
B. Focus discussions on food and receiving disulfiram must be taught to read
weight. ingredient labels carefully to avoid products
containing alcohol such as aftershave
C. Avoid discussing unrealistic cultural
lotions. Carbonated beverages, toothpaste,
standards regarding weight.
and cheese don’t contain alcohol and don’t
D. Provide objective data and feedback need to be avoided by the client.
regarding the client’s weight and
16. The nurse is developing a plan of care
for a client with anorexia nervosa. Which
D. Provide objective data and feedback action should the nurse include in the plan?
regarding the client’s weight and
A. Restrict visits with the family until the
attractiveness. By focusing on reality, this
client begins to eat.
strategy may help the client develop a more
realistic body image and gain self-esteem. B. Provide privacy during meals.
Option A is inappropriate because
discussing the client’s perceptions and C. Set up a strict eating plan for the
feeling wouldn’t help her to identify, accept, client.
and work through them. Focusing D. Encourage the client to exercise,
discussions on food and weight would give which will reduce her anxiety.
the client attention for not eating, making
option B incorrect. Option C is inappropriate C. Set up a strict eating plan for the client.
because recognizing unrealistic cultural Establishing a consistent eating plan and
standards wouldn’t help the client establish monitoring the client’s weight are important
more realistic weight goals. for this disorder. The family should be
included in the client’s care. The client
15. The nurse is caring for a client being should be monitored during meals — not
treated for alcoholism. Before initiating given privacy. Exercise must be limited and
therapy with disulfiram (Antabuse), the supervised.
17. Victims of domestic violence should be B. thiamine deficiency. Numbness and
assessed for what important information? tingling in the hands and feet are symptoms
of peripheral polyneuritis, which results from
A. Reasons they stay in the abusive
inadequate intake of vitamin B1 (thiamine)
relationship (for example, lack of
secondary to prolonged and excessive
financial autonomy and isolation)
alcohol intake. Treatment includes reducing
B. Readiness to leave the perpetrator alcohol intake, correcting nutritional
and knowledge of resources deficiencies through diet and vitamin
supplements, and preventing such residual
C. Use of drugs or alcohol disabilities as foot and wrist drop. Acetate
D. History of previous victimization accumulation, triglyceride buildup, and a
below-normal serum potassium level are
B. Readiness to leave the perpetrator and unrelated to the client’s symptoms.
knowledge of resources . Victims of
domestic violence must be assessed for 19. A parent brings a preschooler to the
their readiness to leave the perpetrator and emergency department for treatment of a
their knowledge of the resources available dislocated shoulder, which allegedly
to them. Nurses can then provide the happened when the child fell down the
victims with information and options to stairs. Which action should make the nurse
enable them to leave when they are ready. suspect that the child was abused?
The reasons they stay in the relationship A. The child cries uncontrollably
are complex and can be explored at a later throughout the examination.
time. The use of drugs or alcohol is
irrelevant. There is no evidence to suggest B. The child pulls away from contact
that previous victimization results in a with the physician.
person’s seeking or causing abusive
C. The child doesn’t cry when the
shoulder is examined.
18. A client is hospitalized with fractures of
D. The child doesn’t make eye contact
the right femur and right humerus sustained
with the nurse.
in a motorcycle accident. Police suspect the
client was intoxicated at the time of the C. The child doesn’t cry when the shoulder
accident. Laboratory tests reveal a blood is examined. A characteristic behavior of
alcohol level of 0.2% (200 mg/dl). The client abused children is lack of crying when they
later admits to drinking heavily for years. undergo a painful procedure or are
During hospitalization, the client periodically examined by a health care professional.
complains of tingling and numbness in the Therefore, the nurse should suspect child
hands and feet. The nurse realizes that abuse. Crying throughout the examination,
these symptoms probably result from: pulling away from the physician, and not
making eye contact with the nurse are
A. acetate accumulation.
normal behaviors for preschoolers.
B. thiamine deficiency.
20. When planning care for a client who has
C. triglyceride buildup. ingested phencyclidine (PCP), which of the
following is the highest priority?
D. a below-normal serum potassium
level A. Client’s physical needs
B. Client’s safety needs
C. Client’s psychosocial needs B. Call for staff back-up before entering
the room and restraining her.
D. Client’s medical needs
C. Move as much glass away from her
B. Client’s safety needs . The highest
as possible and sit next to her
priority for a client who has ingested PCP is
meeting safety needs of the client as well as
the staff. Drug effects are unpredictable and D. Approach her slowly while speaking
prolonged, and the client may lose control in a calm voice, calling her name,
easily. After safety needs have been met, and telling her that the nurse is here
the client’s physical, psychosocial, and to help her.
medical needs can be met.
D. Approach her slowly while speaking in a
21. Which outcome criteria would be calm voice, calling her name, and telling her
appropriate for a child diagnosed with that the nurse is here to help her.Ensuring
oppositional defiant disorder? the safety of the client and the nurse is the
priority at this time. Therefore, the nurse
A. Accept responsibility for own
should approach the client cautiously while
calling her name and talking to her in a
B. Be able to verbalize own needs and calm, confident manner. The nurse should
assert rights. keep in mind that the client shouldn’t be
startled or overwhelmed. After explaining
C. Set firm and consistent limits with that the nurse is there to help, the nurse
the client. should observe the client’s response
D. Allow the child to establish his own carefully. If the client shows signs of
limits and boundaries. agitation or confusion or poses a threat, the
nurse should retreat and request
A. Accept responsibility for own behaviors. assistance. The nurse shouldn’t attempt to
Children with oppositional defiant disorder sit next to the client or examine injuries
frequently violate the rights of others. They without first announcing the nurse’s
are defiant, disobedient, and blame others presence and assessing the dangers of the
for their actions. Accountability for their situation.
actions would demonstrate progress for the
oppositional child. Options C and D aren’t 23. A client with anorexia nervosa describes
outcome criteria but interventions. Option B herself as “a whale.” However, the nurse’s
is incorrect as the oppositional child usually assessment reveals that the client is 5′ 8″
focuses on his own needs. (1.7 m) tall and weighs only 90 lb (40.8 kg).
Considering the client’s
22. A client is found sitting on the floor of unrealistic body image, which intervention
the bathroom in the day treatment clinic with should be included in the plan of care?
moderate lacerations on both wrists.
Surrounded by broken glass, she sits A. Asking the client to compare her
staring blankly at her bleeding wrists figure with magazine photographs of
while staff members call for an ambulance. women her age
How should the nurse approach her B. Assigning the client to group therapy
initially? in which participants provide realistic
A. Enter the room quietly and move feedback about her weight
beside her to assess her injuries.
C. Confronting the client about her 25. Clonidine (Catapres) can be used to
actual appearance during one-on- treat conditions other than hypertension. For
one sessions, scheduled during which of the following conditions might the
each shift drug be administered?
D. Telling the client of the nurse’s A. Phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication
concern for her health and desire to
B. Alcohol withdrawal
help her make decisions to keep her
healthy C. Opiate withdrawal
D. Telling the client of the nurse’s concern D. Cocaine withdrawal
for her health and desire to help her make
decisions to keep her healthy . A client with C. Opiate withdrawal. Clonidine is used as
anorexia nervosa has an unrealistic body adjunctive therapy in opiate withdrawal.
image that causes consumption of little or Benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide
no food. Therefore, the client needs (Librium), and neuropleptic agents, such as
assistance with making decisions about haloperidol, are used to treat alcohol
health. Instead of protecting the client’s withdrawal. Benzodiazepines and
health, options A, B, and C may serve to neuropleptic agents are typically used to
make the client defensive and more treat PCP intoxication. Antidepressants and
entrenched in her unrealistic body image. medications with dopaminergic activity in
the brain, such as fluoxotine (Prozac), are
24. Eighteen hours after undergoing an used to treat cocaine withdrawal.
emergency appendectomy, a client with a
reported history of social drinking displays 26. One of the goals for a client with
these vital signs: temperature, 101.6° F anorexia nervosa is that the client will
(38.7° C); heart rate, 126 beats/minute; demonstrate increased individual coping by
respiratory rate, 24 breaths/minute; and responding to stress in constructive ways.
blood pressure, 140/96 mm Hg. The client Which of the following actions is the best
exhibits gross hand tremors and is indicator that the client is working toward
screaming for someone to kill the bugs in meeting the goal?
the bed. The nurse should suspect: A. The client drinks 4 L of fluid per day.
A. a postoperative infection. B. The client paces around the unit
B. alcohol withdrawal. most of the day.

