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Republic of the Philippines






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Math is all around us. Whenever we decide on what to purchase, choose an insurance or

health plan, or use a spreadsheet, we rely on mathematics understanding. The World Wide Web

(WWW), CD-ROMs, and other media disseminate vast quantities of quantitative information. In the

21st century, the level of mathematical thinking and problem-solving needed in the workplace has

increased. In such, those who understand mathematics will have opportunities that others do not.

Being proficient in mathematics is directly proportional to advanced cognitive skills. Math

enhances the critical and analytical thinking of an individual. We solve mathematical questions with

deep analysis, collection, differentiation and combination of data. This process prepares our brain to

function logically in the real world as well. We learn to ascertain connections, cause and effect

relations, recognize patterns, and derive conclusions. It helps us analyze different scenarios and make

the right call. With a sense of logic and tools of critical thinking, math further improves problem-

solving skills. Solving equations and word problems make us patient and deft while facing life issues.

Math makes people look for solutions with a critical yet creative eye. It helps them weigh the

evidence with practicality instead of emotion. Thus, in essence, it makes people proficient problem-


It employ intricate processes to find the correct answer. Thus, mathematics develops planning and

sequential processing in students. They learn to think ahead of a situation and work in a

predetermined pattern. Practice and repeated math exams increase the efficiency of their actions in life

as well.

Thus, repetitive math practice enriches our everyday life with enhanced attention and memory.

As the complexity of math increases, the use of visualization and spatial processes rise. Math boost

our capacity to transform and understand concepts visually. It improves our pace in solving math

problems mentally, rather than manually.

Mathematics is used in the most mundane day-to-day tasks, far outside the math class. We are

habitual to apply its principles and concepts without deliberate effort. When we cook, the required
amount of ingredients is calculated through basic math processes such as multiplication or addition.

When we buy our favorite brand on sale, we use percentages to determine the discounted price. We

apply geometrical theories such as grids, shapes, proportion, symmetry or measurement in art & craft,

sculpting, or sewing. We use speed, time, and distance to plan a road trip for the holidays. In addition,

mathematical processes hone our reasoning abilities that enhance our daily life skills.

Despite explaining more about mathematics and the proof that it is important, the students

today do not like this subject. They think Mathematics is a boring subject, and it’s hard to understand

formulas, they always say “Why should we study mathematics, only four major operations are

enough, and the rest no longer needed. We don’t use graphs and formulas in our daily living.” Only if

they understand the logic behind this subject and the principles applied in different problems, if they

get what mathematics meant to be, they will find it is not a boring subject, that mathematics is an

interesting one. Mathematics becomes part of our life. We don’t see that even in a simple

conversation mathematics takes place. In our transportation it also occurs, and in our daily living it


Background of the Study

Many studies and reports already come up with various reasons for Low performance in

mathematics. Among those are student-related factors such as interest and study habits towards

mathematics and teacher-related factors such as, personality traits, teaching skills, and instructional

materials displayed by the teacher.

As a classroom teacher it is my obligation to ensure that learning takes place among my

students through appropriate strategies and develop deep sense of interest in mathematics. This study

highlights student and teacher related factors which contribute to the academic achievement of

students. From the discussion with the Principal, Teachers and Students, interpretation of the

assessment result and exposure gained through classroom observation helped me to concentrate and

study on some indicators on student related factors like interest and study habits of the students, and

teacher related factor such as personality traits, teaching skills and instructional materials displayed by

the mathematics teacher.

According to Ayebale, et. al. (2020), that teaching methods, teachers’ attitude, students’

attitude towards mathematics were noted as key factors. The students’ attitude is seen to affect their

performance in mathematics in different studies. In a comparative study have found that there is a

direct link between students’ attitudes towards Mathematics and student outcomes.

