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Surface Water Hydrology

Tutorial 5
1. The rainfall recorded over a catchment area of 18.5 km2 for a 10-min storm event and the
discharge resulting from the storm event measured at the outlet of the catchment area is given
in Table 1 below. The infiltration loss is 2.76 mm. The evapotranspiration loss can be neglected.
Establish 10-min unit hydrograph (UH). Verify that the volume of DRO resulting from the UH is 1

Table 1:
Time Discharge at outlet of
(minutes) Rainfall (mm) catchment (m3/s)
0 0.00
10 5.4 0.30
20 1.80
30 4.30
40 8.30
50 12.30
60 15.50
70 17.50
80 12.60
90 5.70
100 2.50
110 0.75
120 0.00

2. Based on the 10-min UH generated in Question 1, determine the catchment area.

3. Determine 30-min UH from the 10-min UH generated in Question 1, using lag add and divide

4. Determine 30-min UH from the 10-min UH generated in Question 1, using S-curve method.

5. Determine 10-min UH from the 30-min UH generated in Question 4.

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