C. acute sepsis. C. The client keeps a journal and

discusses it with the nurse.
D. Pneumonia
D. The client talks almost constantly
B. alcohol withdrawal. The client’s vital with friends by telephone
signs and hallucinations suggest delirium
tremens or alcohol withdrawal syndrome. C. The client keeps a journal and discusses
Although infection, acute sepsis, and it with the nurse. The client is moving
pneumonia may arise as postoperative toward meeting the goal because recording
complications, they wouldn’t cause this and discussing feelings is a constructive
client’s signs and symptoms and typically way to manage stress. Although physical
would occur later in the postoperative activity can reduce stress, the anorexic
course. client is more likely to use pacing to burn
calories and lose weight. Although talks with
friends can decrease stress, constant D. Intellectualization
talking is more likely a way of avoiding
A. Regression . An adult who throws temper
dealing with problems. Increased fluid
tantrums, such as this one, is displaying
intake may be an attempt by the client to
regressive behavior, or behavior that is
curb her appetite and artificially increase her
appropriate at a younger age. In projection,
the client blames someone or something
27. The nurse in the substance abuse unit is other than the source. In reaction formation,
trying to encourage a client to attend the client acts in opposition to his feelings.
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. When the In intellectualization, the client overuses
client asks the nurse what he must do to rational explanations or abstract thinking to
become a member, the nurse should decrease the significance of a feeling or
respond: event.
A. “You must first stop drinking.” 29. After completing chemical detoxification
and a 12-step program to treat crack
B. “Your physician must refer you to
addiction, a client is being prepared for
this program.”
discharge. Which remark by the client
C. “Admit you’re powerless over alcohol indicates a realistic view of the future?
and that you need help.”
A. “I’m never going to use crack again.”
D. “You must bring along a friend who
B. “I know what I have to do. I have to
will support you.”
limit my crack use.”
C. “Admit you’re powerless over alcohol and
C. “I’m going to take 1 day at a time.
that you need help.” The first of the “Twelve
I’m not making any promises.”
Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous” is
admitting that an individual is powerless D. “I will substitue crack for something
over alcohol and that life has become else”
unmanageable. Although Alcoholics
C. “I’m going to take 1 day at a time. I’m not
Anonymous promotes total abstinence, a
making any promises.” Twelve-step
client will still be accepted if he drinks. A
programs focus on recovery 1 day at a time.
physician referral isn’t necessary to join.
Such programs discourage people from
New members are assigned a support
claiming that they will never again use a
person who may be called upon when the
substance, because relapse is common.
client has the urge to drink.
The belief that one may use a limited
28. An attorney who throws books and amount of an abused substance indicates
furniture around the office after losing a denial. Substituting one abused substance
case is referred to the psychiatric nurse in for another predisposes the client to cross-
the law firm’s employee assistance addiction.
program. The nurse knows that the client’s
30. The nurse is assessing a client on
behavior most likely represents the use of
admission to the chemical dependency unit
which defense mechanism?
for alcohol detoxification. When the nurse
A. Regression asks about alcohol use, this client is most
likely to:
B. Projection
A. accurately describe the amount
C. Reaction-formation
B. underestimate the amount D. perceptual disorders. Perceptual
consumed. disorders, especially frightening visual
hallucinations, are very common with
C. overestimate the amount consumed.
alcohol withdrawal. Coma isn’t an
D. deny any consumption of alcohol immediate consequence. Manipulative
behaviors are part of the alcoholic client’s
B. underestimate the amount consumed. personality but aren’t signs of alcohol
Most people who abuse substances withdrawal. Suppression is a conscious
underestimate their consumption in an effort to conceal unacceptable thoughts,
attempt to conform to social norms or feelings, impulses, or acts and serves as a
protect themselves. Few accurately coping mechanism for most alcoholics.
describe or overestimate consumption;
some may deny it. Therefore, on admission, 33. The nurse is caring for an adolescent
quantitative and qualitative toxicology female who reports amenorrhea, weight
screens are done to validate information loss, and depression. Which additional
obtained from the client. assessment finding would suggest that the
woman has an eating disorder?
31. The nurse is assessing a 15-year-old
female who’s being admitted for treatment A. Wearing tight-fitting clothing
of anorexia nervosa. Which clinical
B. Increased blood pressure
manifestation is the nurse most likely to
find? C. Oily skin
A. Tachycardia D. Excessive and ritualized exercise
B. Warm, flushed extremities D. Excessive and ritualized exercise . A
client with an eating disorder will normally
C. Parotid gland tenderness
exercise to excess in an effort to burn as
D. Coarse hair growth many calories as possible. The client will
usually wear loose-fitting clothing to hide
C. Parotid gland tenderness. Frequent what she considers to be a fat body. Skin
vomiting causes tenderness and swelling of and nails become dry and brittle and blood
the parotid glands. The reduced metabolism pressure and body temperature drop from
that occurs with severe weight loss excessive weight loss.
produces bradycardia and cold extremities.
Soft, downlike hair (called lanugo) may 34. A client with a history of polysubstance
cover the extremities, shoulders, and face of abuse is admitted to the facility. She
an anorexic client. complains of nausea and vomiting 24 hours
after admission. The nurse assesses the
32. A 38-year-old client is admitted for client and notes piloerection, pupillary
alcohol withdrawal. The most common early dilation, and lacrimation. The nurse
sign or symptom that this client is likely to suspects that the client is going through
experience is: which of the following withdrawals?
A. impending coma. A. Alcohol withdrawal
B. manipulating behavior. B. Cannabis withdrawal
C. suppression. C. Cocaine withdrawal
D. perceptual disorders D. Opioid withdrawal
D. Opioid withdrawal. The symptoms listed A. tension and irritability.
are specific to opioid withdrawal. Alcohol
B. slow pulse.
withdrawal would show elevated vital signs.
There is no real withdrawal from cannabis. C. hypotension.
Symptoms of cocaine withdrawal include
depression, anxiety, and agitation. D. constipation.