Students engagement in mathematics refers to students’ motivation to learn mathematics,

their confidence in their ability to succeed in mathematics and their emotional feelings about

mathematics. Student engagement in mathematics plays a key role in the acquisition of math skills

and knowledge. Students who are engaged in the learning process will tend to learn more receptive to

further learning. Student engagement also has an impact upon course selection, educational pathways

and late career choices.

This particular study attempts to determine the factors affecting mathematics performance of

Grade 7-10 Junior High School students at Maria Integrated School.

Conceptual Framework

The major idea of this study is focused on factors affecting Mathematics Performance of

Grade 7-10 Junior High School Students at Maria Integrated School.

The figure below shows the relationship of input variables which contain the extent of the

student-related factors and the extent of the teacher-related factors. While on the process contains the

survey, data gathering, data analysis and data interpretation. And output variables contain the analysis

of student-related factors and teacher-related factors.


Interest An analysis of Student-
Study Habits Survey Related Factors
Data Gathering
TEACHER-RELATED Data Analysis An Analysis of
FACTORS Data Interpretation Teacher-Related
Personality Traits Factors
Teaching Skills
Instructional Materials
Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting mathematics performance

of Grade 7 – 10 Junior High School students at Maria Integrated School.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of the student-related factors in terms of interest and study habits?

2. What is the extent of the teacher-related factors in terms of personality traits, teaching skills

and instructional materials?

3. What is the level of students’ mathematics performance?

4. Is there a significant relationship between students’ mathematics performance and student-

related factors?

5. Is there a significant relationship between students’ mathematics performance and teacher-

related factors?


The following are the null hypothesis of this research:

There is no significant relationship between students’ mathematics performance and students-

related factors.

There is no significant relationship between students’ mathematics performance and teacher-

related factors.

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will benefit the following:

School Administrator. The findings of this study could serve as the baseline data to improve

programs for school development.

Curriculum Coordinator. The findings of this study will help them assess the existing

programs in terms of the student’s needs and abilities and make changes as required.

Guidance Advocate. This study will help develop the guidance program in line with the

individual needs and abilities of the students.

Teachers. The findings of this study may serve as an eye opener to create and innovates

instructional materials and to use varied and appropriate teaching strategies.

Students. The study will help the students develop their interest toward mathematics and

appreciate the importance of mathematics in their daily lives.

Parents. This will help the parents in understanding who are directly concerned with the

education of their children considering school performance in different discipline.

Scope and Limitations

This study is limited only to Grade 7-10 Junior High School Students of Maria Integrated


Determining the factors affecting mathematics performance of Grade 7-10 Junior High

School Students was the focus of the study. The information needed will be gathered using the

checklist-style questionnaire. All information and conclusions drawn from this study were obtained

only to this group of students.

Definition of Terms

To understand better the terms related to this study, the following terms are defined


Mathematics Performance. This refers to the degree or capacity of students’ knowledge in


Instructional Materials. This refers to the teaching materials or equipment used. It can be a

high technology or simple materials that can be used as learning preference.

Interest. This refers to the students’ dislike or like of things.

Study Habits. This refers to person’s action in studying.

Teaching Skills. This refers to the skills of teachers in mathematics in terms of teaching

his/her lessons.

Personality Traits. This refers to the good relationship of mathematics teachers with the




This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the sub-topics of this

research: interest, study habits, personality traits, teaching skills and instructional materials.

According to Mazana et. al. (2015) students liked mathematics because they saw its value in

everyday life, and they found mathematics interesting and enjoyable. They possessed self-confidence

to do well in mathematics which is in line with Van der Bergh (2013) who found a significant

influence between self-confidence and students’ ability to successfully learn and perform well in

mathematics. The study of Syyeda (2016) also supports this finding as it was found that despite

negative emotions, students’ valued mathematics in future and their present lives.

Abin et. al. (2020), Academic achievement in mathematics is positively associated not only

with cognitive abilities, but also with emotional and motivational skills. However, feeling oneself to

be capable may not be sufficient to explain personal commitment with academic tasks. Furthermore,

task commitment needs to be perceived as useful. Perceived utility of mathematics refers to students’

understanding about the applicability and benefits of learning that subject to their lives.