35. A client is admitted to the psychiatric A. tension and irritability. An amphetamine

unit with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. is a nervous system stimulant that is subject
Although she is 5′ 8″ (1.7 m) tall and weighs to abuse because of its ability to produce
only 103 lb (46.7 kg), she talks incessantly wakefulness and euphoria. An overdose
about how fat she is. Which measure should increases tension and irritability. Options B
the nurse take first when caring for this and C are incorrect because amphetamines
client? stimulate norepinephrine, which increases
the heart rate and blood flow. Diarrhea is a
A. Teach the client about nutrition, common adverse effect, so option D is
calories, and a balanced diet. incorrect.
B. Establish a trusting relationship with 37. Which of the following drugs may be
the client. abused because of tolerance and
physiologic dependence.
C. Discuss cultural stereotypes
regarding thinness and A. lithium (Lithobid) and divalproex
attractiveness. (Depakote).
D. Explore the reasons why the client B. verapamil (Calan) and
doesn’t eat chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
B. Establish a trusting relationship with the C. alprazolam (Xanax) and
client. A client with an eating disorder may phenobarbital (Luminal)
be secretive and unwilling to admit that a
problem exists. Therefore, the nurse first D. clozapine (Clozaril) and amitriptyline
must establish a trusting relationship to elicit (Elavil)
the client’s feelings and thoughts. The C. alprazolam (Xanax) and phenobarbital
anorexic client may spend long hours (Luminal) . Both benzodiazepines, such as
discussing nutrition or handling and alprazolam, and barbiturates, such as
preparing food in an effort to stall or avoid phenobarbital, are addictive, controlled
eating food; the nurse shouldn’t reinforce substances. All the other drugs listed aren’t
her preoccupation with food, as in option A. addictive substances.
Although cultural stereotypes may play a
prominent role in anorexia nervosa, 38. Which of the following groups are
discussing these factors isn’t the first action considered to be at highest risk for suicide?
the nurse should take. Exploring the
A. Adolescents, men over age 45, and
reasons why the client doesn’t eat would
persons who have made previous
increase her emotional investment in food
suicide attempts
and eating.
B. Teachers, divorced persons, and
36. A client is admitted for an overdose of
substance abusers
amphetamines. When assessing this client,
the nurse should expect to see:
C. Alcohol abusers, widows, and young B. inability to function as a responsible
married men parent.
D. Depressed persons, physicians, and C. somatic symptoms.
persons living in rural areas
D. coldness, detachment, and lack of
A. Adolescents, men over age 45, and tender feelings.
persons who have made previous suicide
A. unpredictable behavior and intense
attempts . Studies of those who commit
interpersonal relationships. A client with
suicide reveal the following high-risk groups:
borderline personality disorder displays a
adolescents; men over age 45; persons who
pervasive pattern of unpredictable behavior,
have made previous suicide attempts;
mood, and self-image. Interpersonal
divorced, widowed, and separated persons;
relationships may be intense and unstable
professionals, such as physicians, dentists,
and behavior may be inappropriate and
and attorneys; students; unemployed
impulsive. Although the client’s impaired
persons; persons who are depressed,
ability to form relationships may affect
delusional, or hallucinating; alcohol or
parenting skills, inability to function as a
substance abusers; and persons who live in
responsible parent is more typical of
urban areas. Although more women attempt
antisocial personality disorder. Somatic
suicide than men, they typically choose less
symptoms characterize avoidant personality
lethal means and therefore are less likely to
disorder. Coldness, detachment, and lack of
succeed in their attempts.
tender feelings typify schizoid and
39. Tourette syndrome is characterized by schizotypal personality disorders.
the presence of multiple motor and vocal
41. A client with disorganized type
tics. A vocal tic that involves repeating one’s
schizophrenia has been hospitalized for the
own sounds or words is known as:
past 2 years on a unit for chronic mentally ill
A. echolalia. clients. The client’s behavior is labile and
fluctuates from childishness and
B. palilalia.
incoherence to loud yelling to slow but
C. apraxia. appropriate interaction. The client needs
assistance with all activities of daily living.
D. aphonia. Which behavior is characteristic of
B. palilalia. Palilalia is defined as the disorganized type schizophrenia?
repetition of sounds and words. Echolalia is A. Extreme social impairment
the act of repeating the words of others.
Apraxia is the inability to carry out motor B. Suspicious delusions
activities, and aphonia is the inability to
C. Waxy flexibility
D. Elevated affect
40. A client is admitted to the psychiatric
unit with a diagnosis of borderline A. Extreme social impairment .
personality disorder. The nurse expects the Disorganized type schizophrenia (formerly
assessment to reveal: called hebephrenia) is characterized by
extreme social impairment, marked
A. unpredictable behavior and intense
inappropriate affect, silliness, grimacing,
interpersonal relationships.
posturing, and fragmented delusions and
hallucinations. A client with a paranoid
disorder typically exhibits suspicious D. administer as needed dose of
delusions, such as a belief that evil forces haloperidol (Haldol) by mouth.
are after him. Waxy flexibility, a condition in
B. administer as needed dose of
which the client’s limbs remain fixed in
benztropine (Cogentin) I.M. as ordered.
uncomfortable positions for long periods,
The client is most likely suffering from
characterizes catatonic schizophrenia.
muscle rigidity due to haloperidol. I.M.
Elevated affect is associated
benztropine should be administered to
withschizoaffective disorder.
prevent asphyxia or aspiration. Lorazepam
42. The nurse is providing care for a female treats anxiety, not extrapyramidal effects.
client with a history of schizophrenia who’s Another dose of haloperidol would increase
experiencing hallucinations. The physician the severity of the reaction.
orders 200 mg of haloperidol (Haldol) orally
44. A 24-year-old client is experiencing an
or I.M. every 4 hours as needed. What is
acute schizophrenic episode. He has vivid
the nurse’s best action?
hallucinations that are making him agitated.
A. Administer the haloperidol orally if The nurse’s best response at this time
the client agrees to take it. would be to:
B. Call the physician to clarify whether A. take the client’s vital signs.
the haloperidol should be given
B. explore the content of the
orally or I.M.
C. Call the physician to clarify the order
C. tell him his fear is unrealistic.
because the dosage is too high.
D. engage the client in reality-oriented
D. Withhold haloperidol because it may
worsen hallucinations.
B. explore the content of the hallucinations.
C. Call the physician to clarify the order
Exploring the content of the hallucinations
because the dosage is too high. The
will help the nurse understand the client’s
dosage is too high (normal dosage ranges
perspective on the situation. The client
from 5 to 10 mg daily). Options A and B
shouldn’t be touched, such as in taking vital
may lead to an overdose. Option D is
signs, without telling him exactly what is
incorrect because haloperidol helps with
going to happen. Debating with the client
symptoms of hallucinations.
about his emotions isn’t therapeutic. When
43. A client receiving haloperidol (Haldol) the client is calm, engage him in reality-
complains of a stiff jaw and difficulty based activities.
swallowing. The nurse’s first action is to:
45. Which medication can control the
A. reassure the client and administer as extrapyramidal effects associated with
needed lorazepam (Ativan) I.M. antipsychotic agents?
B. administer as needed dose of A. perphenazine (Trilafon)
benztropine (Cogentin) I.M. as
B. doxepin (Sinequan)
C. amantadine (Symmetrel)
C. administer as needed dose of
benztropine (Cogentin) by mouth as D. clorazepate (Tranxene)
C. amantadine (Symmetrel) . Amantadine is upset other clients and would be socially
an anticholinergic drug used to relieve drug- unacceptable after the client is discharged.
induced extrapyramidal adverse effects, Hallucinations are most bothersome in a
such as muscle weakness, involuntary quiet environment when the client is alone,
muscle movement, pseudoparkinsonism, so sending the client to his room would
and tardive dyskinesia. Other anticholinergic increase, rather than decrease, the
agents used to control extrapyramidal hallucinations.
reactions include benztropine mesylate
47. A dystonic reaction can be caused by
(Cogentin), trihexyphenidyl (Artane),
which of the following medications?
biperiden (Akineton), and diphenhydramine
(Benadryl). Perphenazine is an A. diazepam (Valium)
antipsychotic agent; doxepin, an
antidepressant; and chlorazepate, an B. haloperidol (Haldol)
antianxiety agent. Because these C. amitriptyline (Elavil)
medications have no anticholinergic or
neurotransmitter effects, they don’t alleviate D. clonazepam (Klonopin)
B. haloperidol (Haldol) . Haloperidol is a
46. A client with paranoid schizophrenia has phenothiazine and is capable of causing
been experiencing auditory hallucinations dystonic reactions. Diazepam and
for many years. One approach that has clonazepam are benzodiazepines, and
proven to be effective for hallucinating amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant.
clients is to: Benzodiazepines don’t cause dystonic
reactions; however, they can cause
A. take an as-needed dose of drowsiness, lethargy, and hypotension.
psychotropic medication whenever Tricyclic antidepressants rarely cause
they hear voices. severe dystonic reactions; however, they
B. practice saying “Go away” or “Stop” can cause a decreased level of
when they hear voices. consciousness, tachycardia, dry mouth, and
dilated pupils.
C. sing loudly to drown out the voices
and provide a distraction. 48. While pacing in the hall, a client with
paranoid schizophrenia runs to the nurse
D. go to their room until the voices go and says, “Why are you poisoning me? I
away. know you work for central thought control!
You can keep my thoughts. Give me back
B. practice saying “Go away” or “Stop” when
my soul!” How should the nurse respond
they hear voices. Researchers have found
during the early stage of the therapeutic
that some clients can learn to control
bothersome hallucinations by telling the
voices to go away or stop. Taking an as A. “I’m a nurse. I’m not poisoning you.
needed dose of psychotropic medication It’s against the nursing code of
whenever the voices arise may lead to ethics.”
overmedication and put the client at risk for
adverse effects. Because the voices aren’t B. “I’m a nurse, and you’re a client in
likely to go away permanently, the client the hospital. I’m not going to harm
must learn to deal with the hallucinations you.”
without relying on drugs. Although
distraction is helpful, singing loudly may
C. “I’m not poisoning you. And how a foreign government is trying to kill him
could I possibly steal your soul?” may increase his anxiety level and can
reinforce his delusions.
D. “I sense anger. Are you feeling
angry today?”
B. “I’m a nurse, and you’re a client in the
hospital. I’m not going to harm you.” The
50. Mental health is defined as:
nurse should directly orient a delusional
client to reality, especially to place and A. The ability to distinguish what is real
person. Options A and C may encourage from what is not.
further delusions by denying poisoning and
offering information related to the delusion. B. A state of well-being where a person
Validating the client’s feelings, as in option can realize his own abilities can cope with
D, occurs during a later stage in the normal stresses of life and work
therapeutic process. productively.

49. A client is admitted to the inpatient unit C. Is the promotion of mental health,
of the mental health center with a diagnosis prevention of mental disorders, nursing care
of paranoid schizophrenia. He’s shouting of patients during illness and rehabilitation
that the government of France is trying to D. Absence of mental illness
assassinate him. Which of the following
responses is most appropriate?
A. “I think you’re wrong. France is a Answer: (B) A state of well-being where a
friendly country and an ally of the person can realize his own abilities can
United States. Their government cope with normal stresses of life and work
wouldn’t try to kill you.” productively. Mental health is a state of
emotional and psychosocial well being. A
B. “I find it hard to believe that a foreign mentally healthy individual is self aware and
government or anyone else is trying self directive, has the ability to solve
to hurt you. You must feel frightened problems, can cope with crisis without
by this.” assistance beyond the support of family and
C. “You’re wrong. Nobody is trying to friends fulfill the capacity to love and work
kill you.” and sets goals and realistic limits. A. This
describes the ego function reality testing. C.
D. “A foreign government is trying to kill This is the definition of Mental Health and
you? Please tell me more about it.” Psychiatric Nursing. D. Mental health is not
just the absence of mental illness.
B. “I find it hard to believe that a foreign
government or anyone else is trying to hurt 51. Another client is brought to the
you. You must feel frightened by this.” emergency room by friends who state that
Responses should focus on reality while he took something an hour ago. He is
acknowledging the client’s feelings. Arguing actively hallucinating, agitated, with irritated
with the client or denying his belief isn’t nasal septum.
therapeutic. Arguing can also inhibit
development of a trusting relationship. A. Heroin
Continuing to talk about delusions may B. Cocaine
aggravate the psychosis. Asking the client if
C. LSD A. Subconscious
D. marijuana B. Conscious
Answer: (B) cocaine C. Unconscious
The manifestations indicate intoxication with D. Ego
cocaine, a CNS stimulant. A. Intoxication
with heroine is manifested by euphoria then
impairment in judgment, attention and the Answer: (A) Subconscious. Subconscious
presence of papillary constriction. C. refers to the materials that are partly
Intoxication with hallucinogen like LSD is remembered partly forgotten but these can
manifested by grandiosity, hallucinations, be recalled spontaneously and voluntarily.
synesthesia and increase in vital signs D. B. This functions when one is awake. One is
Intoxication with Marijuana, a cannabinoid is aware of his thoughts, feelings actions and
manifested by sensation of slowed time, what is going on in the environment. C. The
conjunctival redness, social withdrawal, largest portion of the mind that contains the
impaired judgment and hallucinations. memories of one’s past particularly the
unpleasant. It is difficult to recall the
unconscious content. D. The conscious self
52. Which of the following describes the role that deals and tests reality.
of a technician?
A. Administers medications to a
schizophrenic patient.
54. The superego is that part of the psyche
B. The nurse feeds and bathes a catatonic
A. Uses defensive function for
C. Coordinates diverse aspects of care
rendered to the patient
B. Is impulsive and without morals.
D. Disseminates information about alcohol
and its effects. C. Determines the circumstances before
making decisions.
D. The censoring portion of the mind.
Answer: (A) Administers medications to a
schizophrenic patient. Administration of
medications and treatments, assessment,
documentation are the activities of the nurse Answer: (D) The censoring portion of the
as a technician. B. Activities as a parent mind. The critical censoring portion of one’s
surrogate. C. Refers to the ward manager personality; the conscience. A. This refers
role. D. Role as a teacher. to the ego function that protects itself from
anything that threatens it.. B. The Id is
composed of the untamed, primitive drives
and impulses. C. This refers to the ego that
53. Liza says, “Give me 10 minutes to recall
acts as the moderator of the struggle
the name of our college professor who
between the id and the superego.
failed many students in our anatomy class.”
She is operating on her:
55. Primary level of prevention is 57. The wife admits that she is a victim of
exemplified by: abuse and opens up about her persistent
distaste for sex. This sexual disorder is:
A. Helping the client resume self care.
A. Sexual desire disorder
B. Ensuring the safety of a suicidal
client in the institution. B. Sexual arousal Disorder
C. Teaching the client stress C. Orgasm Disorder
management techniques
D. Sexual Pain Disorder
D. Case finding and surveillance in the
Answer: (A) Sexual desire disorder . Has
Answer: (C) Teaching the client stress
little or no sexual desire or has distaste for
management techniques .Primary level of
sex. B. Failure to maintain the physiologic
prevention refers to the promotion of mental
requirements for sexual intercourse. C.
health and prevention of mental illness. This
Persistent and recurrent inability to achieve
can be achieved by rendering health
an orgasm. D. Also called dyspareunia.
teachings such as modifying ones
Individuals with this disorder suffer genital
responses to stress. A. This is tertiary level
pain before, during and after sexual
of prevention that deals with rehabilitation. B
and D. Secondary level of prevention which
involves reduction of actual illness through
early detection and treatment of illness.