Study Habits

Elise, et. al. (2021) stated that students’ independent study behaviors are an important part of

their learning in college courses. When holding preparation, class absences, and total study time

equal, was found that students who spent more time on effortful, active study strategies and used a

greater number of active strategies had higher scores for exams. Yet neither students who started

studying earlier nor those who studied over more sessions scored differently than students who started

later or studied over fewer sessions. Additionally, students who were more distracted while studying

tended to perform worse than students who were less distracted. In other words, both the degree to
which students employed desirably difficult strategies while studying and their level of focus when

doing so were important for performance.

Ebele, et. al. (2017) distinguishes study habits is how one studies. That is, the habits which

students form during their school years. Without good study habits, a student cannot succeed. Their

study investigated the impact of study habits on 1050 senior secondary school students’ academic

performance in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The instrument used for data collection was

questionnaire. Chi-square was used for data analysis. The finding of the study revealed that there is

significant relationship between study habits and students’ academic performance. It was

recommended that teachers and school guidance counselors should collaboratively guide students on

how to develop good study habits; thereby enhancing their academic success.

How a student takes his or her studies, greatly determines his/her level of academic

achievements. The level of preparation and learning strategies developed and employed consciously

by students, go a long way to influence their level of academic performance.

Thus, study habit is one of the greatest students or learning factors that hugely influences

students’ academic achievements. If undermined by students at all levels, teachers, administrators,

parents and guardians, school counselors and the government, then, the trend and menace of students’

abysmal performance in both internal and  external  examinations  would   continue   to boom and

become more devastating and alarming.

Personal Traits

El Othman, et. al. (2020), their study underlined the role of emotional intelligence as a

mediation factor between personality traits and decision-making styles namely openness to

experience, extroversion, and conscientiousness personality traits with intuitive decision-making

style. Personality traits are universal, beginning in adulthood and remaining stable with time.

Comparably, decision-making styles are stable across situations. The present findings further solidify

a previously established relationship between personality traits and decision-making and describes the

effect of emotional intelligence on this relationship.

Teaching Skills

Yeh, et. al. (2019), describes how they designed a game-based learning environment,

called Math-Island, by incorporating the mechanisms of a construction management game into the

knowledge map of the elementary mathematics curriculum. Since, conventional teacher-led

instruction remains dominant in most elementary mathematics classrooms in Taiwan. Under such

instruction, the teacher can rarely take care of all students. Many students may then continue to fall

behind the standard of mathematics achievement and lose their interest in mathematics; they

eventually give up on learning mathematics. In fact, students in Taiwan generally have lower interest

in learning mathematics compared to many other regions/countries. Thus, to enhance students’

mathematics achievement and interest are two major problems, especially for those low-achieving

students. They reported an experiment conducted with 215 elementary students for 2  years, from

grade 2 to grade 3. In their experiment, in addition to teacher-led instruction in the classroom, students

were directed to learn with Math-Island by using their own tablets at school and at home. As a result,

they found that there is an increase in students’ mathematics achievement, especially in the

calculation and word problems. Moreover, the achievements of low-achieving students in the

experimental school outperformed the low-achieving students in the control school (a control group in

another school) in word problems. Moreover, both the low-achieving students and the high-achieving

students in the experimental school maintained a rather high level of interest in mathematics and in

the system.

Bloom’s taxonomy was developed to provide a common language for teachers to discuss and

exchange learning and assessment methods. Specific learning outcomes can be derived from the

taxonomy, though it is most used to assess learning on a variety of cognitive levels. The table below

defines each cognitive level from higher- to lower-order thinking.

The goal of an educator’s using Bloom’s taxonomy is to encourage higher-order thought in

their students by building up from lower-level cognitive skills. Behavioral and cognitive learning

outcomes are given to highlight how Bloom’s taxonomy can be incorporated into larger-scale
educational goals or guidelines. The key phrases can be used (e.g., Example Assessments) to prompt

for these skills during the assessment process.