58. What would be the best approach for a

56. Situation: In a home visit done by the wife who is still living with her abusive
nurse, she suspects that the wife and her husband?
child are victims of abuse. Which of the
following is the most appropriate for the A. “Here’s the number of a crisis center
nurse to ask? that you can call for help .”

A. “Are you being threatened or hurt by B. “Its best to leave your husband.”
your partner? C. “Did you discuss this with your
B. “Are you frightened of you partner” family?”

C. “Is something bothering you?” D. “ Why do you allow yourself to be

treated this way”
D. “What happens when you and your
partner argue?”
Answer: (A) “Are you being threatened or
hurt by your partner? The nurse validates
her observation by asking simple, direct
question. This also shows empathy. B, C,
and D are indirect questions which may not
lead to the discussion of abuse.
Answer: (A) “Here’s the number of a crisis Answer: (C) Ensure the safety of the victim.
center that you can call for help.” Protection The priority consideration is the safety of the
is a priority concern in abuse. Help the victim. Attend to the physical injuries to
victim to develop a plan to ensure safety. B. ensure the physiologic safety and integrity
Do not give advice to leave the abuser. of the child. Reporting suspected case of
Making decisions for the victim further abuse may deter recurrence of abuse. A,B
erodes her esteem. However discuss and D may be addressed later.
options available. C. The victim tends to
isolate from friends and family. D. This is
judgmental. Avoid in anyway implying that 61. Situation: A 30 year old male employee
she is at fault. frequently complains of low back pain that
leads to frequent absences from work.
Consultation and tests reveal negative
59. Which comment about a 3 year old child results. The client has which somatoform
if made by the parent may indicate child disorder?
A. Somatization Disorder
A. “Once my child is toilet trained, I can
B. Hypochondriasis
still expect her to have some”
C. Conversion Disorder
B. “When I tell my child to do
something once, I don’t expect to have to D. Somatoform Pain Disorder
Answer: (D) Somatoform Pain Disorder .
C. “My child is expected to try to do This is characterized by severe and
things such as, dress and feed.” prolonged pain that causes significant
distress. A. This is a chronic syndrome of
D. “My 3 year old loves to say NO.”
somatic symptoms that cannot be explained
medically and is associated with
psychosocial distress. B. This is an
Answer: (B) “When I tell my child to do
unrealistic preoccupation with a fear of
something once, I don’t expect to have to
having a serious illness. C. Characterized
tell” . Abusive parents tend to have
by alteration or loss in sensory or motor
unrealistic expectations on the child. A,B
function resulting from a psychological
and C are realistic expectations on a 3 year

62. Freud explains anxiety as:

60. The primary nursing intervention for a
victim of child abuse is: A. Strives to gratify the needs for
satisfaction and security
A. Assess the scope of the problem
B. Conflict between id and superego
B. Analyze the family dynamics
C. A hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
C. Ensure the safety of the victim
reaction to stress
D. Teach the victim coping skills
D. A conditioned response to stressors
Answer: (B) Conflict between id and occurs unconsciously. D. Medical treatment
superego. Freud explains anxiety as due to is not used because the disorder does not
opposing action drives between the id and have a structural or organic basis.
the superego. A. Sullivan identified 2 types
65. What would be the best response to the
of needs, satisfaction and security. Failure
client’s repeated complaints of pain:
to gratify these needs may result in anxiety.
C. Biomedical perspective of anxiety. D. A. “I know the feeling is real tests
Explanation of anxiety using the behavioral revealed negative results.”
B. “I think you’re exaggerating things a
little bit.”
63. The following are appropriate nursing C. “Try to forget this feeling and have
diagnosis for the client EXCEPT: activities to take it off your mind”
A. Ineffective individual coping D. “So tell me more about the pain”
B. Alteration in comfort, pain Answer: (A) “I know the feeling is real tests
revealed negative results.” . Shows
C. Altered role performance
empathy and offers information. B. This is a
D. Impaired social interaction demeaning statement. C. This belittles the
client’s feelings. D. Giving undue attention
Answer: (D) Impaired social interaction .
to the physical symptom reinforces the
The client may not have difficulty in social
exchange. The cues do not support this
diagnosis. A. The client maladaptively uses
body symptoms to manage anxiety. B. The
66. Situation: A nurse may encounter
client will have discomfort due to pain. C.
children with mental disorders. Her
The client may fail to meet environmental
knowledge of these various disorders is
expectations due to pain.
vital. When planning school interventions for
a child with a diagnosis of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder, a guide to remember
64. The following statements describe
is to:
somatoform disorders:
A. provide as much structure as
A. Physical symptoms are explained by
possible for the child
organic causes
B. Ignore the child’s overactivity.
B. It is a voluntary expression of
psychological conflicts C. encourage the child to engage in
any play activity to dissipate energy
C. Expression of conflicts through
bodily symptoms D. remove the child from the classroom
when disruptive behavior occurs
D. Management entails a specific
medical treatment Answer: (A) provide as much structure as
possible for the child. Decrease stimuli for
Answer: (C) Expression of conflicts through
behavior control thru an environment that is
bodily symptoms . Bodily symptoms are
free of distractions, a calm non –
used to handle conflicts. A. Manifestations
confrontational approach and setting limit to
do not have an organic basis. B. This
time allotted for activities. B. The child will 69. School phobia is usually treated by:
not benefit from a lenient approach. C.
A. Returning the child to the school
Dissipate energy through safe activities. D.
immediately with family support.
This indicates that the classroom
environment lacks structure. B. Calmly explaining why attendance in
school is necessary
C. Allowing the child to enter the school
67. The child with conduct disorder will likely
before the other children
D. Allowing the parent to accompany
A. Easy distractibility to external stimuli.
the child in the classroom
B. Ritualistic behaviors
Answer: (A) Returning the child to the
C. Preference for inanimate objects. school immediately with family support.
Exposure to the feared situation can help in
D. Serious violations of age related
overcoming anxiety. A. This will not help in
relieving the anxiety due separation from a
Answer: (D) Serious violations of age significant other. C. and C. Anxiety in school
related norms. . This is a disruptive disorder phobia is not due to being in school but due
among children characterized by more to separation from parents/caregivers so
serious violations of social standards such these interventions are not applicable. D.
as aggression, vandalism, stealing, lying Thiswill not help the child overcome the fear
and truancy. A. This is characteristic of
attention deficit disorder. B and C. These
are noted among children with autistic 70. A 10 year old child has very limited
disorder. vocabulary and interaction skills. She has
an I.Q. of 45. She is diagnosed to have
Mental retardation of this classification:
68. Ritalin is the drug of choice for chidren
A. Profound
with ADHD. The side effects of the following
may be noted: B. Mild
A. increased attention span and C. Moderate
D. Severe
B. increase in appetite
Answer: (C) Moderate. The child with
C. sleepiness and lethargy moderate mental retardation has an I.Q. of
35-50 Profound Mental retardation has an
D. bradycardia and diarrhea
I.Q. of below 20; Mild mental retardation 50-
Answer: (A) increased attention span and 70 and Severe mental retardation has an
concentration. The medication has a I.Q. of 20-35.
paradoxic effect that decrease hyperactivity
and impulsivity among children with ADHD.
B, C, D. Side effects of Ritalin include 71. The nurse teaches the parents of a
anorexia, insomnia, diarrhea and irritability. mentally retarded child regarding her care.
The following guidelines may be taught
A. overprotection of the child D. aggression, truancy, stealing, lying
B. patience, routine and repetition Answer: (B) altered parenting role . Altered
parenting role refers to the inability to create
C. assisting the parents set realistic
an environment that promotes optimum
growth and development of the child. This is
D. giving reasonable compliments reflected in the parent’s inability to care for
the child. A. This refers to lack of choices or
inability to mobilize one’s resources. C.
72. The parents express apprehensions on Refers to change in family relationship and
their ability to care for their maladaptive function. D. Ineffective coping is the inability
child. The nurse identifies what nursing to form valid appraisal of the stressor or
diagnosis: inability to use available resources