Instructional Materials

Instructional materials are those materials used by a teacher to simplify their teaching. They

include both visual and audio-visual aids and could either be concrete or non-concrete. These

instructional materials bring life to learning by stimulating students to learn.

Hilda, et. al. (2015) examines the availability and use of instructional resources necessary for

teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution as a topic in Social Studies subject in primary schools in

Nandi North District in Kenya. The study showed that the lacked of sufficient instructional materials

has something to do with effective teaching of the topic. There is a need for teachers to be retrained

and sensitized on the appropriate instructional materials for teaching Conflict and Conflict Resolution.

Stephen, et. al. (2013), investigated the influence of instructional materials (teaching aids) on

students’ academic performance in senior secondary school Chemistry in Cross River State. The study

revealed that students taught with instructional materials performed significantly better than those

taught without instructional materials and also that the use of instructional materials generally

improved students’ understanding of concepts and led to high academic achievements.



This chapter presents the research design, population and sample of the study, research

instrument and procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study determined the factors affecting mathematics performance of Grade 7 – 10 Junior

High School students at Maria Integrated School. Random sampling method will be used in this

study. As mentioned, the student-related factors in terms of interest and study habits, and the teacher

related factors of personal traits, teaching skills and instructional materials generated using a


Respondents of the Study

The respondents in this study will be selected from the Junior High School students at Maria

Integrated School.

Research Instrument

The main tool of the study will be a questionnaire-checklist. The questionnaire is constructed

for the student respondents. It is consisting of the students’ level of interest in Mathematics, their

study habits and their teachers’ personality traits, teaching skills and instructional materials use in

teaching as perceived by the students.

Research Procedure

The researcher will secure a letter of request to the principal of Maria Integrated School.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Analysis Statistical Tools

1. The extent of student-related factors Weighted Mean

in terms of interest and study habits.

2. The extent of teacher-related factors Weighted Mean

in terms of personality traits, teaching skills

and instructional materials.

3. The level of students’ mathematics Mean, median, mode


4. Significant relationship between Regression

students’ mathematics performance

and student-related factor.

5. Significant relationship between Regression

students’ mathematics performance

and teacher-related factor.


Ayebale, Lillian, Habaasa, Gilbert, and Tweheyo, Samson. ‘Factors Affecting Students’ Achievement
in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Developing Countries: A Rapid Systematic Review’. 1 Jan.
2020 : 73 – 76.

Maamin, M.; Maat, S.M.; H. Iksan, Z. The Influence of Student Engagement on Mathematical
Achievement among Secondary School Students. Mathematics 2022, 10, 41.

Abín A, Núñez JC, Rodríguez C, Cueli M, García T and Rosário P (2020) Predicting Mathematics
Achievement in Secondary Education: The Role of Cognitive, Motivational, and Emotional Variables.
Front. Psychol. 11:876. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00876

Elise M. Walck-Shannon, Shaina F. Rowell, and Regina F. Frey (2021) To What Extent Do Study
Habits Relate to Performance? CBE Life Sci Educ. 20:ar6

Ebele Uju F. and Olofu Paul A. (2017) Study habit and its impact on secondary school students’
academic performance in biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Academic Journals,
Vol.12(10), pp. 583-588.

El Othman, R., El Othman, R., Hallit, R. et al. Personality traits, emotional intelligence and decision-
making styles in Lebanese universities medical students. BMC Psychol 8, 46 (2020).

Yeh et al. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (2019) 14:5

Stephen A. Adalikwu and Isaac T. Iorkpilgh (Received 29, August 2012; Revision Accepted 12,
February 2013) DOI

Hilda Ng’etich Tuimur and Bernard Chemwei. Availability And Use Of Instructional Materials In
The Teaching Of Conflict And Conflict Resolution In Primary Schools In Nandi North District,
Kenya. International Journal of Education and Practice, 2015, ED560670.pdf

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