A. hopelessness
B. altered parenting role 74. The therapeutic approach in the care of
an autistic child include the following
C. altered family process EXCEPT:
D. ineffective coping A. Engage in diversionary activities
when acting -out
B. Provide an atmosphere of
Answer: (A) overprotection of the child . The
child with mental retardation should not be
overprotected but need protection from C. Provide safety measures
injury and the teasing of other children. B,C,
and D Children with mental retardation have D. Rearrange the environment to
learning difficulty. They should be taught activate the child
with patience and repetition, start from Answer: (B) intolerance to change,
simple to complex, use visuals and disturbed relatedness, stereotypes. These
compliment them for motivation. Realistic are manifestations of autistic disorder. A.
expectations should be set and optimize These manifestations are noted in
their capability. Oppositional Defiant Disorder, a disruptive
disorder among children. C. These are
manifestations of Attention Deficit Disorder
73. A 5 year old boy is diagnosed to have D. These are the manifestations of Conduct
autistic disorder. Which of the following Disorder
manifestations may be noted in a client with
autistic disorder? Answer: (D) Rearrange the environment to
activate the child. The child with autistic
A. argumentativeness, disobedience, disorder does not want change. Maintaining
angry outburst a consistent environment is therapeutic. A.
Angry outburst can be rechanneled through
B. intolerance to change, disturbed
safe activities. B. Acceptance enhances a
relatedness, stereotypes
trusting relationship. C. Ensure safety from
C. distractibility, impulsiveness and self-destructive behaviors like head banging
overactivity and hair pulling.
dependence refers to the intake of the
substance to prevent the onset of
75. According to Piaget a 5 year old is in
withdrawal symptoms.
what stage of development:
77. The care for the client places priority to
A. Sensory motor stage
which of the following:
B. Concrete operations
A. Monitoring his vital signs every hour
C. Pre-operational
B. Providing a quiet, dim room
D. Formal operation
C. Encouraging adequate fluids and
Answer: (C) Pre-operational. Pre- nutritious foods
operational stage (2-7 years) is the stage
D. Administering Librium as ordered
when the use of language, the use of
symbols and the concept of time occur. A. Answer: (A) Monitoring his vital signs every
Sensory-motor stage (0-2 years) is the hour
stage when the child uses the senses in
Pulse and blood pressure are usually
learning about the self and the environment
elevated during withdrawal, Elevation may
through exploration. B. Concrete operations
indicate impending delirium tremens B.
(7-12 years) when inductive reasoning
Client needs quiet, well lighted, consistent
develops. D. Formal operations (2 till
and secure environment. Excessive
adulthood) is when abstract thinking and
stimulation can aggravate anxiety and
deductive reasoning develop.
cause illusions and hallucinations. C.
76. Situation : The nurse assigned in the Adequate nutrition with sulpplement of Vit. B
detoxification unit attends to various should be ensured. D. Sedatives are used
patients with substance-related disorders. A to relieve anxiety.
45 years old male revealed that he
78. Another client is brought to the
experienced a marked increase in his intake
emergency room by friends who state that
of alcohol to achieve the desired effect This
he took something an hour ago. He is
actively hallucinating, agitated, with irritated
A. withdrawal nasal septum.
B. tolerance A. Heroin
C. intoxication B. cocaine
D. psychological dependence C. LSD
Answer: (B) tolerance D. Marijuana
tolerance refers to the increase in the Answer: (B) cocaine
amount of the substance to achieve the
The manifestations indicate intoxication with
same effects. A. Withdrawal refers to the
cocaine, a CNS stimulant. A. Intoxication
physical signs and symptoms that occur
with heroine is manifested by euphoria then
when the addictive substance is reduced or
impairment in judgment, attention and the
withheld. B. Intoxication refers to the
presence of papillary constriction. C.
behavioral changes that occur upon recent
Intoxication with hallucinogen like LSD is
ingestion of a substance. D. Psychological
manifested by grandiosity, hallucinations,
synesthesia and increase in vital signs D. understand words. D. Amnesia is loss of
Intoxication with Marijuana, a cannabinoid is memory.
manifested by sensation of slowed time,
81. She tearfully tells the nurse “I can’t take
conjunctival redness, social withdrawal,
it when she accuses me of stealing her
impaired judgment and hallucinations.
things.” Which response by the nurse will be
79. The client admitted for alcohol most therapeutic?
detoxification develops increased tremors,
A. ”Don’t take it personally. Your
irritability, hypertension and fever. The
mother does not mean it.”
nurse should be alert for impending:
B. “Have you tried discussing this with
A. delirium tremens
your mother?”
B. Korsakoff’s syndrome
C. “This must be difficult for you and
C. esophageal varices your mother.”
D. Wernicke’s syndrome D. “Next time ask your mother where
her things were last seen.”
Answer: (A) delirium tremens
Answer: (C) “This must be difficult for you
Delirium Tremens is the most extreme
and your mother.”
central nervous system irritability due to
withdrawal from alcohol B. This refers to an This reflecting the feeling of the daughter
amnestic syndrome associated with chronic that shows empathy. A and D. Giving advise
alcoholism due to a deficiency in Vit. B C. does not encourage verbalization. B. This
This is a complication of liver cirrhosis which response does not encourage verbalization
may be secondary to alcoholism . D. This is of feelings.
a complication of alcoholism characterized
82. The primary nursing intervention in
by irregularities of eye movements and lack
working with a client with moderate stage
of coordination.
dementia is ensuring that the client:
80. Situation: An old woman was brought for
A. receives adequate nutrition and
evaluation due to the hospital for evaluation
due to increasing forgetfulness and
limitations in daily function. The daughter B. will reminisce to decrease isolation
revealed that the client used her toothbrush
to comb her hair. She is manifesting: C. remains in a safe and secure
A. apraxia
D. independently performs self-care
B. aphasia
Answer: (C) remains in a safe and secure
C. agnosia environment
D. amnesia Safety is a priority consideration as the
client’s cognitive ability deteriorates.. A is
Answer: (C) agnosia
appropriate interventions because the
This is the inability to recognize objects. A. client’s cognitive impairment can affect the
Apraxia is the inability to execute motor client’s ability to attend to his nutritional
activities despite intact comprehension. B. needs, but it is not the priority B. Patient is
Aphasia is the loss of ability to use or allowed to reminisce but it is not the priority.
D. The client in the moderate stage of and dehydration secondary to starvation.
Alzheimer’s disease will have difficulty in Which of the following nursing diagnoses
performing activities independently will be given priority for the client?
83. She says to the nurse who offers her A. altered self-image
breakfast, “Oh no, I will wait for my
B. fluid volume deficit
husband. We will eat together” The
therapeutic response by the nurse is: C. altered nutrition less than body
A. “Your husband is dead. Let me
serve you your breakfast.” D. altered family process
B. “I’ve told you several times that he is Answer: (B) fluid volume deficit
dead. It’s time to eat.”
Fluid volume deficit is the priority over
C. “You’re going to have to wait a long altered nutrition (A) since the situation
time.” indicates that the client is dehydrated. A and
D are psychosocial needs of a client with
D. “What made you say that your
anorexia nervosa but they are not the
husband is alive?
Answer: (A) “Your husband is dead. Let me
86. What is the best intervention to teach
serve you your breakfast.”
the client when she feels the need to
The client should be reoriented to reality starve?
and be focused on the here and now.. B.
A. Allow her to starve to relieve her
This is not a helpful approach because of
the short term memory of the client. C. This
indicates a pompous response. D. The B. Do a short term exercise until the
cognitive limitation of the client makes the urge passes
client incapable of giving explanation.
C. Approach the nurse and talk out her
84. Dementia unlike delirium is feelings
characterized by:
D. Call her mother on the phone and
A. slurred speech tell her how she feels
B. insidious onset Answer: (C) Approach the nurse and talk
out her feelings
C. clouding of consciousness
The client with anorexia nervosa uses
D. sensory perceptual change
starvation as a way of managing anxiety.
Answer: (B) insidious onset Talking out feelings with the nurse is an
adaptive coping. A. Starvation should not be
Dementia has a gradual onset and
encouraged. Physical safety is a priority.
progressive deterioration. It causes
Without adequate nutrition, a life threatening
pronounced memory and cognitive
situation exists. B. The client with anorexia
disturbances. A,C and D are all
nervosa is preoccupied with losing weight
characteristics of delirium.
due to disturbed body image. Limits should
85. Situation: A 17 year old gymnast is be set on attempts to lose more weight. D.
admitted to the hospital due to weight loss The client may have a domineering mother
which causes the client to feel ambivalent. control of eating habits. The goal for this
The client will not discuss her feelings with problem is:
her mother.
A. Patient will learn problem solving
87. The client with anorexia nervosa is skills
improving if:
B. Patient will have decreased
A. She eats meals in the dining room. symptoms of anxiety.
B. Weight gain C. Patient will perform self care
activities daily.
C. She attends ward activities.
D. Patient will verbalize how to set
D. She has a more realistic self-
limits on others.
Answer: (A) Patient will learn problem
Answer: (B) Weight gain
solving skills
Weight gain is the best indication of the
if the client learns problem solving skills she
client’s improvement. The goal is for the
will gain a sense of control over her life. (B)
client to gain 1-2 pounds per week. (A)The
Anxiety is caused by powerlessness. (C)
client may purge after eating. (C) Attending
Performing self care activities will not
an activity does not indicate improvement in
decrease ones powerlessness (D) Setting
nutritional state. (D) Body image is a factor
limits to control imposed by others is a
in anorexia nervosa but it is not an indicator
necessary skill but problem solving skill is
for improvement.
the priority.
88. The characteristic manifestation that will
90. In the management of bulimic patients,
differentiate bulimia nervosa from anorexia
the following nursing interventions will
nervosa is that bulimic individuals
promote a therapeutic relationship
A. have episodic binge eating and EXCEPT:
A. Establish an atmosphere of trust
B. have repeated attempts to stabilize
B. Discuss their eating behavior.
their weight
C. Help patients identify feelings
C. have peculiar food handling patterns
associated with binge-purge
D. have threatened self-esteem behavior

Answer: (A) have episodic binge eating and D. Teach patient about bulimia nervosa
Answer: (B) Discuss their eating behavior.
Bulimia is characterized by binge eating
The client is often ashamed of her eating
which is characterized by taking in a large
behavior. Discussion should focus on
amount of food over a short period of time.
feelings. A,C and D promote a therapeutic
B and C are characteristics of a client with
anorexia nervosa D. Low esteem is noted in
both eating disorders 91. Situation: A 35 year old male has
intense fear of riding an elevator. He claims
89. A nursing diagnosis for bulimia nervosa
“ As if I will die inside.” This has affected his
is powerlessness related to feeling not in
studies The client is suffering from:
A. agoraphobia C. Confronting the client about
discrepancies in verbal or non-verbal
B. social phobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. The client feels angry towards the
D. Xenophobia nurse who resembles his mother.

Answer: (C) Claustrophobia Answer: (A) Revealing personal information

to the client
Claustrophobia is fear of closed space. A.
Agoraphobia is fear of open space or being A. Countertransference is an emotional
a situation where escape is difficult. B. reaction of the nurse on the client based on
Social phobia is fear of performing in the her unconscious needs and conflicts. B and
presence of others in a way that will be C. These are therapeutic approaches. D.
humiliating or embarrassing. D. Xenophobia This is transference reaction where a client
is fear of strangers. has an emotional reaction towards the
nurse based on her past.
92. Initial intervention for the client should
be to: 94. Which is the desired outcome in
conducting desensitization:
A. Encourage to verbalize his fears as
much as he wants. A. The client verbalize his fears about
the situation
B. Assist him to find meaning to his
feelings in relation to his past. B. The client will voluntarily attend
group therapy in the social hall.
C. Establish trust through a consistent
approach. C. The client will socialize with others
D. Accept her fears without criticizing.
D. The client will be able to overcome
Answer: (D) Accept her fears without his disabling fear.
Answer: (D) The client will be able to
The client cannot control her fears although overcome his disabling fear.
the client knows its silly and can joke about
it. A. Allow expression of the client’s fears The client will overcome his disabling fear
but he should focus on other productive by gradual exposure to the feared object.
activities as well. B and C. These are not A,B and C are not the desired outcome of
the initial interventions. desensitization.

93. The nurse develops a 95. Which of the following should be

countertransference reaction. This is included in the health teachings among
evidenced by: clients receiving Valium:

A. Revealing personal information to A. Avoid taking CNS depressant like

the client alcohol.

B. Focusing on the feelings of the B. There are no restrictions in activities.

C. Limit fluid intake.
D. Any beverage like coffee may be The most therapeutic response by the nurse
taken is:
Answer: (A) Avoid taking CNS depressant A. “I can refer you to a spiritual
like alcohol. counselor if you like.”
Valium is a CNS depressant. Taking it with B. “You shouldn’t allow anyone to
other CNS depressants like alcohol; pressure you into sex.”
potentiates its effect. B. The client should be
C. “It sounds like this problem is related
taught to avoid activities that require
to your paralysis.”
alertness. C. Valium causes dry mouth so
the client must increase her fluid intake. D. D. “How do you feel about being
Stimulants must not be taken by the client pressured into sex by your
because it can decrease the effect of boyfriend?”
Answer: (D) “How do you feel about being
96. Situation: A 20 year old college student pressured into sex by your boyfriend?”
is admitted to the medical ward because of
sudden onset of paralysis of both legs. Focusing on expression of feelings is
Extensive examination revealed no physical therapeutic. The central force of the client’s
basis for the complaint. The nurse plans condition is anxiety. A. This is not
intervention based on which correct therapeutic because the nurse passes the
statement about conversion disorder? responsibility to the counselor. B. Giving
advice is not therapeutic. C. This is not
A. The symptoms are conscious effort therapeutic because it confronts the
to control anxiety underlying cause.
B. The client will experience high level 98. Malingering is different from somatoform
of anxiety in response to the disorder because the former:
A. Has evidence of an organic basis.
C. The conversion symptom has
symbolic meaning to the client B. It is a deliberate effort to handle
upsetting events
D. A confrontational approach will be
beneficial for the client. C. Gratification from the environment
are obtained.
Answer: (C) The conversion symptom has
symbolic meaning to the client D. Stress is expressed through physical
the client uses body symptoms to relieve
anxiety. A. The condition occurs Answer: (B) It is a deliberate effort to handle
unconsciously. B. The client is not upsetting events
distressed by the lost or altered body Malingering is a conscious simulation of an
function. D. The client should not be illness while somatoform disorder occurs
confronted by the underlying cause of his unconscious. A. Both disorders do not have
condition because this can aggravate the an organic or structural basis. C. Both have
client’s anxiety. primary gains. D. This is a characteristic of
97. Nina reveals that the boyfriend has been somatoform disorder.
pressuring her to engage in premarital sex.
99. Unlike psychophysiologic disorder Linda
may be best managed with:
A. medical regimen
B. milieu therapy
C. stress management techniques
D. psychotherapy
Answer: (C) stress management techniques
Stress management techniques is the best
management of somatoform disorder
because the disorder is related to stress
and it does not have a medical basis. A.
This disorder is not supported by organic
pathology so no medical regimen is
required. B and D. Milieu therapy and
psychotherapy may be used a therapeutic
modality but these are not the best.
100. A client is admitted with needle tracts
on his arm, stuporous and with pin point
pupil will likely be managed with:
A. Naltrexone (Revia)
B. Narcan (Naloxone)
C. Disulfiram (Antabuse)
D. Methadone (Dolophine)
Answer: (B) Narcan (Naloxone)
Narcan is a narcotic antagonist used to
manage the CNS depression due to
overdose with heroin. A. This is an opiate
receptor blocker used to relieve the craving
for heroine C. Disulfiram is used as a
deterrent in the use of alcohol. D.
Methadone is used as a substitute in the
withdrawal from heroine

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